Great Blue Heron at Ocean City.
Black Crowned Night Heron – Nycticorax nycticorax
12 seen roosting at Ocean City Pond on the 12th
Tundra Swan – Cygnus columbianus
Three seen at Jug Bay on the 30th, 20 were seen flying over on the 2nd, two flew over the Lily Ponds on the 3rd.
Canada Goose – Branta canadensis
Large numbers seen daily, all were of the large nominate race.
Snow Goose – 10,000 were seen along the India River on the 2nd, a fine sight.
Snow Geese along the India River.
Snow Geese in flight along the India River.
Mallard -Anas platyrhnchos
Recorded on several dates but only in small numbers.
Black Duck – Anas rubripes
70 seen at Jug Bay on the 30th, 70 were seen on the 2nd at Silver Lake,
Gadwall - Anas strepera
10 seen at Jug Bay on the 30th, 8 seen at Black Hills Reservoir on the 1st, few seen on the 2nd,
Pintail – Anas strepera
Six seen at Jug Bay on the 30th, 3 seen on the 2nd at Ocean City Pond,
American Wigeon – Anas americana
A pair were seen at Silver Lake on the 2nd.
Shoveler – Anas clypeata
Four seen at Jug Bay on the 30th, several seen at Silver Lake on the 2nd,
Green Winged Teal – Anas crecca
Two were seen at Jug Bag on the 30th.
Canvasback – Aythya valisineria
Five were seen at Black Hill Reservoir on the 1st, upto 200 seen on the 2nd at various lakes, and 50 on the 17th at Black Hills Reservoir.
Redhead – Anthya americana
A pair seen at Black Hills Reservoir on the 1st, and another pair seen at Silver Lake on the 2nd, with one at Black Hills Reservoir on the 17th.
Tufted Duck – Aythya fuligula
A female seen near Silver Lake on the 2nd.
Ring Necked Duck – Anthya collaris
Four seen at Jug Bay on the 30th, 6 seen at Black Hills Reservoir on the 1st, and 6 seen on the 2nd at Ocean City Pond, with fifty at Black Hills Reservoir on the 17th.
Greater Scaup – Aythya marila
10 seen at Silver Lake on the 2nd.
Lesser Scaup – Aythya affinis
15 seen on the 2nd at Ocean City Pond, and 25 at Black Hills Reservoir on the 17th.
Harlequin Duck – Histrionicus histrionicus
A surprise find was a female seen at Black Hills Reservoir on the lst and again on the 17th, it gave very close views and was approx. 200 miles inland. It was the first County record and the first for the Piedmount area. A fine drake was found at Ocean City Inlet on the 2nd.
This female was an excellent find by ourselves.
Female Harlequin Duck on Black Hills Reservoir.
Long Tailed Duck – Clangula hyemalis
Two were found with the drake Harlequin at Ocean City Inlet on the 2nd.
Surf Scoter – Melanitta perspicllata
A female was seen at Cape Henlopen on the 2nd.
Bufflehead – Bucephala albeola
Thirty seen at Black Hills Reservoir on the 1st, 40 seen on the 2nd around Ocean City, three showed very well on the Lily Ponds on the 3rd. Fifty were seen at Black Hills Reservoir on the 17th.
Two Buffleheads at the Lily Ponds.
Hooded Merganser – Lophodytes cucullatus
25 seen at Jug Bay on the 30th including several fine drakes displaying, 4 seen at the Black Hills Reservoir on the 1st, 10 were seen on the 2nd around Ocean City,
Red Breasted Merganser – Mergus serrator
Thirty were seen at Cape Henlopen on the 2nd.
Ruddy Duck – Oxyura jamaicensis
Two seen at Jug Bay on the 30th, 25 seen at Black Hills Reservoir on the 1st, 300 were seen on the 2nd around Ocean City. Twenty were present on Black Hills Reservoir on the 17th.
Turkey Vulture – Cathartes aura
Common and widespread and seen daily.
Black Vulture – Ckoragyps atratus
Six seen in the Jug Bay area and 2 at Layhill Park on the 30th, Four were seen on the journey to Ocean City on the 2nd, and one in Black Hills Regional Park on the 17th.
Northern Harrier – Circus cyaneus
Two seen at Jug Bay on the 30th. One was seen on the 2nd at Cape Henlopen.
Sharp Shinned Hawk – Accipiter striatus
One seen at Jug Bay on the 30th, with one at the Lily Ponds on the 3rd.
Cooper’s Hawk – Accipiter cooperii
One seen at Silver Spring and one at Black Hills Regional Park on the 1st.
Red Shouldered Hawk – Buteo lineatus
One seen at Hughes Hollow on the 1st. with one near the Lily Ponds on the 3rd. One was seen in Silver Spring Wood on the 15th. One seen in Layhill Park on the 16th. One seen in Black Hills Regional Park on the 17th.
Red Tailed Hawk – Buteo jamaicensis
Small numbers seen virtually daily.
Bald Eagle – Haliaeetus leucocephalus
An adult and immature seen very well at Jug Bay on the 30th, Four were seen on the 2nd around Ocean City, with fine views of an adult over Black Hills Reservoir on the 17th.
Adult Bald Eagle flying over Ocean City.
Adult Bald Eagle over Ocean City.
Merlin – Falco columbarius
One seen very well on the 1st at Hughes Hollow.
American Kestrel – Falco sparverius
Small numbers seen at several sites throughout our stay.
Peregrine – Falco peregrinus
One seen at Jug Bay on the 30th.
American Coot – Fulica americana
Fifty seen at Black Hills Reservoir on the 1st, and others seen at other sites during our trip.
Killdeer – Charadrius vociferus
Four were found feeding in the fields near the Lily Ponds on the 3rd.
American Oystercatcher – Haematopus palliatus
Forty were seen at Ocean City Inlet on the 2nd.
Greater Yellowlegs – Tringa melanoleuca
Twelve were found feeding on Ocean City Pond on the 2nd.
Ruddy Turnstone – Arenaria interpres
Thirty were seen at Ocean City Inlet on the 2nd.
Purple Sandpiper – Calidris maritima
Eight seen at Ocean City Inlet on the 2nd.
Purple Sandpiper at Ocean City.
Sanderling – Calidris alba
Eighty seen at Cape Henlopen on the 2nd.
American Snipe – Gallinago gallinago
One flushed at the Lily Ponds on the 3rd.
Bonaparte’s Gull – Larus philadelphia
Thirty of these delightful gulls seen on the India River on the 2nd and excellent views obtained.
Adult winter plumage Bonapartes Gull along the India River.
Laughing Gull – Larus atricilla
Two seen at Jug Bay on the 30th.
Ring Billed Gull – Larus delawarensis
The common gull, with good numbers seen on several dates.
American Herring Gull – Larus argentatus
Good numbers seen on several dates, good views of juveniles seen at the coast where they appeared much more uniform brown than the “British” birds with dark brown upper tail coverts and rump, very distinctive.
American Herring Gulls at Ocean City.
Juvenile American Herring Gulls at Ocean City.
2nd or 3rdW type American Herring Gull at Ocean City.
Adult winter plumage American Herring Gull at Ocean City.
Lesser Black Backed Gull – Larus fuscus
An adult seen at Jug Bay on the 30th.
Greater Black Back Gull – Larus marinus
Small numbers seen at several sites.
Forster’s Tern – Sterna forsteri
Twenty were found along the India River on the 2nd.
Mourning Dove – Zeniada macroura
Seen in small numbers at most locations.
Barn Owl – Tyto alba
A pair present in a barn at Jug Bay on the 30th, the female was large and noticeably darker breasted than the male.
Snowy Owl – Nyctea scandiaca
Stunning close views were obtained of a 1stW. bird feeding on a dead rat in a field and then perched on a telegraph pole along New Design Road, near the Lily Ponds on the 15th.
1stW. Snowy Owl along New Design Road near the Lily Ponds.
It seems strange to return from a birding holiday to the Lesser Antilles and then spend just a few nights in Maryland and find a Harlequin Duck miles inland and then see a Snowy Owl which gave very close views.
Barred Owl – Strix varia
One flushed and seen very well in flight at Hughes Hollow on the 1st.
Rufous Hummingbird – Selasphorus rufus
Good views obtained of a winter plumage bird coming to a feeder at Ocean Pines on the 2nd.
Belted Kingfisher – Ceryle alcyon
One seen at Layhill Park on the 30th,one seen on the 2nd at Silver Lake,
Red Headed Woodpecker – Melanerpes erythrocephalus
One performed very well for us at Black Hills Regional Park on the 1st.
Red Bellied Woodpecker – Melanerpes carolinus
Small numbers seen daily in wooded areas including gardens.
Yellow Bellied Sapsucker – Sphyrapicus varius
Excellent views of an adult male feeding at Hughes Hollow on the 17th.
Adult male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Hughes Hollow.
Downy Woodpecker – Picoides pubescens
Small numbers seen daily.
Downy Woodpecker at Silver Springs.
Northern Flicker – Colaptes autatus
One seen at Layhill Park on the 30th, 2 seen at Black Hills Regional Park on the 1st, one at the Lily Ponds on the 3rd. Two seen in Silver Spring Wood on the 15th,
Eastern Phoebe – Sayornis phoebe
Two found wintering at Ocean Pines on the 2nd, with one at the Lily Ponds on the 3rd, and one at Hughes Hollow on the 17th.
Blue Jay – Cyanocitta cristata
One seen at Jug Bay on the 30th, 1 seen at Black Hills Regional Park on the 1st, three seen near the Lily Ponds on the 3rd with one in Layhill Park on the 16th.
American Crow – Corvus brachyrhynchos
Very common and widespread.
Fish Crow – Corvus ossifragus
One seen and heard at Jug Bay on the 30th.
Horned Lark – Eremophila alpestris
Fifty found feeding in the fields by the Lily Ponds on the 3rd, with 2 seen along New Design Road on the 15th.
Tufted Titmouse – Baeolaphus bicolor
Common in several wooded areas ie Silver Springs and seen daily.
Carolina Chickadee – Poecile carolinensis
Reasonable numbers seen daily at various wooded locations including gardens.
White Breasted Nuthatch – Sitta carolinensis
Two seen at Black Hills Regional Park on the 1st and small numbers seen at several sites on other dates.
Brown Creeper – Certhia americana
One found in Silver Spring Wood on the 15th, with one at Hughes Hollow on the 17th.
Carolina Wren – Thryothorus ludovicianus
One seen at Ocean Pines on the 2nd, three seen in Silver Spring wood on the 15th.
Winter Wren – Troglodytes troglodytes
One seen at Ocean Pines on the 2nd, with one at Hughes Hollow on the 17th.
Golden Crowned Kinglet – Regulus satrapa
Four seen at Jug Bay woods and one at Layhill Park on the 30th, Eight seen in Silver Spring Wood on the 15th, with 10 in Layhill Park on the 16th.
Record shot of a Golden Crowned Kinglet in Silver Spring Wood.
Record shot of a Golden Crowned Kinglet in Silver Spring Wood.
Ruby Crowned Kinglet – Regulus calendula
Nice views obtained of a single bird at Hughes Hollow on the 17th.
Eastern Bluebird – Sialia sialis
Six seen at Jug Bay and 2 at Layhill Park on the 30th, with 15 at Layhill Park on the 1st, Four seen at Ocean Pines on the 2nd, with 2 in Layhill Park on the 16th.
Eastern Bluebird at Layhill Park.
Eastern Bluebird at Layhill Park.
American Robin – Turdus migratorius
Two were seen at Jug Bay on the 30th.
Hermit Thrush – Catharus guttatus
One was seen briefly in Black Hills Regional Park on the 1st.
Northern Mockingbird – Mimus polyglottos
Reasonable numbers seen daily at various sites.
Brown Thrasher – Toxostoma rufum
One showed well at Black Hills Regional Park on the 1st.
European Starling – Sturnus vulgaris
Common and widespread.
Cedar Waxwing – Bombycilla cedrorum
Eight settled briefly in trees in Layhill Park on the 16th, and fifty flew over Hughes Hollow on the 17th.
Yellow Rumped Warbler – Dendroica coronata
One seen at Jug Bay on the 30th, one at Black Hills Regional Park on the 1st. Six seen at Ocean Pines on the 2nd, one in Silver Spring Wood on the 15th, and a flock of 12 at Hughes Hollow on the 17th.
Palm Warbler – Dendroica palmarum
Good views obtained of one at Ocean Pines on the 2nd.
Palm Warbler at Ocean Pines.
Pine Warbler – Dendroica pinus
A fine adult gave excellent views at Ocean Pines on the 2nd.
Pine Watbler at Ocean Pines.
Northern Cardinal – Cardinalis cardinalis
Common in gardens and woodlands and large numbers seen in Layhill Park, and Black Hills Regional Park. Fifty were seen in Layhill Park on the 16th.
Eastern Towhee – Pipilo erythrophthalmus
One seen at Jug Bay on the 30th, with 4 seen at Layhill Park on the 16th.
American Tree Sparrow – Spizella arborea
Eight showed very well in a grassy area and also at the Lily Ponds on the 3rd.
Field Sparrow – Spizella pusilla
20 seen at Layhill Park on the 30th, with 8 on the 1st, 4 seen at Ocean Pines on the 2nd, and 4 seen at Layhill Park on the 16th.
Field Sparrows at Ocean City.
Chipping Sparrow – Spizella passerina
Two seen at Layhill Park on the 1st, with six at Ocean Pines on the 2nd, with 4 seen at Layhill Park on the 16th.
Chipping Sparrows at Layhill Park.
Nelson’s Sharp Tailed Sparrow – Aammodramus nelsoni
Four of these attractive sparrows, one of which sat up well in the marshy area near India River were seen on the 2nd.
Saltmarsh Sharp Tailed Sparrow – Ammodramus caudacutus
At least one showed very well in the marsh near India River on the 2nd and good comparision could be made with the previous species.
Savannah Sparrow – Passerculus sandwichensis
Two were found in coastal scrub by the marsh near India River on the 2nd.
White Throated Sparrow – Zonotrichia albicollis
25 seen at Jug Bay on the 30th and 25 at Layhill Park also on the 30th, 25 seen at Layhill Park on the 1st, 8 were seen around the Lily Ponds on the 3rd. A good count of 50 at Layhill Park on the 16th.
Summer plumage White-throated Sparrow at Layhill Park.
White Crowned Sparrow – Zonotrichia leucophrys
A flock of 20 were found feeding in a hedgerow in the fields near the Lily Ponds on the 3rd.
Fox Sparrow – Passerella iliaca
Good views obtained of eight of the Eastern Red race at Layhill Park on the 1st, and at least 20 showed very well on the 16th at Layhill Park.
Fox Sparrow of the Eastern race at Layhill Park.
Song Sparrow – Melospiza melodia
15 seen at Layhill Park on the 30th, with 25 seen on the 1st at Layhill and Black Hills, with large numbers at various sites throughout our trip. At least 40 were seen at Layhill Park on the 16th.
Swamp Sparrow – Melospiza georgiana
Twelve were seen around the Lily Ponds on the 3rd.
Dark Eyed Junco – Junco hyemalis
Seen daily with good numbers at Layhill Park, including 25 on the 16th.
Dark-eyed Junco at Layhill Park.
Lapland Bunting – Calcarius lapponicus
One found feeding with the Horned Larks in the fields near the Lily Ponds on the 3rd.
Eastern Meadowlark – Sturnella magna
Ten showed well in the fields near the Lily Ponds on the 3rd, most appeared to be in breeding plumage.
Red Winged Blackbird – Agelaius phoeniceus
Ten were seen at Jug Bay on the 30th, 2 seen on the 1st, and 20 at Layhill Park on the 16th.
Rusty Blackbird – Euphagus cyanocephalus
Good views were obtained of a flock of 20 feeding low to the ground in a flooded wooded swamp at Jug Bay on the 30th.
Boat Tailed Grackle – Quiscalus major
Twelve were found along the sea-wall by the India River on the 2nd.
Female and male Boat-tailed Grackles along the sea-wall by the India River.
Purple Finch – Carpodacus purpureus
A female showed well briefly on top of a tree at Hughes Hollow on the 17th.
House Finch – Carpodacus mexicanus
Two seen on the 1st at Layhill Park, two were seen at Ocean Pines on the 2nd. Six were seen at Layhill Park on the 16th.
American Goldfinch – Carduelis tristis
Seen virtually daily at various sites in low numbers, maximum count was 25 at Layhill Park on the 16th.
House Sparrow – Passer domesticus
Seen daily in built up areas.