Friday, 5 May 2023



22ND NOVEMBER, 2004. TO 24TH DECEMBER , 2004.





We noticed that the  Sapphire Princess cruise ship were offering a large discount on their cruise from Los Angeles to Sydney which included the flights out of the UK to Los Angeles and return flights from Sydney. We checked that we would be able to sea-watch from the front of the liner as well as from the sides and back of the liner, and from the planned iternary it was due to visit Hawaii and with stop offs at a number of islands in the Pacific onto Fiji, New Zealand and finally departed at Sydney. It seemed a superb bargin for the luxury of a superb liner with fine dining etc at under £700 each including flights, and lots of new birds.

The Sapphire Princess.


22nd November,2004.  Arrived Los Angeles dock at 13.00 hrs and spent afternoon in port on board Sapphire Princess. At 18.38 hrs after dark left port en-route for Ensenada, Mexico.

23rd November,2004. Woke at 05.00 hrs, still dark about 20 miles North of Ensenada at 57 North North 52 West. Arrived Ensenada, Mexico at 07. 00 hrs and bird-watched in the harbour. Visited La Bufadora Blowhole about 25 miles away and also Riviera del Pacifico in Ensenada. At 17.00 hrs departed for Hilo, Hawaii.

24th November,2004.  All day at sea towards Hilo, Hawaii. @ 05.30 hrs 30 N 121 W 255 miles from Ensenada. Wind NNE force 6. A few birds seen during the morning but none in the afternoon.

25 November,2004  All day at sea towards Hilo, Hawaii. @ 05.00 hrs 28 N 131 W. 740 miles from Ensenada. Wind NE force 5/6. No birds seen at all today!!

26 November, 2004  All day at sea towards Hilo, Hawaii, @ 06.00 hrs 25 N 140 W, 1300 miles from Ensenada. Wind E force 5. Again no birds seen at all during the day !!

27 November, 2004 All day at sea towards Hilo, Hawaii, @ 06.00 hrs 22 N 148 W, 370 miles to Hilo. Wind ESE force 5/6.

28 November, 2004 Arrived at Hilo, Hawaii @ 06.40 hrs (sunrise). Rained virtually all day. Visited the Volcano National Park and the Thurston Lava Tube and rainforest but heavy rain and little seen. Left Hilo for the island of Maui at 18.00 hrs in the dark.

29 November,2004  Arrived Lahina, Maui at 07.00 hrs in the dark. First visited Hosmer Grove and then onto the Haleakala Crater. Returned back to Hosmer Grove before visiting Kealia Ponds. Returned to the liner at 16.00 hrs. Departed at 18.12 hrs for Honolulu.

30 November, 2004. Arrived Honolulu at 06.40 hrs. Left ship at 07.40 hrs and first visited nearby Waikiki for White Tern.  Then onto Kialau Wetlands and then onto the James Campbell NWR & Turtle Bay, before returning back to Honolulu. Ship left harbour at 17.00 hrs and sea-watched until dark.

1 December, 2004. All day at sea towards Bora Bora. At 06.30 hrs 16N 157 W 268 miles from Hawaii. Wind ENE force 9/10.

2 December, 2004. All day at sea towards Bora Bora. At 06.00 hrs 8 N 155 W 758 miles from Hawaii.  Wind ESE force 6/7. At 18.30 hrs 4 N 155 W, 1000 miles from Hawaii.

3rd December, 2004. All day at sea towards Bora Bora. At 06.00 hrs 0 N 154 W 1230 miles south of Hawaii near Christmas Island. Wind ENE force 7. At 18.30 hrs 3 S 154 W Wind E force 4, 1500 miles from Hawaii.

4 December, 2004. All day at sea towards Bora Bora. At 06.00 hrs 7 S 153 W. Wind NNE force 2/3, 1744 miles from Hawaii. At 18.20 hrs 11 S 152 W Wind NW force 2, 2014 miles from Hawaii and 280 mile from Bora Bora.

5 December, 2004. Arrived Bora Bora at 08.00 hrs. Went on an island tour but very few birds seen. Departed at 18.00 hrs. Sea-watched early morning and evening.

6 December, 2004. Arrived Moorea at 07.20 hrs. Hiked along coastal road and then inland for short distance before returning to liner. Heavy rain all day. Departed at 17.40 hrs for Tahiti and arrived there in the dark at 21.00 hrs. Sea-watched early morning and evening (excellent).

7 December, 2004. All day in Tahiti port before leaving for American Samoa @ 18.00 hrs. Sea-watched in the evening.

8 December, 2004. All day at sea towards American Samoa. At 06.30 hrs 17 S 153 W. Wind ENE force 2. At 19.00 hrs 16 S 158 W Wind NE force 4. 500 miles from Tahiti and 745 miles from American Samoa.

9 December, 2004. All day at sea towards American Samoa. At 06.00 hrs 15 S 162 W. Wind NE force 5/6. 759 miles from Tahiti and 479 miles from American Samoa. At 18.30 hrs 14 S 167 W Wind NW force 5. 1038 miles from Tahiti and 206 miles from American Samoa.

10 December, 2004. Arrived Pago Pago, American Samoa at 08.00 hrs. Walked from Pago Pago to National Park entrance and walked along Ridge Trial, before returning to the liner. Left American Samoa @ 18.00 hrs towards Western Samoa.

11 December, 2004. Arrived Western Samoa @ 07.00 hrs. Caught taxi from Apia to Vailipa and walked the gardens and into the rainforest. Very heavy rain all day and returned back to the liner at 12.30 hrs .Left for Fiji at 18.00 hrs

12 December, 2004. All day at sea towards Fiji. At 06.00 hrs 15S 175 W. 229 from Western Samoa and 424 miles from Fiji. At 22.00 hrs 16 S 179 W, 508 miles from Western Samoa and 144 miles from Fiji. Wind N force 5/6.

13 December, 2004. Lost today crossing the date-line.

14 December, 2004. Arrived Suva, Fiji at 07.00 hrs and spent the morning at the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve. Returned back to the liner at 13.00 hrs and visited the Botanical Gardens in the afternoon. Left Suva, Fiji at 18.30 hrs and sea-watched until 19.30 hrs.

15 December, 2004. All day at sea towards Auckland, New Zealand. At 06.00 hrs 22 S 177 E, 239 miles from Fiji and 910 miles from New Zealand. Wind N force 3. At 10.00 hrs 26 S 176 E, 511 miles from Fiji and 638 miles from New Zealand. Wind NW force 5.

16 December, 2004. All day at sea towards Auckland. At 06.00 hrs 29 S 176 E. Wind N force 6 increasing to 9 during the day, 713 miles from Fiji and 436 miles from Auckland.  At 19.00 hrs 33 S 175 E.

17 December, 2004. Sea-watched for the first hour and then arrived at Auckland at 08.00 hrs. Hired a car and drove out to Miranda and then back to Auckland. Departed at 19.00 hrs and sea-watched until dark at 21.00 hrs when we were approx. 31 miles out of Auckland. Wind WSW force 5/6 heading towards Tauranga.

18 December, 2004. Sea-watched early morning and arrived at Tauranga at 08.00 hrs. Hired a car and drove along coast to Matata and birded at the two lagoons. Drove onto Rotorua and birded at lake. Drove to McLaren Falls Park and walked the Waterfall Trail. Returned to liner and left Tauranga at 21.00 hrs.

19 December, 2004. Sailed along coast of North Island, from Tauranga to Wellington, keeping about 20 miles off-shore. Sea-watched all day, wind SW force 10 gusting to 12 with 30 ft. waves.

20 December, 2004. Continued to sail along coast of North Island and passed through the Cook Strait. Still force 10 winds South with huge seas. Running late and missed going into Wellington, and headed for Sydney. Winds now a lot less and sea calmed. Sea-watched all day.

21 December, 2004. All day at sea towards Sydney in the Tasman Sea. At 04.00 hrs 38 S 167 E, 857 miles from Taurange and 858 miles from Sydney. Wind SW force 8/9. At 19.30 hrs 37 S 162 E 1112 miles from Taurnaga and 603 miles from Sydney.

22 December, 2004. Last full day of the cruise as we continued to sail towards Sydeny in the Tasman Sea. At 03.00 hrs 36 S 160 E 483 miles from Sydney. At 17.00 hrs 35 S 155 E, 209 miles from Sydney.

23 December, 2004. Arrived at Sydney in the dark at 05.30 hrs. Left the Sapphire Princess at 09.00 hrs and booked into a nearby hotel. Went shopping and then walked down to the Sydney Opera House to watch the liner depart for Melbourne and a fire-work display. In total we travelled 10,054 nautical miles from Los Angeles to Sydney

24 December, 2004. Visited the Botanical Gardens and walked along the shore before returning to the Hotel. Relaxed during the afternoon.

25 December, 2004.  Relaxed during the morning before going to the airport for the long flight to Heathrow. 

Volcano Crater on Maui, Hawaii.


New Zealand Dabchick – Poliocephalus rufopectus. Singles seen on the coastal lagoon at Matata, and the lake at Rotorua North Island New Zealand on the 18th December.

New Zealand Little Grebe at Matata Lagoon.

Slavonian Grebe – Podiceps auratus Two seen in Ensenada Harbour, Mexico on the 23rd November.

Western Grebe – Aechmophorus occidentalis Two seen in Los Angeles port, on the 22nd November.

Wandering Albatross – Diomedea exulans Seen mainly in New Zealand waters, with 60 in the severe winds on the 19th, 10 on the 20th, 8 on the 21st and 4 on the 22nd in the Tasman Sea. Only the odd adult was seen, but also not many juveniles, the majority being in near adult plumage.

Wandering Albatross off New Zealand.

Royal Albatross – Diomedea epomophora Seventy were seen in the severe winds on the 19th with 10 on the 20th and one on the 22nd December.  Both races were identified on the 19th but “sanfordi” was by far the most numerous.

Grey Headed Albatross – Thalassarche chrysostoma Six recorded on the 19th December in the severe gale force winds off North Island, New Zealand.

Grey-headed Albatross off New Zealand.

Black Browed Albatross – Thalassarche melanophris Surprisingly only 4 seen in the severe gale force winds off North Island, New Zealand, which included 2 juvenile birds.

Adult Black-browed Albatross off New Zealand.

Buller’s Albatross – Thalassarche bulleri Four seen on the 19th with one on the 20th off North Island, New Zealand.

Shy Albatross – Thalassarche cauta Sixty seen on the 19th, 120 on the 20th, three on the 21st and four on the 22nd. The majority were White Capped with a scattering of Salvins and probably the Tasmania race “couti” were seen on the 21st and 22nd.

Poor record shot of a Adult Shy Albatross.

Light Mantled Sooty Albatross – Phoebetria palpebrate Two of these fine albatrosses were seen on the 21st December, one of which came extremely close to the liner. Superb!!

Southern Giant Petrel – Macronectes giganteus Two identified on the 19th and one on the 20th December, off the coast of North Island, New Zealand. 

Southern Giant Petrel off North Island, New Zealand.

Northern Giant Petrel – Macronectes giganteus Eight seen on the 19th, four on the 20th and two on the 21st December.

Cape Petrel – Daption capsens Thirty recorded on the 20th December off North Island, New Zealand.

Great Winged Petrel – Pterodroma macroptera Twelve seen on the 16th as we headed towards Auckland from Fiji. 300 were seen in the severe winds off New Zealand on the 19th, with 20 on the 20th, 70 on the 21st and 80 on the 22nd December. Superb views of many obtained and both races were identified but as expected “gouldi” proved to be the commonest.

Great Winged Petrels.

Tahiti Petrel – Pterodroma rostrata rostrate Recorded on seven dates with a superb 60 seen on the evening of the 6th as we left Moorea for Tahiti, which included a party of 9 and one of 7. Two seen on the 2nd, one on the 3rd, two on the 5th, four on the 7th, three on the 8th and finally 2 on the 9th. To my eye, they appeared larger, longer winged than Phoenix, with a pale streak in the centre of the under-wing and held their wings differently. They also had a more leisurely flight and kept lower to the surface of the sea.

White Headed Petrel – Pterodroma lessonii Eleven were seen of this fine Pterodroma in the Tasman Sea on the 21st. Superb!!

Phoenix Petrel – Pterodroma alba Fourteen recorded on the 2nd after gale force winds on the 1st as we approached Christmas Island, with three on the 4th and one on the 9th December. They had a more typical “pterodroma” flight than Tahiti Petrel, with shorter kinked wings and to my eye  darker looking upper-parts. I failed to see the white leading edge to the under-wing even thou I looked hard for this.

Providence Petrel – Pterodroma solandri Just a single bird seen on the 22nd December in the middle of the Tasman Sea when we were heading towards Sydney. Very straightforward to identify. It was noticeably smaller than Great Winged, which were present alongside, with conspicuous white flashes on the under-wing, greyish area around base of bill, similar to Great Winged and a paler body.

Murphy’s Petrel –Pterodroma ultima Four were identified on the 2nd December after the severe gales on the 1st, along with a number of other “pterodromas”.  One came close to the side of the liner for several minutes in good sunlight. They generally looked quite stocky and overall a darkish brown with just a slight paler contrast on the face and throat. The sun was catching the upper-wing and a greyish area could be seen well on the secondaries. The flight was fairly typical “pterodroma”.

Kermadec Petrel – Pterodroma neglecta One intermediate form seen on the 8th, another intermediate form seen on the 9th, and one intermediate and one dark from seen on the 15th December. Quite a heavy bull-necked “pterdroma” with good wing flashes at the base of the primaries on the under-wing. On one of the intermediate birds which showed very well, white tail shafts to the feathers could be seen well.

Soft Plumage Petrel – Pterodroma mollis One showed very well close to the liner on the 20th December as we approached the Cooks Straight off North Island, New Zealand. It had an amazing dashing flight and was soon gone. Superb!!

Juan Fernandez Petrel – Pterodroma externa One identified on the 8th December as we headed towards America Samoa from Tahiti and a possible one seen at a distance on the 15th between Fiji and New Zealand.

White Necked Petrel – Pterodroma cervicalis Fifty of these superb pterdromas were seen on the 15th with 26 on the 16th December, including one which landed on the deck and which I was able to photograph, as we headed towards Auckland from Fiji. The black cap, white neck and white under-wing are very conspicuous even from a distance. One of my favourite pterodromas.

An extremely attractive pale looking White-necked Petrel.

Normal looking White Necked Petrel which roosted overnight on board.

Cook’s Petrel – Pterodroma cookie Small numbers recorded on 5 dates with a maximum of eleven on the 21st December. One landed on board and had a bill length of 27mm, and therefore ruling out Pyrcrofts.
JFC holding a Cook's Petrel which landed on the deck.

Cooks Petrel on board Sapphire Princess off New Zealand.

Gould’s Petrel – Pterodroma leucoptera Eight seen on the 2nd after severe gales on the 1st as we were heading towards Bora Bora. Ten were seen on the 16th  between Fiji and Auckland. One on the 21st and seven on the 22nd in the Tasman Sea. The black head and white face showed up well in sun light from some distance, but the under-wing appeared all white at a distance but when they were much nearer the black under-wing border was obvious. Several flew parallel with the ship for several minutes giving excellent views. Flight not quite so dashing as the small “cookii” petrels.

Black Winged Petrel – Pterodroma nigripennis Thirty-one seen on the 16th between Fiji & Auckland, one on the 17th, three on the 19th and twelve on the 21st . Excellent views obtained which at one time included three together flying parallel with the ship for at least ten minutes. The black border on the under-wing very obvious, even from a distance.

Black Winged Petrels off New Zealand.

Fairy Prion – Pachyptila turtur Two on the 19th and 300 on the 20th, as we were approaching and passing Wellington, North Island. Good views as they were attracted to the liner.

Fairy Prions off Wellington, New Zealand.

Bulwer’s Petrel – Bulweria bulwerii One seen on the 2nd, and one on the 9th, with a possible seen poorly on the 4th. All three were some distance from the ship and generally appeared all black but the shape and jizz with the long pointed wings and tail clinched the identification.

Grey Petrel – Procellaria cinereal Sixteen of this unusual looking petrel, were seen in the New Zealand side of the Tasman Sea on the 21st including a party of five and another two were very close to the ship. They had a strange flight for a petrel with heavy deep flaps and flying into the wind the flaps were quite continuous. Ashy-brownish grey upper-parts a smudgy looking face, dark under-wings and under-tail and a pale body. The two close birds appeared to be moulting around the head.

White Chinned Petrel – Procellaria aequinoctialis Two seen on the 19th, twelve on the 20th and one on the 21st. All were seen in the area of the Cooks Straight to the Tasman Sea.

Black (Parkinson) Petrel – Procellaria parkinsoni Three were seen on both the 17th and 18th December as we passed close to their breeding grounds on North Island, New Zealand. They appeared smaller and darker than Westland and the dark tip to the bill was also clearly seen.

Westland Petrel – Procellaria westlandica Three were identified on the 19th, four on the 20th, and one on the 21st, all in the area of the Cooks Straight to the Tasman Sea.

Flesh Footed Shearwater – Puffinus carneipes Only seen around New Zealand on six dates, with 20 on the 15th, and 40 on the 19th December. I found these and the dark form of the Wedge Tailed Shearwaters to be “pitful” species but luckily the flight was usually the give away.

Two Flesh Footed Shearwaters with a Wandering Albatross crossing the back of the liner.

Wedge Tailed Shearwater – Puffinus pacificus The common shearwater, although not around New Zealand. During the early part of the cruise, the majority were pale phase birds but as we progressed only dark phase birds were seen. One landed on board the deck and when I picked it up, it had long strong wings. Recorded on eleven dates with a daily maximum of seventy on the 15th December.

Dark Phase Wedge Tailed Shearwaters.

Buller’s Shearwater – Puffinus bulleri Recorded on six dates with the first being seen on the 12th, between Samoa and Fiji, but the majority being seen around New Zealand with a fine 200 on the 19th. In my opinion, the best looking shearwater in the world!!

Buller’s Shearwater off New Zealand.

Sooty Shearwater – Puffinus griseus Only small numbers recorded on eight dates with daily maximum of eleven on the 24th November when we were leaving Mexico waters and twelve on the 20th in the Tasman Sea. One assumes the majority were down in the sub-antarctic around the breeding grounds.

Short Tailed Shearwater – Puffinus tenuirostris A party of five seen very well on the 19th December off North Island New Zealand and one seen very well flying parallel close to the liner for several minutes on the 22nd in the Tasman Sea. By far the best views I have ever had of this species and was easier to identify from Sooty Shearwater, than I expected.

Christmas Shearwater – Puffinus nativitatis After much searching for this small dark shearwater, I picked out two on the 15th December and these were closely followed by a party of five,which passed in front of the liner at very close range giving excellent views. These were all seen about 250 miles South of Fiji en-route to Auckland, New Zealand.

Hutton’s Shearwater – Puffinus huttoni After seeing many hundreds of Fluttering Shearwater the previous two days, I was somewhat relieved to see one on the 19th and eight on the 20th December as we were approaching Wellington, New Zealand. In fact they were easier to identify than I expected, with the under-wing being seen very well and much more extensive black on the sides of the breast.

Fluttering Shearwater – Puffinus gavia Recorded on four dates around New Zealand with 1,000+ on the 17th, as we approached and left Auckland, and 230 on the 18th December.

Audubon’s Shearwater – Puffinus lherminieri dichrous Three seen on the 5th December as we were leaving Bora Bora, forty on the 6th during the evening we were leaving Moorea, and two on the 7th as we were leaving Tahiti.

Grey Backed Storm Petrel – Garrodia nereis Just two identified, although other storm-petrels not identified but some were probably this species, were seen off North Island, New Zealand during the late evening of the 17th December. At the time I was searching for New Zealand Storm Petrel when I picked out these two, lacking the white-rump!! They showed very well close in front of the liner for some 15 minutes.

White Faced Storm Petrel – Pelagodroma marina Six seen on the 17th, with up to 100 feeding on the 18th and four on the 19th December off North Island, New Zealand. Excellent views obtained. Superb!!

Band Rumped Storm Petrel – Oceanodroma castro Two seen on the 24th November as we were leaving Mexico, one on the 27th November, one on the 2nd December and after severe gale force winds sixteen were seen on the 3rd December, some very close to the liner as we were heading towards Bora Bora. They had a very zig-zagging flight.

Black Storm Petrel – Oceanodroma melania  A feeding party of seven were seen close to the liner as we were heading to Hawaii from Mexico on the 24th November. They were identified from Ashy by there deep flaps, lifting their wings way above there backs, followed by a deep flap.

Common Diving Petrel – Pelecanoides urinatrix Up to four seen on four dates in the vicinity of New Zealand.

Red Tailed Tropicbird – Phaethon rubricauda One seen on the 2nd, and one on the 4th en-route to Bora Bora, two on the 14th and 15th near Fiji, and one on the 21st in the Tasman Sea.

White Tailed Tropicbird – Phaethon lepturus Three seen on the 9th en-route to America Samoa, fifty seen on the 10th in the rainforests on America Samoa, fifteen seen on the 11th in the rainforests of Western Samoa and one seen on the 12th at sea. Stunning views in the rainforests of these spectacular birds as they flew through the trees.

Australian Pelican – Pelecanus conspicillatus Just one seen on the 25th December on our way to Sydney Airport.

American White Pelican – Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Three seen on the 23rd November at Ensenada, Mexico.

Brown Pelican – Pelecanus occidentalis Eight seen at Los Angeles port on the 22nd November, and forty seen on the 23rd at Ensenada, Mexico.

Australian Gannet – Morus serrator Recorded in small numbers on five dates around North Island, New Zealand with a daily maximum of twelve on the 19th December.

Masked Booby – Sula dactylatra Four seen on the 2nd December and eighteen on the 3rd on our way to Bora Bora.

Red Footed Booby – Sula sula Good numbers recorded on eight dates chiefly close to Polynesia Islands with a daily maximum of eighty on the 5th December around Bora Bora. Majority were of the white headed brown phase but a few of the white phases were also seen. One landed on the mast of the liner for over an hour.

Brown Booby – Sula leucogaster Just recorded on four dates, with seventeen on the 30th November, one on the 5th December, five on the 12th and one on the 15th.

Little Black Cormorant – Phalacrocorax sulcirostris Just twenty seen on the 18th December in the Tauranga area of New Zealand.

Double Crested Cormorant – Phalacrocorax auratus Two seen on the 22nd November at Los Angeles dock, with forty seen on the 23rd at Ensenada, Mexico.

Great Cormorant – Phalacrocorax carbo Just 4 seen near Tauranga, New Zealand on the 18th December.

Brandt’s Cormorant – Phalacrocorax penicillatus Two seen on the 23rd November at Ensenada, Mexico.

Pied Cormorant – Phalacrocorax varius Just one seen on the 17th December at Miranda, New Zealand.

Little Pied Cormorant – Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Four seen on the 17th December and forty on the 18th December on North Island.

Little Pied & Little Black Cormorants at Rotorua, New Zealand.

Great Frigatebird – Fregata minor Two seen on the 3rd December at sea, with one on the 4th, and two on the 10th on America Samoa.

Lesser Frigatebird – Fregata ariel Singles seen on the 5th December in Bora Bora harbour, and 10th December in America Samoa harbour.

Great Blue Heron – Ardea herodias Five seen at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November.

Great Egret – Ardea alba Seven seen at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November.

Reddish Egret – Egretta rufescens One seen at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November.

White Faced Heron – Egretta novaehollandiae Thirty seen at Miranda, New Zealand on the 17th December.

Pacific Reef Heron – Egretta sacra Two seen at Suava, Fiji on the 14th December.

Cattle Egret – Bubulcus ibis Seven were seen on Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November, 100+ were seen on Oahu,

Striated Heron – Butorides striatus Two seen on Moorea on the 6th December, with one on America Samoa on the 10th.

Black Crowned Night Heron – Nycticorax nycticorax 20 were seen around the Kealia Ponds on Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November, with twelve seen on Oahu, Hawaii on the 30th November.

Australian White Ibis – Threskiornis molucca Up to 100 present in the Botanical Gardens Sydney on the 23/24 December.

White Faced Ibis – Plegadis chihi Three were found at the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Black Swan – Cygnus atratus 100+ were seen in the Rotorua area, New Zealand on the 18th December and as we were crossing the Tasman Sea about 12 hours from Wellington a party of 10 flew past the liner heading towards New Zealand on the 20th December.

Nene (Hawaiian Goose) – Branta sandvicensis Three were found at the car-park above Homer Grove, Maui, Hawaii on the 29 November.

A pair of Hawaiian Geese on Maui, Hawaii.

Canada Goose – Branta Canadensis Forty were seen on Matata Lagoon, North Island, New Zealand on the 18th December.

Paradise Shelduck – Tadorna variegata A pair seen in a field near Miranda, New Zealand on the 17th December, with 20 present on Matata Lagoon, North Island, New Zealand on the 18th.

Muscovy Duck – Cairina moschata One flying around Ensenada Harbour, Mexico on the 23rd November was unexpected.

Maned Duck – Chenonetta jubata Several were seen in the Botanical Gardens, Sydney on the 24th December. 

Female Maned Duck in the Sydney Botanical Gardens.

Drake Maned Duck in the Sydney Botanical Gardens.

Mallard – Anas platyrhynchos Seen at both Auckland and Tauranga areas.

Hawaiian Duck – Anas wyvilliana A party of five seen in flight and then two seen very well at the James Campbell NWR on the 30th November and they appeared to show no sign of Mallard and probably as good as you can get now. This NWR is trying to protect and increase the number of Hawaiian Ducks in the wild.

Pacific Black Duck – Anas supercilliosa Seven seen on the fish ponds on Moorea on the 6th December, with forty seen in the Tauranga area on the 18th. Also seen in the Botanical Gardens, Sydney on the 24th.

New Zealand Scaup – Aythya novaeseelandiae Seven seen at Matata Lagoons and 50 at Rotorua, New Zealand on the 18th December.

New Zealand Scaups at Rotorua, New Zealand.

Surf Scoter – Melanitta perspicillata 100 present in Ensenada Harbour, Mexico on the 23rd November.

Red Breasted Merganser – Mergus serrator Eight seen in Ensenada Harbour, Mexico on the 23rd November.

Turkey Vulture – Cathartes aura Just one seen at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November.

Swamp Harrier – Circus approximans Five seen on Bora Bora on the 5th December, with four on Moorea on the 6th. One seen on Fiji on the 14th December. Eight were seen in the Auckland area on the 17th December, and two in the Tauranga area on the 18th.

Fiji Goshawk – Accipiter rufitorques A stunning adult flew into a tree close to its nest and gave good views before departing in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji, on the 14th December.

Broad Winged Hawk – Buteo platypterus Two seen en route to Los Angeles port from the airport on the 22nd November.

American Kestrel – Falco sparverius One seen at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November.

Chukar – Alectoris chukar DRC had a pair crossing the road above Homer Grove, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Grey Francolin – Francolinus pondicerianus Two walked across the entrance road to Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Common Pheasant – Phasianus colchicus One seen on Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Buff Banded Rail – Gallirallus philippensis Seven seen feeding on the lawns in the gardens of Vailima, Western Samoa on the 11th December, and one seen in the Botanical Gardens, Sydney on the 24th.

Purple Swamphen – Porphyrio porphyrio Several seen at Matata Lagoon including a family with young and at Rotorua, New Zealand on the 18th December.

Hawaiian Moorhen – Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis Twelve were found on the Kialau Wetlands, Oahu on the 30th November. 

Hawaiian Moorhen at the Kialau Wetlands, Oahu.

Dusky Moorhen – Gallinula tenebrosa Twenty seen in the Botanical Gardens, Sydney on the 24th December.

Dusky Moorhen in the Sydney Botanical Gardens.

Eurasian Coot – Fulica atra australis Twenty-five seen on  the Matata Lagoons, New Zealand on the 18th December.

Hawaiian Coot – Fulica alai 20 were found on the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November, and fifty were found on the Kialau Wetlands, Oahu on the 30th November.

Hawaiian Coot at the Kealia Ponds, Maui.

Black Oystercatcher – Haematopus bachmani Ten seen at Ensenada, Mexico, on the 23rd November.

American Oystercatcher – Haematopus palliates Four seen at Ensenada, Mexico, on the 23rd November.

South Island Oystercatcher – Haematopus finsch 150 were present at Miranda, New Zealand on the 17th December, and 100 were in Tauranga Harbour on the 18th.

Eight South Island Oystercatchers at Miranda.

Variable Oystercatcher – Haematopus unicolor Three flew across Auckland Harbour, New Zealand on the 17th December, and 100+ present in Tauranga Harbour on the 18th.

White Headed Stilt – Himantopus leucocephalus Fifty seen at Miranda, New Zealand on the 17th December, with 4 seen in the Tauranga area on the 18th.

Black Necked Stilt – Himantopus mexicanus knudseni Up to 200 seen at the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November. 25 seen on the Kialau Wetlands, Oahu on the 30th November.

Hawaiian Stilt at the Kialau Wetlands, Oahu, Hawaii.

Masked Lapwing – Vanellus miles One seen near Miranda, New Zealand on the 17th December, with 7 seen in the Tauranga area on the 18th, and also seen in the Botanical Gardens Sydney on the 24th.

Masked Lapwing in the Sydney Botanical Gardens.

Pacific Golden Plover – Pluvialis fulva Twentyfive seen on Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November, forty on Oahu on the 30th November, six on America Samoa on the 10th December, including two on a flat roof of a warehouse at the docks, twelve seen on Western Samoa, with one on Fiji.

Pacific Golden Plover on Oahu, Hawaii.

Grey (Black Bellied) Plover – Pluvialis squatarola Two seen in Ensenada Harbour, Mexico, on the 23rd November.

New Zealand (Red Breasted) Dotterel – Charadrius obscurus aquilonius  Three of these delightful dotterel were found at high tide at Marinda, North Island, New Zealand, on the 17th December and excellent views obtained.

New Zealand Dotterel in moult at Marinda, New Zealand.

Wrybill – Anarhynchus frontalis Four were seen roosting at high tide on the shell banks at Miranda on the 17th December, and was a highlight in New Zealand.

Wrybill at Miranda.

Long Billed Dowitcher – Limmodromus sclolpaceus Four were seen on the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii, on the 29th November.

Bar Tailed Godwit – Limosa lapponica 500+ were seen roosting at high tide at Miranda, New Zealand on the 17th December.

Marbled Godwit – Limosa fedoa Two seen in Ensenada Harbour on the 23rd November, with one at the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Whimbrel – Numenius phaeopus One seen at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November, and one with the Bristle Thighed Curlews in the James Campbell NWR on the 30th November.

Bristle Thighed Curlew – Numenius tahitiensis Three were seen very well on the James Campbell NWR, Oahu, Hawaii on the 30th November.

Bristle Thighed Curlew at James Campbell NWR. Oahu, Hawaii.

Wandering Tattler – Heterosceles incanus Six were seen on the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November, three seen on the Kialau Wetlands, Oahu on the 30th November. Three seen on Bora Bora on the 5th December, with five at the fish ponds on Moorea on the 6th. One seen on America Samoa on the 10th, three seen on Western Samoa, and one on Fiji.

Willet – Catoptrophorus semipalmatus Two seen in Ensenada Harbour, Mexico on the 23rd November.

Ruddy Turnstone – Arenaria interpres One seen in Ensenada Harbour, Mexico on the 23rd November, and 27 seen at the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November. Ten seen on Oahu on the 30th November. Six seen at Miranda, New Zealand on the 17th December.

Surfbird – Aphriza virgata Six seen at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November.

Red Knot – Calidris canutus 100+ were found roosting at high tide at Miranda, New Zealand on the 17th December.

Sanderling – Calidris alba Fifty seen on the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November, with two seen at the James Campbell NWR, Oahu on the 30th November.

Least Sandpiper – Calidris minutilla One was found on the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Dunlin – Calidris alpine One found on the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Arctic Skua – Stercorarius parasiticus Just a single bird seen on the 20th December chasing the Fairy Prions off Wellington, New Zealand.

Heermann’s Gull – Larus heermanni Twelve seen at Los Angeles port on the 22nd November, and 200+ seen in the Ensenada, Mexico area on the 23rd. 

Adult winter plumage Herrmanns Gull at Ensenada.

Ring Billed Gull – Larus delawarensis Six seen in Los Angeles port on the 22nd November, and 100+ seen in the Ensenada, Mexico area on the 23rd. One was seen at the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Kelp Gull – Larus dominicanus Upto 100 seen on the 17th and 18th December on North Island, New Zealand, with 1 on the 20th December out to sea near the Cook Strait.

California Gull – Larus californicus Just five identified at Los Angeles port on the 22nd November.

Western Gull – Larus occidentalis Sixty seen on the 22nd November in Los Angeles port, with 100+ on the 23rd in the Ensenada, Mexico area.

Adult & Juvenile Western Gulls at Ensenada, Mexico.

American Herring Gull – Larus argentatus smithsonianus Four seen at Los Angeles port on the 22nd November with 1 at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd.

Silver Gull – Larus novaehollandiae Large numbers recorded at Sydney during the 23rd to the 25th December.

Red Billed Gull – Larus scopulinus Twenty seen on the 17th December at Auckland and 100+ on the 18th in the Tauranga area.

Red Billed Gull at Matata Lagoon, New Zealand.

Black Billed Gull – Larus bulleri Sixty seen at Miranda, New Zealand on the 17th December, with 70 at Rotorua, New Zealand on the 18th. 

Black Billed Gulls calling at Rotorua, New Zealand.

Caspian Tern – Sterna caspia Two seen on the 23rd November at Ensenada, Mexico, with ten on the 17th December at Miranda, New Zealand, and 4 on the 18th in Tauranga Harbour.

Royal Tern – Sterna maxima Twenty seen on the 23rd November at Ensenada, Mexico.

Great Crested Tern – Sterna bergii Five seen on the 5th December in Bora Bora harbour, fifteen on the 6th at Moorea, and twelve on the 14th at Suva, Fiji.

Black Naped Tern – Sterna sumatrana One seen on the 4th December at sea one day away from Bora Bora, and ten seen on the 14th at Suva, Fiji.

White Fronted Tern – Sterna striata Fifty seen on the 17th December, in the Auckland area, twenty on the 18th in the Tauranga area, and four on the 20th out to sea off North Island, New Zealand.


Little Tern – Sterna albifrons A surprise, was a single bird in winter plumage at Miranda, New Zealand on the 17th December.

Sooty Tern – Sterna fuscata Recorded on seven dates in Polynesia, and after the gale force 10 winds 2,000+ were seen out to sea on the 3rd December and these must have been displaced with 2 juveniles landed on deck. Many birds flew around the ship calling and I spent virtually the whole day trying to pick out a Grey Backed Tern in the flocks without success!!

Black Noddy – Anous minutes Just one identified, which was feeding with a party of Brown Noddies on the 10th December in American Samoa harbour.

Brown Noddy – Anous stolidus Recoded in fair numbers on seven dates in Polynesia, with a daily maximum of 100+ on the 12th December out to sea heading towards Fiji.

White Tern – Gygis alba Twelve seen on the 30th November at Waikiki, Honolulu, and then recorded in fair numbers on six dates in Polynesia with a daily maximum of 80 on the 10th December flying over the forests on American Samoa. Superb!!

White Terns at Waikiki, Honolulu.

Craveri’s Murrelet – Synthliboramphus craveri Four flew parallel with the ship for almost ten minutes on the 24th November as we were leaving Ensenada, Mexico. The dark under-wings were well seen which excluded Xantus Murrelet.

Spotted Dove – Streptopelia chinensis Very common in Hawaii, Maui, Oahu,

Zebra Dove – Geopelia striata Common in Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Bora Bora,

Mourning Dove – Zenaida macroura Ten seen at Los Angeles on the 22nd November, and five at Ensenada on the 23rd.

Crimson Crowned (Purple Capped) Fruit Dove – Ptilnopus porphyraceus Two of these delightful Fruit Doves, showed very well feeding over the road on the walk back from the Ridge Trial in America Samoa National Park on the 10th December.

Pacific Imperial Pigeon – Ducula pacifica Eight of these large pigeons with a distinctive bulge on the bill were seen on America Samoa on the 10th December including one building a nest.

New Zealand Pigeon – Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae  Just one seen at Matata, North Island, New Zealand on the 18th December.

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo – Cacatua galerita Up to twenty present in the Botanical Gardens, Sydney on the 24th December.

Rainbow Lorikeet – Trichoglossus haematodus Small numbers seen around the Botanical Gardens, Sydney on the 23/24 December.

Collared Lory – Phigys solitarius Just two seen, outside the entrance to the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji on the 14th December.

Blue Crowned Lorikeet – Vini australis A single bird showed well feeding in the gardens at Valimia, Western Samoa on the 11th December before the onset of very heavy rain.

Masked Shining Parrot – Prosopeia personata Seven of these fine large parrots, were found feeding near the entrance to the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji on the 14th December.

Rose Ringed Parakeet – Psittacula krameri Two seen on Oahu, Hawaii on the 30th November.

White Rumped Swiftlet – Aerodramus spodiopygius Up to 100 were seen on America Samoa, chiefly along the Ridge Trial in the National Park on the 10th December, and good numbers also seen on Fiji on the 14th December.

Flat Billed Kingfisher – Todirhamphus recurvirostris Two of this island endemic, were found in the gardens at Vailima on Western Samoa on the 11th December. Excellent views obtained.

Collared Kingfisher – Todirhamphus chloris Six of the very distinctive white headed race, which some authorities lump with Chattering Kingfisher, were seen on America Samoa chiefly along the Ridge Trial in the National Park on the 10th December. One seen in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji on the 14th December.

Belted Kingfisher – Ceryle alcyon One seen at Los Angeles port on the 22nd November, four seen at Ensenada on the 23rd.

Black Phoebe – Sayornis nigricans A single bird was seen at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November.

Tropical Kingbird – Tyrannus melancholicus One seen at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November.

Sky-lark – Alauda arvensis Eight seen on Maui,Hawaii on the 29th November, and several seen at Miranda, New Zealand on the 17th December, and in the Tauranga area, New Zealand on the 18th.

Pacific Swallow – Hirundo tahitica subfusca Two seen at Suava, Fiji on the 14th December.

Welcome Swallow – Hirundo neoxena Up to 100 seen in the Auckland area on the 17th December, and 100 in the Taurnaga area on the 18th, and were also seen in Sydney on the 23/24 December.

Polynesian Triller – Lalage maculosa Five were seen on Western Samoa on the 11th December, two of which were found feeding on the lawns in the gardens at Vailima, and two were seen in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji on the 14th.

Polynesian Triller in the gardens at Vailima, Western Samoa.

Red Vented Bulbul – Pycnonotus cafer Recorded in Hawaii, Oahu, America Samoa, Western Samoa, Fiji. Very Common.

Fiji Bush Warbler – Cettia ruficapilla After hearing ten singing birds, we at last obtained good views of this very skulking warbler in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji on the 14th December.

Northern Mockingbird – Mimus polyglottos Two seen at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November, and one on Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Eurasian Blackbird – Turdus merula Ten were seen in the Auckland area on the 17th December, and twenty seen in the Tauranga area on the 18th.

Song Thrush – Turdus philomelos Small numbers seen on both dates at Auckland and Tauranga, New Zealand.

Grey Fantail – Rhipidura fuliginosa Three, seen along the waterfall trail, in McLaren Falls Park, New Zealand on the 18th December.

Streaked Fantail – Rhipidura spilodera Three showed very well in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji on the 14th December.

Samoan Fantail – Rhipidura nebulosa Just one found of this island endemic, during a short break in the heavy rain when we were in the rainforest behind Valimia on Western Samoa on the 11th December.

Slaty Monarch – Mayrornis lessoni Up to ten were found in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve,Fiji on the 14th December and excellent views obtained.

Fiji Shrikebill – Clytorhynchus vitiensis Two showed very well for 15 minutes in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji on the 14th December.

Vanikoro Flycatcher – Myiagra vanikorensis Just two of this attractive flycatcher, were found in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji on the 14th December.

Blue Crested Flycatcher – Myiagra azureocapilla Six of this superb flycatcher were found in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji on the 14th December.

Golden Whistler – Pachycephala pectoralis Two were found in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji, on the 14th December.

Samoan Whistler – Pachycephala flavifrons Again just one found of this island endemic, a male, which showed very well above the trail in the rainforest behind Vailima on Western Samoa on the 11th December.

Red Billed Leiothrix – Leiothrix lutea Two were found in Homer Grove, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Japanese White-eye – Zosterops japonicus Two seen in the Volcano National Park, Hawaii on the 28th November.

Layard’s (Fiji) White-eye – Zosterops exploratory Fifteen were found in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji on the 14th December.

Silver-eye – Zosterops lateralis A party of twelve seen near the fish ponds on Moorea on the 6th December.

Cardinal Myzomela – Myzomela cardinalis Ten of these delightful myzomelas were seen on the walk up to the America Samoa National Park on the 10th December, with a further twelve seen in the gardens at Valimia, Western Samoa on the 11th.

Orange Breasted Myzomela jugularis Six were found in the Colo –l– Suva Forest Reserve in Fiji on the 14th December.

Wattled Honeyeater – Foulehaio carunculate Up to fifteen were seen on America Samoa on the 10th December, 20+ were seen on Western Samoa on the 11th. Eight were seen in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji on the 14th.

Giant (Forest) Honeyeater – Gymnomyza viridis Two of these large endemic Honeyeaters were seen feeding low down along a track in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve, Fiji on the 14th December.

Noisy Miner – Manorina melanocephala Fifty were seen in the Botanical Gardens, Sydney on the 24th December.

Tui – Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae One seen near Marandi, North Island, New Zealand on the 17th December, and four seen near Tauranga, New Zealand on the 18th.

Magpie-Lark – Grallina cyanoleuca Just one seen in the Botanical Gardens, Sydney on the 24th December.

Australian Magpie – Gumnorhina tibicen Three seen near Auckland, New Zealand on the 17th December, and six in the Tauranga area on the 18th. Also seen in the Botanical Gardens, Sydney on the 24th.

Pied Currawong – Strepera graculina Five seen in the Botanical Gardens, Sydney on the 24th December.

American Crow – Corvus brachyrhynchos Six seen at Los Angeles on 22nd November.

Torresian Crow – Corvus orru Odd birds seen around Sydney on the 23/25th December.

Polynesian Starling – Aplonis tabuensis Eight of these berry-eating starlings were found along the Ridge Trial in the America Samoa National Park on the 10th December, and they appeared more like a Berry-eater than a starling.

Samoan Starling – Aplonis atrifusca Twenty-one of this Samoa endemic were seen on America Samoa on the 10th December, and six seen on Western Samoa on the 11th.

Jungle Myna – Acridotheres fuscus Very common on America Samoa, Western Samoa, Fiji.

Common Myna – Acridotheres tristis Very common in Hawaii, Maui, Bora Bora, Moorea, America Samoa, Western Samoa, Fiji, and in Sydney.

European Starling – Sturnus vulgaris Common at Los Angeles, Ensenada,Mexico,  New Zealand.

House Sparrow – Passer domesticus Recorded at Ensenada, Mexico, Hawaii, Oahu, New Zealand,

Orange Cheeked Waxbill – Estrilda melpoda Two seen at the kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Common Waxbill – Estrilda astrild Six were seen on Oahu, Hawaii on the 30th November.

Fiji Parrotfinch – Erythrura pealii Two were seen in the Colo-l-Suva Forest Reserve on the 14th December, with 20+ found in Suva Botanical Gardens, Fiji.

Nutmeg Mannikin – Lonchura punctulata Thirty were seen at the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii, on the 29th November, and four were seen on Oahu on the 30th November.

Chestnut Munia – Lonchura atricapilla One seen on the 29th November at the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii.

Chestnut Breasted Munia – Lonchura castaneothorax Eight seen on Bora Bora on the 5th December, with six seen on Moorea on the 6th.

Java Sparrow – Padda oryzivora Three seen at the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November, and five seen at the Kialau Wetlands, Oahu on the 30th November.

Chaffinch – Fringilla coelebs Several seen in the Auckland area on the 17th December, and two seen near Rotorua on the 18th.

House Finch – Carpodacus mexicanus Five seen at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November, four seen on Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

European Greenfinch – Carduelis chloris Several seen in the Auckland area on the 17th December, and 6 seen in the Tauranga area of the 18th.

European Goldfinch – Carduelis carduelis Several seen in the Auckland area on the 17th December, and in Tauranga area on the 18th.

Common Amakihi - Hemignathus virens Seven were found at Homer Grove, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Maui (Alauahio) Creeper – Parorcomyza Montana Three of these delightful creepers showed very well at Homer Grove, Maui, Hawaill on the 29th November.

Apapane – Himatione sanguinea Six were seen in the Volcano National Park Hawaii on the 28th November, and two were seen in Homer Grove, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November.

Iiwi – Vestiaria coccinea Two of these stunning endemics were seen very well at Homer Grove, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November. Superb!!

Yellow Rumped Warbler – Dendroica coronata Eight were watched feeding at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November.
Red Crested Cardinal – Paroaria coronata Two were seen at the Kealia Ponds, Maui, Hawaii on the 29th November, and two were seen in the James Campbell NWR, Oahu, on the 30th November.

Northern Cardinal – Cardinalis cardinalis One seen on Hawaii on the 28th November, one seen on Maui on the 29th November.

Great Tailed Grackle – Auiscalus mexicanus Six seen at Ensenada, Mexico on the 23rd November.