Party of American Wigeon on Bolinas Lagoon.
Second Trip
Eurasian Wigeon – Anas penelope
An adult drake was picked out with small numbers of American Wigeon at a lake north of Bodega Bay on the 14th.
First Trip
Gadwall - Anas strepera strepera C
A single individual was seen at the Lancaster Sewage Ponds on the 21st.
Second Trip
Just 2 seen at Lake Cleone on the 4th.
First Trip
Green-winged Teal - Anas crecca carolinensis C
Seen on five dates with a daily maximum of 40 seen at the Salton Sea on the 20th.
Second Trip
Recorded on 7 dates with a daily maximum of 60, although it was probably under-recorded by ourselves.
First Trip
Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos/diazi C
The form platyrhynchos was seen on nine dates whilst in California with a daily maximum of 100 seen at the Salton Sea on the 18th. We also saw 12 Mexican Ducks A.p.diazi at the Willcox Sewage Ponds on the 16th.
Second Trip
Small numbers seen virtually daily with a maximum of 100 on the 11th.
First Trip
Northern Pintail - Anas acuta C
We saw 10 at Willcox Sewage Ponds on the 16th, 1 at the Salton Sea on the 19th and 6 at the Lancaster Sewage Ponds on the 21st.
Second Trip
Recorded in fair numbers on 7 dates with a maximum of 500 on the 7th at Bolinas Lagoon.
First Trip
Blue-winged Teal - Anas discors C
We saw just 2 at Moss Landing on the 4th.
First Trip
Cinnamon Teal - Anas cyanoptera septentrionalium C
Seen on seven dates with daily maximums of 150 at Willcox on the 16th and 110 at the Tuscon Sewage Ponds on the 17th.
Second Trip
A flock of 20 dropped into Merced Refuge Area on the 11th.
First Trip
Northern Shoveler - Anas clypeata C
Seen on six dates with a daily maximum of 8 at Moss Landing on the 4th.
Second Trip
Only small numbers recorded on 5 dates with a maximum of 20 on the 16th at Bolinas Lagoon.
Second Trip
Redhead – Aythya Americana
Only a female seen at Pt. Reynes on the 14th.
Second Trip
Ring-necked Duck – Aythya collaris
Ten seen on the 3rd and 15 on the 14th both at Pt. Reynes.
Second Trip
Lesser Scaup – Aythya affinis
All the Scaup identified were “Lessers” but were under-recorded. Seen on 9 dates with a daily maximum of 15.
Second Trip
Black Scoter – Melanitta nigra
4 seen on the 3rd and 10 on the 14th all at Pt. Reynes.
Second Trip
White-winged Scoter – Melanitta fusca
2 flew past out to sea on the 5th at Van Damme State Park and 5 gave fine views feeding in Bodega Bay on the 15th.

Drake White Winged Scoter at Bodega Bay.
First Trip
Surf Scoter - Melanitta perspicillata C
Seen on six dates with a total of 51 birds seen with a daily maximum of 14 seen at Bodega Bay on the 3rd. Birds were seen at Moss Landing on every visit there.
Second Trip
Very common, and seen virtually daily, with a maximum of 500 on the 4th.
Drake Surf Scoter at Moss Landing
Flock of Surf Scoters along the Mendociono County Coast.
Second Trip
Harlequin Duck – Histriunicus histrionicus
One of the highlights of our second trip, with a fine pair at Pt. Reyes on the 3rd and another pair at Ano Nuvo on the 10th.
Second Trip
Barrow’s Goldeneye – Bucephala islandica
Another highlight, with 3 fine drakes gave superb views in excellent light at Bolinas Lagoon on the 7th.
Second Trip
Common Goldeneye – Bucephala clangula
Four on the 4rd, 12 on the 7th and 20 on the 16th at Bolinas Lagoon with 2 on the 10 at Ano Nuvo.
Second Trip
Bufflehead – Bucephala albeola
Good numbers seen of this fine duck including many drakes. Recorded on 8 dates with a maximum of 150 on the 7th.
Small party of female type Buffleheads at the Bolinas Lagoon.
Drake Bufflehead at Bolinas Lagoon.
Second Trip
Common Merganser – Mergus merganser
A party of 6 including 1 drake on a coastal lagoon north of Bodega on the 5th and 2 on the 12th on a lagoon along the Big Sur Coast.
First Trip
Red-breasted Merganser - Mergus serrator C
We saw 2 at the Arroyo Seco rivermouth on the 25th.
Second Trip
Small numbers recorded virtually daily all females with a daily maximum of 10.
Second Trip
Hooded Merganser – Lophodytes cucullatus
Six females seen on a lake north of Bodega Bay on the 5th.
First Trip
Ruddy Duck - Oxyura jamaicensis jamaicensis C
Seen on seven dates with a daily maximum of 300 being seen at the Lancaster Sewage Ponds.
Second Trip
Common, recorded on 10 dates with a maximum of 100 but was probably under-recorded.
Second Trip
Wood Duck – Aix sponsa
A female seen on Monterey Park Lake on the 13th was our only sighting.
First Trip
Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura aura C
Seen on twenty dates with a daily maximum of 250 seen between Tuscon and the Salton Sea on the 18th.
Second Trip
Common around San Francisco and North with up to 40 on a day.
First Trip
California Condor - Gymnogyps californianus C
We were fortunate enough to watch an adult for an hour from 5.30pm to 6.30pm on the 21st whilst it fed at a carcass for 40 minutes and then soared around for 20 minutes approximately a quarter of a mile beyond ‘the sign’ which was a regular site for carcasses to be provided. It was finally lost to sight soaring east towards ‘the sign’. There were only three Condor still in the wild, and these 3 were about to be taken into capativity to assist with a breeding programme with Condors alreardy in this breeding programme.
First Trip
Osprey - Pandion haliaetus carolinensis C
We saw 3 at Pt. Reyes on the 3rd, 1 at the Salton Sea on the 18th and 19th and 2 flew east over the Condor’s Carcass on the 21st.
Second Trip
One found roosting on a yacht mast in Bodega Bay on the 15th.
First Trip
White-tailed Kite - Elanus leucurus majusculus C
Seen on three dates with 1 at Surf on the 23rd, 6 at Elkhorn Slough on the 26th and 1 at Ano Nuevo and 2 at Moss Landing on the 27th.
Second Trip
Recorded on seven dates, with a daily maximum of 6 on the 11th.
White Tailed Kite near Elkhorn Slough.
First Trip
Mississippi Kite - Ictinia mississippiensis C
We saw 6 at Dudleyville over fields before reaching the river on the 18th.

Poor record shots of a Mississippi Kite over Dudleyville.
First Trip
Northern Harrier - Circus cyaneus hudsonius C
Seen on eight dates with a total of 11 individuals seen.
Second Trip
Small numbers seen on 10 dates with 50 seen on the 11th with many coming into roost at the San Luis Refuge.
Northern Harrier at Ano Nuveo.
Ringtail Northern Harrier at
Mono Lake.
First Trip
Sharp-shinned Hawk - Accipiter striatus velox C
A single individual seen at Pt. Reyes on the 3rd, 1 seen in Yosemite on the 6th and 1 seen near Flagstaff on the 11th.
Second Trip
Odd birds seen on 7 dates.
First Trip
Cooper’s Hawk - Accipiter cooperii C
We encountered a total of 7 birds over four dates often being seen whilst travelling. A daily maximum of 3 were seen between Moss Landing and Yosemite on the 4th.
Second Trip
One seen at Pt. Reyes on the 3rd, and 2 seen along the Panoche Valley on the 11th.
First Trip
Northern Goshawk - Accipiter gentilis atricapillus C
Singles were seen in Yosemite at the Bridalveil Campground on the 5th and near White Wolf on the 6th.
First Trip
Common Black Hawk - Buteogallus anthracinus anthracinus C
We saw 3 adults in the Aravaipa Canyon on the 11th and 2 adults and a juvenile there on the 18th.
First Trip
Harris’ Hawk - Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi C
We saw 4 all sat on telegraph poles along Highway 177 north of Tuscon on the 18th.
First Trip
Grey Hawk - Asturina nitida plagiata C
A single individual was seen over the Sonoita Creek Ranch and 2 were seen briefly in trees at the Sonoita Creek Sanctuary on the 14th.
First Trip
Red-shouldered Hawk - Buteo lineatus elegans C
Only seen in California where a total of 9 were noted over six dates. Often perched close to roads.
Second Trip
Two seen on the 3rd on the trip to Pt. Reyes, with 1 on the 4th, 1 on the 8th and 1 on the 15th.

Red Shouldered Hawk near Saint Barbara.
First Trip
Swainson’s Hawk - Buteo swainsoni C
Seen on six dates mostly in Arizona and only in small numbers with a daily maximum of 28 between Douglas and Cave Creek Canyon on the 16th. In California we saw 2 near the north end of the Salton Sea on the 18th.
Swainsons Hawk near Cave Creek Canyon.
First Trip
Zone-tailed Hawk - Buteo albonotatus C
Singles were seen in Aravaipa Canyon on the 11th and on Mt. Lemmon soaring alongside 2 Turkey Vultures on the 12th.
First Trip
Red-tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis calurus C
Seen on twenty-three dates proving to be widespread in small numbers with a daily maximum of 20 seen between Moss Landing and Yosemite.
Second Trip
Very common and seen virtually daily with 20 on the 3rd at Pt. Reyes, 50 on the 11th along the Panoche Valley. The subspecies “Harlans Hawk”, very dark brown was seen at Bodage Headland.

Red Tailed Hawk near Pt. Reyes.
Second Trip
Rough Legged Hawk – Buteo lagopus
A single bird gave excellent views along the road north of Bodega Bay on the 5th. Superb.
Second Trip
Ferruginous Hawk – Buteo regalis
Two seen on the 11th and 2 on the 12th both in the Panoche Valley. A nice clean looking Hawk with an exceptionally pale tail and wing coverts.
A distant Ferruginous Hawk in the Panoche Valley.
First Trip
Golden Eagle - Aquila chrysaetos canadensis C
Seen on five dates with a daily maximum of 7 seen at the carcass near the Condor Sign on the 22nd.
Second Trip
Excellent vies of one standing on a rock along the Panoche Valley on the 11th.
Golden Eagle sat along the Big Sur Coast.
First Trip
American Kestrel - Falco sparverius sparverius C
Seen every day but three in small numbers with a daily maximum of 12 seen on the 24th.
Second Trip
Very common, seen in fair numbers virtually daily with a maximum of 60 along the Panoche Valley on the 11th.
American Kestrel along the Big Sur Coast.
Second Trip
Merlin – Falco columbarius
One flew along the shoreline in Monterey Harbour on the 8th, and 1 on the 14th at Pt. Reyes.
First Trip
Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus anatum C
Singles were seen at Ano Nuevo and Moss Landing on the 27th.
Second Trip
One seen on the 10th at Moss Landing, 1 on the 12th along thew Big Sur Coast and another on the 14th at Pt. Reyes.

Juvenile Peregrine at Moss Landing.
First Trip
Wild Turkey - Meleagris gallopavo merriami C
We saw a party of 3 along the Mines Road just south of Livermore.
Second Trip
Pheasant – Phasianus colchicus
Four seen on the 11th in the Central Valley Refuges.
First Trip
Blue Grouse - Dendragapus obscurus C
A single individual was seen at Westfall Meadow in Yosemite on the 5th. The favoured area on the right in the trees near the small stream just as you reach the meadow on the trail from the Bridalveil Camp. It proved exceptionally tame. Superb.

Female Blue Grouse at Westfall Meadow, Yosemite.
First Trip
Mountain Quail - Oreortyx pictus C
We saw 8 near the Westfall Meadow in Yosemite on the 5th, 20 next to the Ranger’s Station at the base of Mt. Abel on the 21st and 11 at the summit of Mt. Pinos on the 22nd.
First Trip
Scaled Quail - Callipepla squamata pallida C
A party of 11 were seen on the road to Guadalupe Canyon near Douglas on the 15th.
First Trip
California Quail - Callipepla californica C
Only seen on four dates with a daily maximum of 8 seen at Pt. Reyes on the 3rd.
Second Trip
Seen on 8 dates often in large numbers with a daily maximum of 50 on the 12th in the Panoche Valley.
California in the Panoche Valley.

Adult male California Quail at Mt. Pinos.
First Trip
Gambel’s Quail - Callipepla gambelii fulvipectus C
Seen on six dates often in small flocks with a daily maximum of 60 seen on the road to Guadalupe Canyon.

Gambel’s Quail along the road towards The Grand Canyon.
First Trip
Chukar - Alectoris chukar C
We saw 40 at Tollhouse Springs just east of Bigpine on the road to Westguard Pass on the 8th.
First Trip
Common Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus cachinnans C
Seen on six dates being encountered in both California and Arizona.
First Trip
American Coot - Fulica americana americana C
Seen on thirteen dates with a daily maximum of 2,000 seen on Baldwin Lake on the 20th.
Second Trip
Very common, with a daily maximum of 250+.
American Coot near Carmel.
First Trip
Black Oystercatcher - Haematopus bachmani C
We saw 2 at Bodega Bay on the 3rd and 3 at Pt. Pinos on the 25th.
Second Trip
Recorded on 8 dates on the rocky shoreline with a daily maximum of 30 at Fort Bragg on the 4th.

Black Oystercatchers along the Big Sur Coast.
First Trip
Black-necked Stilt - Himantopus mexicanus mexicanus C
Seen on eight dates with a daily maximum of 1,000 seen at the Salton Sea on the 19th.
Second Trip
15 seen on the 10th at Elkhough Slough, with 70 at Merced Refuge on the 11th and 1 on the 13th.

Black Necked Stilts etc at the Salton Sea.
Black Necked Stilt in the
evening sunlight at the Merced Wildlife Refuge.
First Trip
American Avocet - Recurvirostra americana C
Seen on seven dates with a daily maximum of 80 seen at the Salton Sea on the 18th.
Second Trip
Recorded on 5 dates with good numbers seen at Bolinas Lagoon with 200+ on the 16th.

American Avocets at the Salton Sea.
American Avocet at Bolinas Lagoon.
First Trip
Grey Plover - Pluvialis squatarola C
Seen on eight dates with a daily maximum of 20 seen at Ano Nuevo on the 27th.
Second Trip
Common chiefly at the coast.
Grey Plover in winter plumage along the Big Sur Coast.
First Trip
Semipalmated Plover - Charadrius semipalmatus C
Seen on six dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen at the Salton Sea on the 19th.
Second Trip
Just 10 seen at Moss Landing beach on the 10th.
First Trip
Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus vociferus C
Seen on seventeen dates with a daily maximum of 20 seen at Furnace Creek in Death Valley on the 9th.
Second Trip
Recorded in fair numbers on 9 dates, with a maximum of 70 in a freshly ploughed field at Pt. Reyes on the 3rd

Killdeer at the Bolinas Lagoon.
Second Trip
Pacific Golden Plover – Pluvalis fulva
A fine party of 20 gave excellent close views at Pt. Reyes on the 14th.


Pacific Golden Plover at Pt. Reyes.
First Trip
Kentish (Snowy) Plover - Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus C
Seen on four dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen at Surf on the 23rd.

Snowy Plover at Surf.
First Trip
Common Snipe (Wilson’s) - Gallinago gallinago delicata C
A total of 3 birds were seen over two dates whilst at Mono Lake.
Second Trip
Singles seen on the 3rd and 10th with 40 on the 11th at the Merced Refuge.
First Trip
Short-billed Dowitcher - Limnodromus griseus C
Seen on nine dates with a daily maximum of 40 seen at the Salton Sea on the 19th. In Arizona we saw 8 at Willcox on the 16th.

Short Billed Dowitchers at
the Salton Sea..
First Trip
Long-billed Dowitcher - Limnodromus scolopaceus C
We saw 8 at the Salton Sea on the 19th.
Second Trip
The only Dowitcher which we identified, and all of our records have been included under this specie. Small numbers recorded on 9 dates, with a maximum of 50 on the 16th at Bolinas, but again under-recorded.

Long Billed Dowitcher with
Willets roosting at high tide in San Francisco Bay.
First Trip
Marbled Godwit - Limosa fedoa C
Seen on ten dates with a daily maximum of 120 seen at Bodega Bay on the 3rd.
Second Trip
Common, with some good high tide roosts, containing 500+ birds. Recorded on 9 dates.
Marbled Godwit at Moss Landing.
Marbled Godwith with Willets in San Francisco Bay.
First Trip
Whimbrel - Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus C
Seen on five dates with all observations in California with a daily maximum of 70 seen at the Salton Sea on the 19th.
Second Trip
Small numbers recorded on 5 dates with 10 on the 4th in the north.
First Trip
Long-billed Curlew - Numenius americanaus C
Seen on six dates with a daily maximum of 30 seen at the Salton Sea on the 19th. In Arizona a single individual was seen at the Tuscon Sewage Ponds on the 17th.
Second Trip
Two seen at Bolinas Lagoon on the 3rd, with 1 on the 7th, 6 at Elkhough Slough on the 10th and 2 at Bolinas on the 16th.
Long Billed Curlew at Bolinas Lagoon.
First Trip
Greater Yellowlegs - Tringa melanoleuca C
Seen on seven dates with a daily maximum of 15 seen at the Salton Sea on the 19th. In Arizona we saw 4 at Willcox on the 16th.
Second Trip
Only recorded on 4 dates, with a maximum of 15 at Merced Refuge area.
Greater Yellowlegs at Moss Landing.