Tuesday, 30 May 2023

TEXAS, USA. 29th March, 1985 to 20th April, 1985. David, Doreen, John & Terry Cooper


29th March, 1985 to 20th April, 1985.

David, Doreen, John & Terry Cooper

All the photographs were taken by ourselves using an old Nikon SLR camera with a small 200mm telephoto lens using Kodak films. Unfortunately many of the bird pictures came out on the small size.


29th March : Flew from Gatwick to Houston and drove out to Brookshire.

Houston Skyline.

30th March : Early morning at Attwater Reserve then driving to Port Lavaca before heading on to Indionia. 

Grass verges with wild- flowers along the motorways

31st March : Boat trip into the Aransas Bay then on to the Aransas Reserve and then the Connie Hagar Reserve.

The Whooping Crane boat.

1st April Birded the Rockport area, Welder Wildlife Reserve, Port Bay Club, the Kenny and Colin Lanes, Mustang Island and finally Tule Lake, Corpus Christi.

2nd April Drove the King’s Ranch HQ Loop before moving south to the Sarita Rest-stop, King’s Ranch and Brownsville.

Entrance to theKing's Ranch.

3rd April  Birded the Los Ebanos and Russell roads, then Coria Street, Port Isabel, Laguna Atacosa, Brownsville Dump and finally the Los Ebanos road.

4th April Early morning along Coria Street before moving on to the Santa Ana Reserve and the Bentsen Reserve
View taken near Santa Ana Reserve

 5th April : Morning in the Bentsen Reserve before again trying the Santa Ana Reserve.

 6th April : Morning in Santa Ana Reserve before trying Bentsen Reserve.

 7th April : La Joya, Falcon Dam and the Santa Margarita Ranch.

 8th April : Birded the Primitive Campsite, Falcon Dam, Falcon State Park, Salineno before back to Falcon Dam.

 9th April : Birded Falcon Dam, the Primitive Campsite and La Joya.

 10th April : Falcon Dam State Park, the Primitive Campsite, Neals’ Lodge and Concn Bat Cave.

Edwards Plateau.

11th April : Garner Park, Lost Maples Park, Hunt and Kerrville.

12th April : Johnson’s Canyon, Medina, Johnson’s Canyon.

13th April : Wild Basin Reserve near Austin, Attwater Reserve and on to High Island.

14th April : Boy Scout’s Wood, Sun Oil Fields and Anahuac Reserve.

15th April : Anahuac Reserve, Boy Scouts Wood and the Sun Oil Fields.

Nodding Donkey.

Rail Buggy at the Anahuac Reserve, which we went for a ride to look for Rails and Crakes.

Crocodile at Anahuac Reserve.

16th April : Sun Oil Fields, West Galveston Island, Sun Oil Fields and the Boy Scouts Wood.

17th April : Sun Oil Fields, Rollover Pass and on to the Boy Scouts Wood.

18th April : Sun Oil Fields, Boy Scouts Wood, Bolivar Flats, West Galveston Island and Kempner Park.

19th April : Jones State Forest, Bolivar Flats, Boy Scouts Wood.

20th April : Sun Oil Fields, Boy Scouts wood, Smiths wood before returning to Houston for flight to London.


Common Loon - Gavia immer C
At the Aransas Bay c.25 were seen on the 31st with observations both from the shore and the Whooping Crane boat.

Least Grebe - Tachybaptus dominicus bracypterus C
Only seen along the Rio Grande where 2 were seen along the Willow Lake Trail on the 4th with 3 seen there the next day, and 10 seen on the Cattail Lake, Santa Ana including a bird on its nest on the 6th.

Pied-billed Grebe - Podilymbus podiceps podiceps C
Seen on eleven dates with a daily maximum of c.10 seen on each visit to Anahuac Refuge and at the Cattail Lake, Santa Ana.

Pied Billed Grebe on the Cattail Lake, Santa Ana.

Eared Grebe - Podiceps nigricollis californicus C
Seen on three dates at Aransas Bay, Connie Hagar and Laguna Atacosa with a daily maximum of 12 seen on the 1st.

American White Pelican - Pelecanus erythrorhynchos C
Seen on thirteen dates in good numbers with a daily maximum of 350 recorded in the Corpus Christi area on the 2nd.

American White Pelicans at Corpus Christi.

Brown Pelican - Pelecanus occidentalis carolinensis C  Seen out to sea off Connie Hagar with 12 seen there on the 31st and 6 the following day.

 Double-crested Cormorant - Phalacrocorax auritus Seen in good numbers every day but one.

Double Crested Cormorant at the coast.

Neotropic Cormorant - Phalacrocorax brasilianus mexicanus C
Seen on seven dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 4 recorded in the Galveston area on the 18th.

Anhinga - Anhinga Anhinga leucogaster C
Seen on seven dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 25 flushed from the trees along the track heading east at Salineno, Rio Grande.

Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias wardi C
Seen on nineteen dates in good numbers.

Great Egret - Ardea alba egretta C
Seen on sixteen dates in good numbers.

Reddish Egret - Egretta rufescens rufescens C
Seen on six dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 6 on Mustang Island on the 1st.

Reddish Egret at Mustang Island.

Tricolored Heron - Egretta tricolor ruficollis C
Seen on thirteen dates in fair numbers.

Tri-coloured Heron from the Aransas boat.

Little Blue Heron - Egretta caerulea C  Seen on fourteen dates in fair numbers.

 Snowy Egret - Egretta thula brewsteri C  Seen on fifteen dates in large numbers.

Snowy Egret at the coast.

Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis ibis C  Seen on sixteen dates in large numbers.

Cattle Egret on High Island

Green Heron - Butorides virescensSeen on fifteen dates in small numbers.

Black-crowned Night-Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli C  Seen on nine dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 10 seen on the 18th.
Black Crowned Night Heron on High Island.

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - Nyctanassa violacea violacea C
A total of 3 were seen in the Boy Scouts Wood at High Island on the 15th.

Least Bittern - Ixobrychus exilis exilis C
A single individual was seen on each visit to Anahuac Refuge on the 14th and 15th

Least Bittern taken against the sun at the Anahuac Refuge.

American Bittern – Botaurus lentiginosus C
We saw singles in a ditch running parallel to the entrance road to the Attwater Refuge on the 30th and flying across the road near Anahuac on the 20th.

White Ibis - Eudocimus albus C
Seen on nine dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 20 seen at West Galveston on the 18th.

White-faced Ibis - Plegadis chihi C
Seen on fifteen dates in large numbers.

Roseate Spoonbill - Ajaia ajaja C
Seen on ten dates with a daily maximum of 100 seen on the islands visible from Rollover Pass on the 17th.

Fulvous Whistling-Duck - Dendrocygna bicolor C
We saw 12 along the road between Brownsville and Santa Ana on the 4th and 20 on Willow Lake, Santa Ana later the same day.

Black-bellied Whistling- Duck - Dendrocygna autumnalis C
Seen on ten dates in good numbers with a daily maximum of 40 seen at Attwater on the 30th.

Black Bellied Whistling Duck at Attwater.

Greater White-fronted Goose - Anser albifrons gambelli C
A single individual of presumably the form gambelli was seen at the Anahuac Refuge on the 15th.

Canada Goose - Branta canadensis C
We saw 20 at Rollover Pass on the 17th.

American Wigeon - Anas americana C
Seen on five dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 25 seen on the Kings Ranch on the 2nd.

Gadwall - Anas strepera strepera C
Seen on seven dates in small numbers.

Green-winged Teal - Anas crecca carolinensis C
Seen on eight dates in small numbers.

Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos C
Seen on two dates.

Mottled Duck - Anas fulvigula C
Seen on six dates with a daily maximum of 20 seen on the 1st.

American Black Duck - Anas rubripes C
Seen on eleven dates in small numbers.

Blue-winged Teal - Anas discors C
Seen on fourteen dates in good numbers.

Cinnamon Teal - Anas cyanoptera septentrionalium C
We saw 3 on roadside pools along the R281 between Brownsville and Santa Ana on the 4th and 1 on Willow Lake, Santa Ana on the 5th.

Northern Shoveler - Anas clypeata C
Seen on ten dates in good numbers.

Canvasback - Aythya valisineria C
We saw 15 at the Connie Hagar Refuge on the 31st and 2 there the following day.

Redhead - Aythya american C
Seen at Connie Hagar, Small Live Oaks Refuge and the Kings Ranch in small numbers on just two dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen on the 1st.

Ring-necked Duck - Aythya collaris C
We saw 3 on the Willow Lake Trail, Santa Ana on the 4th and 1 there the following day.

Ring Necked Ducks with Lesser Scaup (right hand duck) on Willow Lake, Santa Ana.

Lesser Scaup - Aythya affinis C
Seen on thirteen dates with a daily maximum of 300 seen on the sea off the Aransas Refuge on the 31st.

Common Goldeneye - Bucephala clangula americana C
We saw 6 at Connie Hagar on the 31st and 1 there the following day.

Bufflehead - Bucephala albeola C
We saw 10 at Connie Hagar on the 31st and 2 there the following day.

A distant pair of Buffleheads at ConnieHagar

Red-breasted Merganser - Mergus serrator C
Seen on six dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 8 seen at Connie Hagar on the 31st.

Ruddy Duck - Oxyura jamaicensis jamaicensis C
Seen on four dates with a daily maximum of 400 being seen on the sea off the Aransas Refuge.

Black Vulture - Coragyps atratus atratus C
Seen on thirteen dates with a daily maximum of 40 seen on the 31st.

Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura C
Seen in large numbers on all but three dates.

Turkey Vulture at Falcon Dam.

Osprey - Pandion haliaetus carolinensis C
Seen on nine dates in fair numbers.

White-tailed Kite - Elanus leucurus majusculus C
Seen on seven dates with a daily maximum of 5 seen at Santa Ana on the 5th.

Mississippi Kite - Ictinia mississippiensis C
A single individual was seen just north of Port Lavaca on the 30th.

Northern (Hen) Harrier - Circus cyaneus hudsonius C
Seen on fifteen dates with a daily maximum of 20 on the 30th.

Sharp-shinned Hawk - Accipiter striatus velox C
Seen on eight dates in small numbers.

Cooper’s Hawk - Accipiter cooperii C
Singles seen on the Kings Ranch HQ Loop on the 2nd and at La Joya on the 7th.

Harris’ Hawk - Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi C
Seen on seven dates with a daily maximum of 20 seen between Rio Grande City and Falcon Dam on the 9th.
Harris's Hawk near Falcon Dam.

Broad-winged Hawk - Buteo platypterus platypterus C
Seen on thirteen dates in good numbers with a daily maximum of 150 at the Santa Margarita Ranch on the 7th.
Broad-winged Hawk over Santa Margarita Ranch.

Swainson’s Hawk - Buteo swainsoni C
Seen on ten dates with a daily maximum of 30 seen at the Santa Margarita Ranch on the 7th.

Swainson’s Hawks over Santa Margarita Ranch

White-tailed Hawk - Buteo albicaudatus hypospodius C
Seen at Attwater, the Rockport area and at the King’s Ranch on just four dates with a daily maximum of 6 seen on the 31st. Superb.

A distant White Tailed Hawk soaring high over Attwater.

Red-tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis fuertesi C
Seen on eight dates with a daily maximum of 20 seen on the Kings Ranch on the 2nd.

Ferruginous Hawk - Buteo regalis C
A single individual was seen at Falcon Dam on the 9th.

Crested Caracara – Polyborus plancus C
Seen on five dates in small numbers being seen in the Rockport area, King’s Ranch and along the Rio Grande west of Falcon Dam. A daily maximum of 6 were seen between Falcon Dam and the Edward’s Plateau on the 10th.

American Kestrel - Falco sparverius sparverius C
Seen on twelve dates with a daily maximum of 15 seen on the 10th.

Merlin - Falco columbarius columbarius C
A single individual was seen sat in fields on the Bolivar Peninsula on the 14th.

Prairie Falcon - Falcon mexicanus C
A single individual was seen on the Kings Ranch HQ Loop on the 2nd.

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus anatum C
A single individual was seen hunting over roadside pools between Brownsville and Port Isabel on the 3rd.

Plain Chachalaca - Ortalis vetula mccallii C
Seen on seven dates with a daily maximum of 50 seen at Bentsen on the 4th and 5th where they proved tame around the trailer parks.

Plain Chachalacas at the Bentsen trailer park

Wild Turkey - Meleagris gallopavo intermedia C
Singles were seen at the Garner State Park and the Lost Maples Park on the 11th and 2 were seen in Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th.

Greater Prairie-Chicken - Tympanuchus cupido attwateri C
We saw 7 at a dawn gathering at the Attwater Refuge on the 30th including an individual being pursued by a White-tailed Hawk.

Scaled Quail - Callipepla squamata castanogastris C
We saw 6 at the Falcon Dam State Park on the 8th and 12 there on the 10th favouring the area around the caravans.

Scaled Quail in the Falcon Dam State Park

Northern Bobwhite - Colinus virginianus C
Seen on seven dates with a daily maximum of 15 seen at Laguna Atacosa on the 3rd.

Northern Bobwhite at Laguna Atacosa.

Sandhill Crane - Grus canadensis C
We saw 2 in fields bordering the Port Bay Club Road near Rockport on the 1st and 2 seen around the fourteen mile loop around the King’s Ranch HQ on the 2nd.

Whooping Crane - Grus americana C
We saw 10 from the Whooping Crane boat in Aransas Bay on the 31st. Superb

A pair of Whooping Cranes at Aransas Bay.

Yellow Rail - Coturnicops noveboracensis noveboracensis C
We saw 8 from the ‘Rail Buggy’ at the Anahuac Refuge on the 15th.

Clapper Rail - Rallus longirostris saturatus C
Seen in suitable salt-marsh near the coast at West Galveston and near Rollover Pass on three dates with a daily maximum of just 2 on both the 16th and 18th.

Clapper Rail at a salt marsh at West Galvaston.

King Rail - Rallus elegans elegans C
We saw 1 at Attwater on the 13th, 2 at Anahuac on the 14th and 2 at West Galveston on the 18th.

King Rail at Anahuac.

Virginia Rail - Rallus limicola limicola C
We saw 2 from the ‘Rail Buggy’ at the Anahuac Refuge on the 15th.

Sora - Porzana carolina C
Seen on seven dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 4 seen from the ‘Rail Buggy’ at Anahuac on the 15th.

American Purple Gallinule - Porphyrula martinica C
A single individual was seen at the Shoveler Lake at Anahuac on the 15th.

Common Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus cachinnans C
Seen in small numbers on 7 dates.

American Coot - Fulica americana americana C
Seen on twelve dates in good numbers.

American Coot near Santa Anna

American Oystercatcher - Haematopus palliatus palliatus C
We saw 2 in the Rockport area on the 30th and 10 there the following day.

Black-necked Stilt - Himantopus mexicanus mexicanus C
Seen on thirteen dates in fair numbers with a daily maximum of 30 seen on the 4th.

American Avocet - Recurvirostra americana C
Seen on eight dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 66 seen on the 1st.

American Golden Plover - Pluvialis dominica C
Seen on ten dates with a daily maximum of 15 seen at Port Lavaca on the 30th.

American Lesser Golden Plover on High Island

 Grey Plover - Pluvialis squatarola C  Seen on ten dates with a daily maximum of 30 seen at the Bolivar Flats on the 18th.

Semipalmated Plover - Charadrius semipalmatus C  Seen on ten dates with a daily maximum of 50 seen at the Bolivar Flats on the 18th.

Wilson’s Plover - Charadrius wilsonia wilsonia C  Seen in small numbers on eight dates with a daily maximum of 13 at Laguna Atacosa on the 3rd. Always seen at the Sun Oil Fields near Rollover Pass.

     Wilson’s Plover on the Sun Oil Fields, High Island.

Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus vociferus C  Seen on eighteen dates with a daily maximum of 50 seen on the 15th.

Killdeer at the Anahuac Reserve

Piping Plover - Charadrius melodus C  Seen on four dates with a daily maximum of 100 seen on the Bolivar Flats on the 18th.
A distant Piping Plover on Bolivar Flats.

Kentish (Snowy) Plover - Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus C  We saw just 6 at Tule Lake, Corpus Christi on the 1st.

 Common Snipe - Gallinago gallinago delicata C  Seen on twelve dates with a daily maximum of 50 seen on the 30th.

 Short-billed Dowitcher - Limnodromus griseus C  Seen on fifteen dates with a daily maximum of 150 seen on the Bolivar Flats on the 18th.

 Long-billed Dowitcher - Limnodromus scolopaceus C  We saw 100 along the road between Brownsville and Port Isabel on the 3rd.

 Hudsonian Godwit - Limosa haemastica CWe saw 12 at the Bolivar Flats on the 18th and 1 there the following day.

 Marbled Godwit - Limosa fedoa fedoa C  Seen on five dates with a daily maximum of 12 seen at Tule Lake on the 1st.

Marbled Godwits at Connie Hagar

 Whimbrel - Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus C  Seen on five dates with a daily maximum of 5 seen on the Bolivar Flats on the 18th.


Hudsonian Whimbrel on a golf course on High Island

Long-billed Curlew - Numenius americanus C  Seen on seven dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 17 seen at Connie Hagar on the 31st.

Long Billed Curlew on Bolivar Flats.

Upland Sandpiper - Bartramia longicauda C
Seen on ten dates with a daily maximum of 18 seen in the fields along the R87 on the Bolivar Peninsular on the 15th.

Greater Yellowlegs - Tringa melanoleuca C
Seen on eleven dates with a daily maximum of 60 seen at Anahuac on the 15th.

Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes C
Seen on fifteen dates with a daily maximum of 250 seen at the Bolivar Flats on the 18th.

Lesser Yellowlegs on Bolivar Flats.

Solitary Sandpiper - Tringa solitaria C
Seen on eight dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen on the 1st

Solitary Sandpiper in a ditch on High Island

Spotted Sandpiper - Actitis macularia C
Seen in small numbers on six dates.

Willet - Catoptrophorus semipalmatus C
Seen on twelve dates in good numbers with a daily maximum of 100 seen at the Bolivar Flats on the 18th.

Turnstone - Arenaria interpres morinella C
Seen on nine dates with a daily maximum of 25 seen on the 30th.

Red Knot - Calidris canutus C
We saw 25 at the Bolivar Flats on the 15th and 40 there on the 18th.

Sanderling - Calidris alba C
Seen on eight dates with a daily maximum of 300 seen at the Bolivar Flats on the 18th.

Semipalmated Sandpiper - Calidris puisilla C
Seen on eight dates with a daily maximum of 200 seen at Laguna Atacosa on the 3rd.

Western Sandpiper - Calidris mauri C
Seen on four dates with a daily maximum of 30 seen at Tule Lake on the 1st.

Least Sandpiper - Calidris minutilla C
Seen on four dates with as daily maximum of 125 seen at Tule Lake on the 1st.

Pectoral Sandpiper - Calidris melanotos C
Seen on six dates with a daily maximum of 40 seen at Tule Lake on the 1st.

Dunlin - Calidris alpina hudsonia C
Seen on seven dates with a daily maximum of 2,000 seen at the Bolivar Flats on the 18th.

Stilt Sandpiper - Calidris himantopus C
Seen on five dates with a daily maximum of 14 seen at Tule Lake on the 1st.

Buff-breasted Sandpiper - Tryngites subruficollis C
We saw 4 just beyond the Golf Course on Stewart Road, Galveston on the 16th.

Wilson’s Phalarope - Phalaropus tricolor C
We saw 4 on roadside pools between Brownsville and Port Isabel on the 3rd.

Ring-billed Gull - Larus delawarensis C
Seen on twelve dates in fair numbers.

American Herring Gull - Larus argentatus smithsonianus C
Seen on twelve dates.

Bonaparte’s Gull - Larus philadelphia C
We saw 3 from the Whooping Crane boat at Aransas on the 31st.

Laughing Gull - Larus atricilla megalopterus C
Seen every day but four. 

Adult Laughing Gulls at Aransas Bay.

Adult Laughing Gull at Corpus Christi

Franklin’s Gull - Larus pipixcan C
We saw 16 superb adults whilst driving across the farmland between Attwater and Port Lavaca on the 30th.

Gull-billed Tern - Sterna nilotica arenea C
Seen on thirteen dates in small numbers.

Caspian Tern - Sterna caspia C
Seen on sixteen dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 40 seen on the 31st.

Sandwich Tern - Sterna sandvicensis acuflavidus C
Seen on five dates.

Royal Tern - Sterna maxima maxima C
Seen on ten dates with a daily maximum of 300 seen at the Bolivar Flats on the 18th.

Royal Terns at Aransas Bay.

Common Tern - Sterna hirundo hirundo C
Seen on eleven dates.

Forster’s Tern - Sterna forsteri C
Seen on ten dates in good numbers.

Least Tern - Sterna antillarum C
Seen on twelve dates in good numbers.

Black Skimmer - Rynchops niger niger C
Seen on eight dates in fair numbers with a daily maximum of 65 seen on the 1st.

Mourning Dove - Zenaida macroura carolinensis C
Common and widespread being seen every day.

Mourning Dove.

White-winged Dove - Zenaida asiatica asiatica C
We saw 8 at Neal’s Lodge on the 10th, 2 at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th and 1 at Kempner Park on the 18th.

Common Ground-Dove - Columbina passerina passerina C
We saw 1 at Sarita on the 2nd, 1 at Santa Ana on the 6th, 1 at La Joya on the 7th and 1 at Falcon Dam on the 8th.

Inca Dove - Columbina inca C
Seen on ten dates in fair numbers with a daily maximum of 16 seen in the Rockport area on the 1st.

Inca Dove at Bentsen trailer park.

White-tipped Dove - Leptotila verreauxi angelica C
Seen on six dates with a daily maximum of 35 seen at the Bentsen trailer park on the 5th.

White Tipped Doves at Bentsen trailer park.

Green Parakeet - Aratinga holochlora holochlora C
We saw 2 in flight at Los Ebanos Street, Brownsville on the 3rd.

Red-crowned Parrot - Amazona viridigenalis C
A single individual was seen at Los Ebanos Street, Brownsville on the 3rd.

Yellow-billed Cuckoo - Coccyzus americanus C
Seen on four dates whilst at the High Island woods with a daily maximum of 4 seen in the Boy Scouts Wood on the 14th.

Greater Roadrunner - Geococcyx californianus C
We saw 2 near Rockport on the 1st, 4 at Laguna Atacosa on the 3rd, 1 at La Joya on the 7th and 1 at the Falcon Dam on the 8th and 10th. Superb.

Greater Road-Runner at Rockport.

Eastern Screech-Owl - Otus asio mccallii C
We saw 1 in our car’s headlight beams whilst driving the loop around Bentsen Park at dusk on the 4th and another looking out of a hole in the trailer park at Bentsen on both the 4th and 5th. On entering the trailer park turn right and the dead tree was located c.50m after the first left hand bend of the road. Superb.
Eastern Screech Owl in its nest hole at Bentsen trailer park

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl – Glaucidium brasilianum 
We heard 1 calling just east of the Old Primitive Campground below Falcon Dam but unfortunately couldn’t see it in its large nesting tree bordering the Rio Grande River.

Great Horned Owl - Bubo virginianus virginianus C
We found a nest near Falcon Dam containing 2 large juveniles with the adults seen to be active at dusk and viewable from the roadside. We saw 4 on the 8th and 9th and 1 on the 10th.

A young Great Horned Owl on its nest at the Falcon Dam State Park.

A distant adult Great Horned Owl at Falcon Dam State Park

Barred Owl - Strix varia C
A single individual was flushed from the trees next to the river at the Garner State Park on the 11th.

Lesser Nighthawk - Chordeiles acutipennis texensis C
We saw 1 at the Bentsen Loop on the 6th, 2 at the Santa Margarita Ranch on the 7th and 2 flying over the Rio Grande alongside Common Nighthawks below the Falcon Dam on the 8th. 

Common Nighthawk - Chordeiles minor C
Seen on six dates with a daily maximum of 6 seen flying over the Rio Grande below the Falcon Dam on the 8th. An impressive 5 were seen arriving from over the sea near High Island on the 19th.

Common Nighthawks on High Island.

Pauraque - Nyctidromus albicollis merrilli C
We saw 4 sat on the road on the Bentsen Loop on the 4th, 4 seen from the levee at Santa Ana on the 5th and 3 at the Bentsen Loop on the 6th with others heard calling at both sites. Superb.

Chuck-will’s-widow - Caprimulgus carolinensis C
A single individual was watched calling whilst perched in a dead tree along the Bentsen Loop at dusk. 

Chimney Swift - Chaetura pelagica C
Seen on twelve dates with a daily maximum of 150 seen on the 9th.

Buff-bellied Hummingbird - Amazilia yucatanensis chalconota C
A pair were found near the style at the Sarita rest-stop on the Kings Ranch with the female seen sat on its nest on the 2nd, 4 were watched feeding at flowers with Ruby-throated Hummingbirds at the junction of Los Ebanos and Russel roads in Brownsville on the 3rd with 1 seen there on the 4th, and finally 1 was seen briefly at a feeder at the Bentsen Trailer Park on the 6th.

Buff Bellied Hummingbird at the feeder at Bentsen trailer park.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Archilochus colubris C
Seen on fourteen dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen at the Boy Scouts Wood on both the 14th and 18th.

Black-chinned Hummingbird - Archilochus alexandri C
We saw around 60 attending feeders in a garden in Hunt on the 11th, 8 in Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th and 1 at Kerrville on the 13th.

Black Chinned Hummingbird at a feeding station in Hunt

 Belted Kingfisher - Ceryle alcyon C  Seen on thirteen dates in small numbers.

 Ringed Kingfisher - Ceryle torquata torquata C  We saw 1 at the oxbow lake in Bentsen State Park on the 6th and 3 below the Falcon Dam on the 10th. Superb.

 Green Kingfisher - Chloroceryle americana hachisukai C  A female was seen at the Santa Margarita Ranch on the 7th and a male was seen below Falcon Dam on the 10th.

Red-headed Woodpecker - Melanerpes erythrocephalus C  We saw 1 just north of Rockport on the 31st, 5 at the Welder Wildlife Sanctuary on the 1st, 2 at West Galveston on the 16th and 5 at the Jones State Forest on the 19th. Super

Distant shots of Red Headed Woodpecker near Rockport

Golden-fronted Woodpecker - Melanerpes aurifrons aurifrons C  Seen on eleven dates with a daily maximum of 20 seen on the 6th.

Golden Fronted Woodpecker at Bentsen trailer park.

Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus C
A single individual was seen in the Brownsville area on the 3rd. Howell & Webb mention this species occurring in the lower Rio Grande valley.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus varius C
We saw singles at the Boy Scouts Wood on the 16th, at the Sun Oil Fields on the 17th and 18th, and at the Smith Woods on the 20th. Superb.

Ladder-backed Woodpecker - Picoides scalaris cactophilus C
Seen on nine dates in small numbers.

Red-cockaded Woodpecker - Picoides borealis C
We saw 2 in the Jones State Forest on the 19th having asked at the Reserve HQ for directions to the best locations.

Red Cockaded Woodpecker at Jones State Forest.

Pileated Woodpecker - Dryocopus pileatus pileatus C
A single individual was seen in the Jones State Forest on the 19th.

Pileated Woodpecker in the Jones State Forest.

Eastern Wood-Pewee - Contopus virens C
We saw 2 at the Boy Scouts Wood on both the 16th and 19th.

Eastern Wood Pewee at the Boy Scots wood on High Island

 Least Flycatcher - Empidonax minimus C  In the Boy Scouts Wood we saw 1 on the 16th, 2 on the 17th and 1 on the 18th.

 Eastern Phoebe - Sayornis phoebe C  We saw 5 at Neal’s Lodge on the 10th, 6 at Lost Maples on the 11th and 4 in Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th.

 Black Phoebe - Sayornis nigricans semiatra C  We found 1 feeding beneath a bridge between Johnson’s Canyon and Medina. Superb.

 Vermilion Flycatcher - Pyrocephalus rubinus mexicanus C  We saw 3 at Neal’s Lodge on the 10th and a pair along the road between Kerrville and Hunt on the 11th. Superb.


Vermillion Flycatcher on the Edwards Plateau

Ash-throated Flycatcher - Myiarchus cinerascens cinerascens C
We saw 4 at the Lost Maples Park and 2 near Hunt on the 11th and 2 at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th.

Great Crested Flycatcher - Myiarchus crinitus C
We saw 2 at Santa Ana on the 6th and 1 in the Boy Scouts Wood on the 16th.

Brown-crested Flycatcher - Myiarchus tyrannulus cooperi C
We saw 1 at Salineno on the 8th, 2 by the old primitive campground at Falco Dam on the 9th and 1 just below the dam on the 10th.

Great Kiskadee - Pitangus sulphuratus texanus C
Seen in small numbers in the Rio Grande valley on eight dates with a daily maximum of 6 seen on the 5th. Superb.

Couch’s Kingbird - Tyrannus couchii C
Seen on eight dates with a daily maximum of 12 seen in Santa Ana on the 6th.

Eastern Kingbird - Tyrannus tyrannus C
Seen on nine dates with a daily maximum of 25 seen on the Bolivar Peninsula on the 14th.

Eastern Kingbird on the Bolivar Peninsula.

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher - Tyrannus forficatus C
Seen daily with a daily maximum of 55 seen on the 5th. Superb.

Scissor Tailed Flycatchers on the Edwards Plateau.

Horned Lark - Eremophila alpestris C  Seen on eight dates with a daily maximum of 8 seen on the 1st.
Horned Lark at Tule Lake

Purple Martin - Progne subis subis C
Seen on sixteen dates with a daily maximum of 20 seen at High Island on the 16th.

Tree Swallow - Tachycineta bicolor C
Seen on seven dates with a daily maximum of 300 seen at High Island on the 18th.

Northern Rough-winged Swallow - Stelgidopteryx serripennis C
Seen on eleven dates with a daily maximum of 100 seen at High Island on the 14th.

Sand Martin - Riparia riparia riparia C
Seen in good numbers on fifteen dates.

Cliff Swallow - Petrochelidon pyrrhonota C
Seen on five dates with a daily maximum of 40 seen at the Falcon Dam State Park on the 9th.

Cave Swallow - Petrochelidon fulva pelodoma C
We saw 10 during the evening at the Concan Bat Cave on the 10th along with a few million bats !

Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica erythrogaster C
Seen nearly every day generally in good numbers.

American Buff-bellied Pipit - Anthus rubescens C
We saw 1 near Rockport on the 1st and 20 at the Golf Course on Stewart Road, Galveston on the 16th and 18th.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet - Regulus calendula calendula C
Seen on six dates with a daily maximum of 7 seen on the Kings Ranch on the 2nd.

Cedar Waxwing - Bombycilla cedorum C
We saw 40 along Coria Street, Brownsville on the 3rd and 10 there the following day.

Cactus Wren - Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus couesi C
We saw 3 at La Joya on the 7th and 2 at the Falcon Dam State Park on the 8th. Superb.

Canyon Wren - Catherpes mexicanus albifrons C
We saw 1 attending a nest located under one of the white huts at Neals Lodge on the 10th and 4 at Lost Maples Park on the 11th.

Carolina Wren - Thryothorus ludovicianus ludovicianus C
Seen in small numbers around High Island on seven dates.

Bewick’s Wren - Thryomanes bewickii C
We saw 1 near the river at Neals Lodge on the 10th, 1 near Hunt on the 11th and 4 at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th.

House Wren - Troglodytes aedon C
Seen in small numbers on four dates.

Sedge Wren - Cistothorus platensis stellaris C
We saw 3 from the Anahuac Rail Buggy on the 15th and 2 in a marshy area just as you leave the free ferry at Galveston arriving from the Boliver Peninsular on the 18th.

Grey Catbird - Dumetella carolinensis C
Seen on the seven dates spent at High Island with a daily maximum of 12 seen on the 19th.

Northern Mockingbird - Mimus polyglottos polyglottos C
Seen in large numbers every day but one. 

Northern Mockingbird near Houston

Brown Thrasher - Toxostoma rufum C
Seen on nine dates mainly at High Island with a daily maximum of 5 seen at the Boy Scouts Wood on the 17th.
Brown Thrasher on High Island

 Long-billed Thrasher - Toxostoma longirostre sennetti Upto 6 were seen at Bentsen Trailer Park on each of our three visits, 4 were seen at Santa Ana on the 6th, 1 at the Primitive Campground below Falcon Dam on the 8th and 4 there on the 9th.

Long Billed Thrasher at Bentsen trailer park

Curve-billed Thrasher - Toxostoma curvirostre oberholseri C
Up to 6 were seen on eight dates mainly in the Rio Grande area.

Curve Billed Thrasher near Falcon Dam

Eastern Bluebird - Sialia sialis C
We saw 4 at Lost Maples on the 11th and 5 at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th.

Veery - Catharus fuscescens C
We saw 1 in the puddle in the Boy Scouts Wood on the 16th and the same or another in the same puddle on the 20th.

Grey-cheeked Thrush - Catharus minimus C
We saw a single individual in the puddle in the Boy Scouts Wood on the 19th.

Swainson’s Thrush - Catharus ustulatus C
Seen on six dates at High Island with a daily maximum of 8 seen on the 14th.

Hermit Thrush - Catharus guttatus C
We saw 1 in the puddle in the Boy Scouts Wood on the 16th and the same or another in the same puddle on the 19th.

Wood Thrush - Hylocichla mustelina C
Seen on all of the seven days spent at the High Island Woods with a daily maximum of 6 seen on four dates.

American Robin - Turdus migratorius C
We saw 1 in Kempner Park, Galveston on the 16th and 2 there on the 18th.

Blue-grey Gnatcatcher - Polioptila caerulea C
Seen on eleven dates with a daily maximum of 20 seen at Santa Ana on the 6th.

Bushtit - Psaltriparus minimus C
We saw 4 at the Garner State Park on the 11th.

Carolina Chickadee - Poecile carolinensis C
We saw 4 at Neal’s Lodge on the 10th, 1 at Lost Maples Park on the 11th and 2 at Johnsons Canyon on the 12th. 

Tufted Titmouse - Baeolophus bicolor C
Seen on twelve dates with two clearly different forms seen although predominantly ‘Black-crested’. A daily maximum of 20 were seen at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th.

Brown-headed Nuthatch - Sitta pusilla pusilla C
We saw 6 in the Jones State Forest on the 19th.

Brown Creeper - Certhia americana C
We saw a single individual in the Boy Scouts Wood on the 16th and the 20th.

Loggerhead Shrike - Lanius ludovicianus C
Seen every day, but three in large numbers.

Loggerhead Shrike on the Kings Ranch

 Blue Jay - Cyanocitta cristata C  Seen on ten dates with a daily maximum of 60 seen at Rockport on the 1st

.Green Jay - Cyanocorax yncas luxuosus C  Seen on six dates along the Rio Grande proving east to see at the Bentsen Trailer Park where a daily maximum of 20 were seen on the 4th


Green Jay at Bentsen trailer park.

Brown Jay - Cyanocorax morio palliatus C
We saw 4 along the track leading along the Rio Grande eastwards from Salineno on the 8th, 4 at the primitive campground below Falcon Dam on the 9th and 1 there the following day.

Western Scrub-Jay - Aphelocoma californica C
We saw 3 at Lost Maples on the 11th, 4 at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th and 2 near Austin on the 13th.

Tamaulipas (Mexican) Crow - Corvus imparatus C
We watched 2 feeding alongside the Grackles at the Brownsville City Dump on the 3rd. Apparently this species prefers associating with the Grackles rather than the Ravens at this site.

Chihuahuan Raven - Corvus cryptoleucus C
Seen on five dates along the Rio Grande with a daily maximum of 20 seen at the Brownsville Dump on the 3rd.

Raven - Corvus corax sinuatus C
We saw 4 at Lost Maples on the 11th and 2 at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th.

Starling - Sturnus vulgaris C
Seen virtually daily.

House Sparrow - Passer domesticus C
Seen daily.

White-eyed Vireo – Vireo griseus C
Seen on eight dates mainly at High Island where up to 4 were seen on each day.

Yellow-throated Vireo – Vireo flavifrons C
We saw 1 along the Los Ebanos road, Brownsville on the 3rd, 1 at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th and 8 at the Boy Scouts Wood on the 14th.

Yellow Throated Vireo in the Boy Scots Wood on High Island.

Blue-headed Vireo – Vireo solitarius C
We saw 2 at the Welder Wildlife Refuge on the 1st.

Warbling Vireo – Vireo gilvus C
We saw 2 at the Boy Scouts Wood on the 14th, 1 there on the 16th and another 2 there on the 17th.

Philadelphia Vireo – Vireo philadelphicus C
We saw 1 in the Boy Scouts Wood puddle on the 17th.

Red-eyed Vireo – Vireo olivaceus olivaceus C
Seen on four dates at the Boy Scouts Wood with a daily maximum of 15 seen on the 14th.

Purple Finch – Carpodacus purpureus purpureus C
We saw 2 at Medina on the 12th.

House Finch – Carpodacus mexicanus C
Seen in the Edward’s Plateau area on three dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen on the 12th.

Lesser Goldfinch – Carduelis psaltria psaltria C
We saw 2 on the King’s Ranch on the 2nd, 2 at Neal’s Lodge on the 10th and 1 at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th.

Blue-winged Warbler – Vermivora pinus C
Seen in the Boy Scouts Wood on five dates with a daily maximum of 5 seen on the 16th.

Golden-winged Warbler – Vermivora chrysoptera C
A male attended the Boy Scouts Wood puddle on the 16th along with sixteen other species of Warbler seen there in four hours during the afternoon along with Vireos, Thrushes and Tanagers etc.

Tennessee Warbler – Vermivora peregrina C
Seen at High Island on seven dates with a daily maximum of 12 seen on both the 16th and 17th.

Orange-crowned Warbler – Vermivora celata C
We saw 4 along the path heading east along the Rio Grande at Salineno on both the 8th and 9th, 2 near the river at Neal’s Lodge on the 10th, 6 at Lost Maples Park on the 11th and 2 at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th.

Nashville Warbler – Vermivora ruficapilla C
We saw 4 at Santa Ana on the 6th, 1 at Neal’s Lodge on the 10th, 2 at Lost Maples Park on the 11th and 2 in the Boy Scouts Wood puddle on the 16th.

Parula Warbler – Parula americana C
A male was always present at the entrance to the Boy Scout’s Wood being seen on five dates and 2 were seen in a small wood on the Sun Oil Field on the 17th.

Yellow Warbler – Dendroica petechia C
A male was seen in Kempner Park, Galveston on the 18th and a female was seen in the Boy Scout’s Wood on the 19th.

Cape May Warbler – Dendroica tigrina C
A female was seen in bushes on the Sun Oil Field on the 16th and a fine male was seen in the Boy Scout’s Wood on the 20th. 

Cape May Warbler at the Sun Oil Fields on High Island.

Yellow-rumped Warbler – Dendroica coronata coronata / auduboni C
Myrtle Warblers were seen at the Welder Wildlife Refuge and around High Island on five dates with a daily maximum of up to 6 being seen and 6 Audubon’s Warblers were seen along the Rio Grande Trail at Bentsen on the 5th.

Yellow Rumped Warbler on High Island

Golden-cheeked Warbler – Dendroica chrysoparia C
We saw 12 in Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th. Although the birds spent the mornings singing from atop trees they would forage low in the trees in the afternoons where they reacted well to pishing allowing excellent views to be obtained.

Black-throated Green Warbler – Dendroica virens C
We saw 2 in low bushes at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th and 1 in the Boy Scout’s Wood on the 16th.

Blackburnian Warbler – Dendroica fusca C
We saw 2 brilliant males at the Boy Scout’s Wood on the 14th.

Yellow-throated Warbler – Dendroica dominica C
We saw 1 around the Welder Wildlife Refuge HQ on the 1st presumably wintering with the Yellow-rumped Warblers with which it was associating in the Live Oaks there.

Pine Warbler – Dendroica pinus pinus C
We saw 1 and heard others at the Jone’s state Forest on the 19th.

Palm Warbler – Dendroica palmarum C
A single individual was seen keeping to the edges of the low bushes and on the ground at the Sun Oil Field on both the 14th and 15th.

Blackpoll Warbler – Dendroica striata C
We saw 2 superb males in the small wood on the Sun Oil Fields on the 17th and 18th, 1 at the Boy Scout’s Wood on the 18th and 3 in the Smith’s Woods on the 20th.

Adult male summer plumage Blackpoll Warbler at the Sun Oil Fields, High Island.

Cerulean Warbler – Dendroica caerulea C
We saw a stunning male in the small wood on the Sun Oil Field on the 17th.

Black-and-white Warbler – Mniotilta varia C
Seen in small numbers in the High Island areas on seven dates with a daily maximum of 3 seen on the 14th.

American Redstart – Setophaga ruticilla C
Seen in small numbers at High Island on five dates with a daily maximum of 2 seen on the 14th and 19th.

Prothonotary Warbler – Protonotaria citrea C
Seen in the High Island areas on five dates with a daily maximum of 15 seen in the Woods there on the 14th.

Prothonotary Warbler on High Island.

Worm-eating Warbler – Helmitheros vermivorus C
Seen in the High Island areas on five dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen in the Boy Scout’s Wood on the 14th.

Swainson’s Warbler – Limnothlypis swainsonii C
We saw 1 attending the Boy Scout’s Wood puddle on the 14th with 4 there on the 16th and 1 there on the 19th.

Ovenbird – Seiurus aurocapillus C
We saw 1 attending the Boy Scout’s Wood puddle on the 14th, 2 there on the 16th and 1 there on the 19th.

Northern Waterthrush – Seiurus noveboracensis C
A single individual appeared at the Boy Scout’s Wood puddle on both the 16th and 17th.

Louisiana Waterthrush – Seiurus motacilla C
Seen in the High Island Woods on six dates with a daily maximum of 3 seen at the Boy Scout’s Wood puddle on the 16th.

A  poor record shot of a Louisiana Waterthrush at a puddle on High Island.

Kentucky Warbler – Oporornis formosus C
Seen in the High Island areas on five dates with a daily maximum of 8 seen in the Boy Scout’s Wood on the 16th.

A record shot of an adult male Kentucky Warbler on High Island.

Common Yellowthroat – Geothlypis trichas C
Seen on ten dates mainly in the High Island areas with a daily maximum of 4 seen on the 16th and 17th.

Hooded Warbler – Wilsonia citrina C
Seen in the High Island areas on six dates with a daily maximum of 20 seen in the Boy Scout’s Wood on the 16th.

Wilson’s Warbler – Wilsonia pusilla C
A single individual was seen at the puddle in the Boy Scout’s Wood on the 16th.

Scarlet Tanager – Piranga olivacea C
Seen daily in the High Island woods with a daily maximum of 8 seen on the 14th.

Summer Tanager – Piranga rubra C
Seen on nine dates being seen daily at High Island with a daily maximum of 10 seen on the 14th.

Male Summer Tanager at the Sun Oil Fields on High Island.

Olive Sparrow – Arremonops rufivirgatus rufivirgatus C
Seen on five dates along the Rio Grande with a daily maximum of 4 seen along the Rio Grande Trail at Bentsen on the 5th but also seen at the Trailer Park there.

Spotted Towhee – Pipilo maculatus C
We saw 4 near Ingram on the 12th.

Canyon Towhee – Pipilo fuscus texanus C
We saw 1 sat on telegraph wires at Johnsons Canyon on the 12th.

Rufous-crowned Sparrow – Aimophila ruficeps eremoeca C
We saw 2 at Neal’s Lodge on the 10th and 1 near Austin on the 13th.

Chipping Sparrow – Spizella passerina passerina C
Seen on five dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen at Neal’s Lodge on the 10th.

Clay-coloured Sparrow – Spizella pallida C
We saw 1 at Santa Ana on the 6th and 1 at La Joya on the 7th.

Field Sparrow – Spizela pusilla C
We saw 1 at Attwater on the 13th.

Vesper Sparrow – Pooecetes gramineus gramineus C
We saw 8 around the farm buildings at Attwater on the 30th, 1 at Salineno on the 8th, 1 at Neal’s Lodge on the 10th and 2 at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th.

Lark Sparrow – Chondestes grammacus grammacus C
Seen on nine dates with a daily maximum of 40 seen at La Joya on the 7th.

Lark Sparrow at La Joya

Savannah Sparrow – Passerculus sandwichensis C
Seen on fourteen dates with a daily maximum of 200 seen at Attwater on the 30th.

Savannah Sparrows at La Joya.

Seaside Sparrow – Ammodramus maritimus C
We saw 60 from the Rail Buggy at Anahuac on the 15th.

Le Conte’s Sparrow – Amodramus leconteii C
We saw 4 in the grass on the left of the road at Galveston after leaving the ferry from Bolivar on the 18th.

Grasshopper Sparrow – Amodramus savannarum C
We saw 1 at Connie Hagar on the 1st, 3 at Laguna Atracosa on the 3rd, 2 at La Joya on the 7th and 1 at Johnson’s Canyon on the 12th.

Grasshopper Sparrow at Johnson’s Canyon

Song Sparrow – Melospiza melodia C
Seen on five dates with a daily maximum of 5 seen on the 1st.

Lincoln’s Sparrow – Melospiza lincolnii C
Seen on six dates with a daily maximum of 12 seen at the Rio Grande trail on the Bentsen Reserve on the 5th.

Swamp Sparrow – Melospiza georgiana C
We saw 4 at Attwater on the 30th and 6 there on the 13th.

White-crowned Sparrow – Zonotrichia leucophrys C
We saw a single individual at Attwater on the 30th.

White-throated Sparrow – Zonotrichia albicollis
We saw 1 at the Wild Basin Reserve near Austin on the 13th.
Poor record shot of a Summer plumage White Throated Sparrow at the Wild Basin Reserve.

Northern Cardinal – Cardinalis cardinalis magnirostris C
Seen on every day but three.

Northern Cardinal at Bentsen trailer park.

Pyrrhuloxia – Cardinalis sinuatus sinuatus C
We saw 1 on the King’s Ranch HQ loop on the 2nd, 10 at La Joya on the 7th, 12 at the Falcon Dam State Park on the 8th and 5 there on the 10th.

Pyrrhuloxia Falcon Dam State Park.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak – Pheucticus ludovicianus C
Seen on four dates in the Boy Scout’s Wood with a daily maximum of 11 seen there on the 19th including some superb males.

Blue Grosbeak – Guiraca caerulea caerulea C
Seen in the High Island area on seven dates especially at the Sun Oil fields where a daily maximum of 8 were seen on the 16th.

Indigo Bunting – Passerina cyanea C
Seen on ten dates mainly at the Boy Scout’s Wood but also along the Rio Grande with a daily maximum of 15 being seen at High Island on three dates.

Painted Bunting – Passerina ciris ciris C
We saw an adult male at the Boy Scout’s Wood on the 15th, 16th, 19th and 20th.

Painted Bunting in Boy Scots Wood on High Island

Red-winged Blackbird – Agelaius phoeniceus C  Seen daily.

Red Winged Blackbird near Rockport

Eastern Meadowlark – Sturnella magna C  Seen most days


Eastern Meadowlark near Port Lavaca.

Western Meadowlark – Sturnella neglecta neglecta C
We saw 6 at Laguna Atacosa on the 3rd.

Boat-tailed Grackle – Quiscalus major major C
Seen on the coast on most days.

Common Grackle – Quiscalus quiscula versicolor C
Seen most days.

Great-tailed Grackle – Quiscalus mexicanus prosopidicola C
Seen virtually daily.

Male Great Tailed Grackle at Bentsen Reserve.

Female Great Tailed Grackle.

Bronzed Cowbird – Molothrus aeneus aeneus C
Seen on seven dates mainly along the Rio Grande

Bronzed Cowbird at Bentsen trailer park

Brown-headed Cowbird – Molothrus ater ater C
Seen virtually daily.

Altamira Oriole – Icterus gularis tamaulipensis C
We saw 3 at Bentsen Trailer Park on the 4th, 5 there on the 5th and 2 on the 6th and 4 at the primitive campground below Falcon Dam on the 9th.

Altamira Oriole at Bentsen trailer park.

Hooded Oriole – Icterus cucullatus sennetti C
We saw 2 just below the Falcon Dam on the 8th, 4 there the next day and 1 at Neal’s Lodge on the 10th.

Baltimore Oriole – Icterus galbula C
Seen at High Island on four dates.

Adult male Baltimore Oriole on High Island.

Bullock’s Oriole – Icterus bullockii bullockii C
Only seen at La Joya on the 7th.

Orchard Oriole – Icterus spurius spurius C
Seen every day spent in the High Island area especially at the Sun Oil Fields with daily maximums of 15 seen on the 14th and 17th.

Orchard Oriole at the Sun Oil Fields on High Island.

Scott’s Oriole – Icterus parisorum C
We saw 4 along the road between Johnson’s Canyon and Medina in a meadow with palm trees where the birds appeared to be breeding.

Scott’s Oriole near Johnsons Canyon.







