Monday, 30 January 2023

INDIA Ranthambhor & Bharatpur 14th February - 22nd February 1997



Ranthambhor & Bharatpur

14th February - 22 February 1997

J.F. Cooper, D. Cooper & T.E.Cooper


14/2/97 : Caught early morning flight to Dubai. 

15/2/97 : Arrived Dehli mid morning and visited Okhla Barrage area. Met up with our Irish birding friends. Caught afternoon train to Ranthambhor arriving late evening.

16/2/97 : Early morning spent on jeep ride in Ranthambhor Reserve, then spent several hours walking semi - desert area in vicinity of small hill with ruins and then afternoon jeep ride into Reserve.

View taken on Ranthambhor Reserve.

View of the lakes at Ranthambhor Reserve.

17/2/97 : Early morning spent on jeep ride in Ranthambhor Reserve, then spent several hours walking the semi - desert area in vicinity of small hill with ruins followed by a quick visit to the ravine behind the hotel and then afternoon jeep ride into Reserve.

       The Fort at Ranthambhor.

View of the Tiger Temple at Ranthambhor.

   The semi-desert area in the Ranthambhor Reserve, where we had a jeep ride in the Reserve.

.View of the Semi-Desert Area near Ranthambhor, which we visited.

       Birding area behind our Hotel near Ranthambhor.

18/2/97 : Early morning spent on jeep ride in Ranthambhor Reserve seeing a Tiger at close range followed by a visit to the ravine behind the hotel, and the caught a train to Bharatpur arriving at reserve entrance at 4pm to be told that the 3 Siberian White Cranes had flown off high to the north at 11am. Rest of daylight spent in Reserve.

Ranthambhor Railway Station, with local children.

Pig on the line at Ranthambhor Railway Station.

19/2/97 : Whole day at Bharatpur Reserve.

     Our Hotel 

David at our hotel.

Our Grand Hotel at Bharatpur.

  Terry & David at Bharatpur hoping to see some birds.

   View taken at Bharatpur area.


                 Three views taken at Bharatpur.20/2/97 

20/2/97. Whole day at Bharatpur Reserve.

David & Terry travelling in style at Bharatpur.

21/2/97 : Spent morning at Bharatpur then caught bus back to Dehli arriving after dark.

22/2/97 : Caught early morning flight to London via Dubai.

     Indian Wild Boars at Ranthambhor.

Bluebull or Nilgai at Ranthambhor.

 Spotted Deer or Chital at Ranthambhor.

Indian Gazelles at Ranthambhor.

Sambar Deer with Cattle Egret at Ranthambhor.

Common Langurs at Ranthambhor.

Terrapin at Ranthambhor.

Marsh Muggers Crocodiles at Ranthambhor.

Tiger at Ranthambhor.

Striped Squirrel near Bharatpur.

Spotted Deer crossing the track at Bharatpur.

Jungle Cat at Bharatpur.

Butterfly at Bharatpur.


Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficollis capensis C
Around 10 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, up to 12 daily on the lakes at Ranthambhor and around 5 seen daily at Bharatpur.

White Pelican - Pelecanus onocotalus C
At Bharatpur 30 were seen on the 18th, 20 on the 19th and 20th and 1 on the 21st favouring the area just beyond the temple.

Dalmatian Pelican - Pelecanus philippensis C
At Bharatpur 4 were seen on the 19th, 1 on the 20th and 2 on the 21st favouring the area along the main track leading to the temple. This species is listed as Vulnerable by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state that drainage of wetlands throughout the range compounded by shooting, persecution by fishermen, collision with power lines, pesticides and disturbance at colonies has caused a massive decline in numbers. They estimate the total global breeding population at 3,200 - 4,300 pairs with the prospect of further decline is real.

Dalmatian Pelicans at Bharatpur.

Greater Cormorant - Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis C
A single bird was seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, 20 flew over Ranthambhor on the 16th and 1 was seen there on the 17th and up to 30 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Indian Cormorant (Shag) - Phalacrocorax fusciollis C
Around 8 were present at the end of the canal running alongside the main track near the temple at Bharatpur being seen on both the 20th and 21st.

Colony of Indian Cormorants at Bharatpur.

Little Cormorant - Phalacrocorax niger C
Around 20 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, around 2 daily at Ranthambhor and up to 40 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Little Cormorant at the Okhla Barrage.

Darter - Anhinga melanogaster melanogaster C
Up to 15 were seen daily on the Ranthambhor Lakes and up to 10 were seen daily at Bharatpur. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).

Male & Female Indian Darters on the lakes at Ranthambhor.

Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea cinerea C
Single birds were seen at Ranthambhor on the 16th and 17th and around 25 were recorded daily at Bharatpur.

Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea manilensis C
Around 3 were seen daily on the Ranthambhor lakes and around 10 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Purple Heron at Bharatpur.

Striated (Little Green) Heron - Butoroides striatus chloriceps C
Singles were seen at Ranthambhor entrance road on both the 16th and 17th.

Indian Pond Heron - Ardeola grayii C
Around 5 were present at Okhla Barrage on the 15th with around 25 seen daily at Ranthambhor and Bharatpur.

Indian Pond Heron at the Okhla Barrage.

Indian Pond Herons at Bharatpur.

Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis coromandus C
Around 10 were seen along the roadside near Dehli on the 15th and 5 were identified at Ranthambhor on the 16th.

Great White Egret - Ardea alba modesta C
Around 10 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, with up to 25 seen daily at Ranthambhor and around 5 positively identified at Bharatpur on the 19th although no doubt many more present with most Egrets not checked.

Intermediate Egret - Egretta intermedia intermedia C
Around 6 were positively identified at Ranthambhor on the 17th, and up to 30 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Intermediate Egret at Bharatpur.

Little Egret - Egretta garzetta garzetta C
Around 5 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, around 5 daily at Ranthambhor and up to 6 daily at Bharatpur although no doubt largely under recorded.

Night Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax C
Up to 20 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Cinnamon Bittern - Ixobrychus cinnamomeus C
A single individual was seen perched near a stream in the vicinity of the temple at Bharatpur on the 19th.

Female Cinnamon Bittern near the temple at Bharatpur.

Yellow Bittern - Ixobrychus sinensis C
Singles were seen at Bharatpur on the 19th, 20th and 21st.

Black Bittern - Ixobrychus flavicollis flavicollis C
Singles were seen alongside the main track leading to the temple at Bharatpur on the 18th and 19th with some excellent views being obtained.

Poor photograph of the Black Bittern hidden along the main track at Bharatpur.

Painted Stork - Mycteria leucocephala C
A single individual was seen in flight over Okhla Barrage on the 15th, with 2 seen daily at the Ranthambhor Lakes and an estimated 300 seen daily at the breeding colonies at Bharatpur. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).

        Two Painted Storks at Ranthambhor Lakes

Painted Storks etc
 Adult & Juvenile Painted Storks at Bharatpur.

    Painted Stork in flight at Bharatpur.
    Painted Stork in flight at Bharatpur.

Asian Openbill Stork - Anastomus oscitans C
A single individual was seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th and up to 20 were recorded daily at Bharatpur. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).

 Asian Openbill Stork at the Okhla Barrage.

Asian Openbill Storks in flight at Bharatpur.

Woolly-necked Stork - Ciconia episcopus episcopus C
At Ranthambhor 4 were seen on the 16th, 1 on the 17th and 2 on the 18th and at Bharatpur 1 was seen on the 20th.

2 Woolly-necked Storks with one asleep

Woolly Necked Storks at Ranthambhor.

White Stork - Ciconia ciconia asiatica C
At Bharatpur 2 were seen near the temple on the 19th, and one was seen between Bharatpur and Dehli from the bus on the 21st.

Black Stork - Ciconia nigra C
At Ranthambhor 1 was seen on the 16th and a party of 7 were seen on the 17th.

Black-necked Stork - Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus asiaticus C
Only seen at Bharatpur where up to 8 were recorded daily.

Black-necked Stork at Bharatpur.

Black Necked Stork at its nest at Bharatpur, with 8 different Storks seen.

Black Necked Stork with Painted Storks at Bharatpur.

Oriental White Ibis - Threskiornis melanocephalus C
At Ranthambhor 2 were seen on the lakes on the 16th and at Bharatpur around 15 were seen daily. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).

Immature Oriental White Ibis at Ranthambhor.

Adult Oriental White Ibis with Bar Headed Geese at Bharatpur.

Glossy Ibis - Plegadis falcinellus C
At Bharatpur up to 10 were seen daily.

Spoonbill - Platalea leucorodia leucorodia C
A single bird was seen at the Ranthambhor lakes on the 16th and up to 100 were seen daily at Bharatpur with a large concentration often seen just behind the temple.

Greylag Goose - Anser anser rubrirostris C
Up to 20 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 600 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Bar-headed Goose - Anser indicus C
Up to 500 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Bar-headed Geese with 500 seen in total at Bharatpur.

One Orential White Ibis with Bar Headed Geese at Bharatpur.

Bar Headed Geese at Bharatpur.

Bar Headed Geese at Bharatpur.

Lesser Whistling Duck - Dendrocygna javanica C
At Ranthambhor around 12 were seen on the 18th, and at Bharatpur around 20 were seen on the 18th and 80 the next day.

Flock of Lesser Whistling Ducks at Ranthambhor.

Lesser Whistling Ducks at Bharatpur.

Ruddy Shelduck - Tadorna ferruginea C
Around 20 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, 2 were seen at Ranthambhor on the 17th and a pair were seen at Bharatpur behind the temple on three dates.

Ruddy Shelducks at Ranthambhor.

Shelduck - Tadorna tadorna C
A party of 5 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th.

Pintail - Anas acuta C
Around 20 were recorded at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, around 3 were seen daily at the Ranthambhor Lakes and up to 300 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Teal - Anas crecca crecca C
Around 50 were recorded at Okhla Barrage on the 15th and around 50 were seen daily at both Ranthambhor and Bharatpur.

Baikal Teal - Anas formosa C
A female bird was identified at close range at the Ranthambhor Lakes on the 18th. The bird showed an all dark bill appearing larger than Teals and more of a shoe horn shape, large pale "spot" on face, dark chinstrap line and also dark line through eye and dark crown. Appeared larger than Teal with distinctive white under tail coverts and bright white axillaries and underwings. Speculum green with white leading edge. Described by the Birds of India and Pakistan 1987 as "Very rare and sporadic winter visitor." This species is listed as Vulnerable by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state that a dramatic decline has occurred this century with the main cause believed to be hunting on passage and winter and killing by spreading poisoned grain in feeding areas.

Spotbill Duck - Anas poecilorhyncha poecilorhyncha C
A party of 25 were seen at Okhla Barrage and around 10 were recorded daily at Bharatpur.

Spotbill Ducks at Okhla Barrage.

Spot Billed Ducks at Bharatpur.

Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos C
Around 10 were seen at Bharatpur on the 19th.

Gadwall - Anas strepera strepera C
Around 20 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th and up to 100 were recorded daily at Bharatpur.

Wigeon - Anas penelope C
Around 15 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th and at Bharatpur 10 were seen on the 19th and 6 the next day.

Garganey - Anas querquedula C
At Okhla Barrage 5 were seen on the 15th, with 5 seen at Ranthambhor on the 17th and 4 on the 18th.

Garganey etc. on the Okhla Barrage.

Northern Shoveler - Anas clypeata C
Around 500 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th with up to 40 seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to around 50 seen daily at Bharatpur.

Shoveler at Ranthambhor.

Red-crested Pochard - Netta rufina C
A single drake was seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th and at Bharatpur around 12 were seen on the 20th and 18 on the 21st.

Party of Red-crested Pochards at Bharatpur.

Party of Red Crested Pochards at Bharatpur.

Common Pochard - Aythya ferina C
Around 15 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th and up to 40 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Ferruginous Duck - Aythya nyroca C
At Okhla Barrage 2 drakes were seen on the 15th and at Bharatpur around 50 were seen on the 19th and 60 the next day. This species is listed as Vulnerable by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state that the various populations have apparently undergone massive declines attributed to wetland drainage compounded by high hunting pressure, so that the global total is now put at 75,000 birds.

Tufted Duck - Aythya fuligula C
Around 20 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th with 5 seen at Ranthambhor on the 17th and 5 seen at Bharatpur on the 20th.

Cotton Pygmy Goose - Nettapus coromandelianus coromandelianus C
Around 25 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and around 30 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Cotton Pygmy Goose at Ranthambhor 

Cotton Pygmy Goose at Ranthambhor.

Drake Cotton Pygmy Goose at Bharatpur.

Comb Duck - Sarkidiornis melanotos melanotos C
Up to 20 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Drake Comb Ducks at Bharatpur.

Black-shouldered Kite - Elanus caeruleus vociferus C
At Ranthambhor 2 were seen on the 16th and 1 the following day.

Oriental (Crested) Honey Buzzard - Pernis ptilorhynchus ruficollis C
At Ranthambhor 3 were seen on the 17th and 1 the next day and at Bharatpur 2 were seen in the dry eastern area on the 19th when some excellent perched views were obtained (when even the crest was visible), and finally 1 was seen from the bus between Bharatpur and Dehli on the 21st.

Oriental Honey Buzzard over Ranthambhor.

Black Kite - Milvus migrans C
Surprisingly only seen around Dehli with around 100 seen on the 15th, 21st and 22nd.

Shikra - Accipiter badius C
Up to 2 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Shikra near our hotel at Bharatpur.

Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus nisosimilis C
Only seen in the semi - desert at Ranthambhor where 2 were seen on the 16th and 1 on the 17th.

Imperial Eagle - Aquila heliaca C
At Bharatpur 2 adults were seen on the 19th and an immature seen on the 20th. This species is listed as Vulnerable by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state that there has been a rapid decline in Europe since 1950.

Steppe Eagle - Aquila nipalensis nipalensis C
Up to 15 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Steppe Eagle takes a Little Grebe from a local lake.

The Steppe Eagle giving the Jackdaws a glare.

Steppe Eagle with a Little Grebe as its prey at Bharatapur.
All of these Steppe Eagle pictures were taken by TEC.

Spotted Eagle - Aquila clanga C
Around 6 were recorded daily at Bharatpur. A single "fulvescens" type immature was seen on the 20th. This species is listed as Vulnerable by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who do however state that trends are generally difficult to judge because of past and continuing problems with field identification.

Immature Spotted Eagle of the “fulvescens” race at Bharatpur.

 Lesser Spotted Eagle - Aquila pomarina hastata C
A single bird was identified at Bharatpur on the 20th although most large dark Eagles were left unidentified.

Pallas's Sea - Eagle - Haleaeetus leucoryphus C
A single immature gave superb views near the temple on the afternoon of the 19th. This was the only individual present at Bharatpur this winter. Birdlife International list this species as Vulnerable (Collar et al. 1994) who state that it appears to be thinly distributed and there is evidence for a decline in numbers in some ranges with pollution believed to be the main reason for its decline in parts of India.

Immature Pallas Sea Eagle over Bharatpur.

Red-headed (King) Vulture - Sarcogyps calvus C
Only seen at Ranthambhor where 2 were seen in flight on the 16th and 1 was seen perched on the 17th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).

 Red Headed with White Rumped Vulture at Ranthambhor.

Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus fulvescens C
Around 10 were seen along the cliffs at Ranthambhor on the 17th, and 1 was seen at Bharatpur on the 19th.

Long-billed Vulture - Gyps indicus
JFC saw 2 at Okhla Barrage on the 15th which proved to be the only record of the trip. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).

Long Billed Vulture at the Okhla Barrage.

(Oriental) White-rumped (backed) Vulture - Gyps bengalensis C
A single bird was seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, up to around 100 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to around 50 were seen daily at Bharatpur. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).

White Rumped Vulture over Bharatpur.

White Rumped Vulture at Bharatpur.

Egyptian Vulture - Neophron percnopterus ginginianus C
At Ranthambhor 2 were seen over the semi - desert on the 17th, and up to 6 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Western Marsh Harrier - Circus aeruginosus aeruginosus C
At Okhla Barrage 2 were seen on the 15th and at Bharatpur up to 10 were seen daily.

Crested Serpent Eagle - Spilornis cheela C
Up to 5 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and singles were recorded on two dates at Bharatpur.

      A distant Adult Crested Serpent Eagle at Bharatpur.

Eurasian Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus interstinctus C
At the semi-desert at Ranthambhor 2 were seen on the 16th.

Painted Francolin - Francolinus pictus C
A party of 3 were seen in a partially dry stream bed at the back of a small dam at the small lake at Ranthambhor on the 16th. The Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan describes similar habitat as the species most favoured haunts.

Painted Francolin at Ranthambhor.

Grey Francolin - Francolinus pondicerianus C
Appeared somewhat Grey Partridge like in dry habitats with up to 20 being seen daily at Ranthambhor, and at Bharatpur 8 were seen on the 20th along the western perimeter and 4 on the 21st behind Forest Lodge.

Grey Francolins at Ranthambhor.

Jungle Bush-Quail - Perdicula asiatica C
Around 5 of these colourful Quails were seen in the partially dried up stream bed at the back of the small dam at the small lake at Ranthambhor on the 16th and 3 allowed superb views to be obtained as they fed on one of the jeep tracks on the 17th.

Jungle Bush-Quails feeding on the Jeep Track at Ranthambhor.

Painted Spurfowl - Galloperdix lunulata C
A superb species with excellent views being obtained of two pairs, the first pair feeding on a wooded slope alongside a jeep track not far from the entrance track at Ranthambhor on the 17th and the second pair favouring the base of a screed slope with scattered bushes behind the hotel on the 18th.

Indian Peafowl - Pavo cristatus C
Very common at Ranthambhor where up to 100 were seen daily and a few around Bharatpur although none actually seen within the Reserve boundaries.

Male Indian Peafowl at Ranthambhor.

Common Crane - Grus grus C
Around 80 were seen at Bharatpur on both the 18th and 19th and around 20 seen there on the 20th.

Sarus Crane - Grus antigone antigone C
Up to 8 were seen daily at Bharatpur with some fine views being obtained. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).

Sarus Cranes at Bharatpur.
(Siberian White Crane - Grus leucogeranus)
A huge disappointment was missing the 3 which had been present at Bharatpur for 3 months until 5 hours before our arrival when they were seen to fly high to the north presumably starting their migration. Four colour ringed birds of captive origin were no compensation !

Introduced Siberian White Crane at Bharatpur.

Ruddy-breasted Crake - Porzana fusca C
Singles showed well at Bharatpur on the 19th and 20th being along the main track either side of the temple.

Ruddy Breated Crake near the Temple at Bharatpur.

Brown Crake - Amaurornis akool akool C
Singles were seen at the partially dry stream bed behind the small dam at Ranthambhor on the 16th and just outside the entrance gate on the 17th and 1 was seen near the temple at Bharatpur on the 21st.

White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus phoenicurus C
Around 10 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and around 30 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

White Breasted Waterhen at Ranthambhor.

White Breasted Waterhens crossing the main track at Bharatpur.

Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus chloropus C
Around 30 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to around 100 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Purple Gallinule - Porphyrio porphyrio C
Up to around 250 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Purple Gallinule at Bharatpur.

Coot - Fulica atra atra C
Around 200 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th and up to around 200 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Pheasant-tailed Jacana - Hydrophasianus chirurgus C
Lower numbers were seen than expected with around 5 seen daily at the Ranthambhor lakes and only 1 at Bharatpur on the 19th. All were in non - breeding plumage.

Pheasant Tailed Jacana in non-breeding plumage at Ranthambhor.

Bronze-winged Jacana - Metopidius indicus C
A single bird was seen at the Okhla Barrage on the 15th, up to 10 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 12 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Bronze Winged Jacana at Ranthambhor.

White-tailed Plover - Vanellus leucurus C
Up to 10 of these superb birds were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Lapwing - Vanellus vanellus C
DC saw a single individual along the western perimeter path at Bharatpur on the 20th.

Red-wattled Lapwing - Vanellus indicus indicus C
Around 5 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, up to 30 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 15 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Red Wattled Lapwing at the Okhla Barrage.

Red Wattled Lapwing at Ranthambhor.

River Lapwing - Vanellus duvaucellii C
A single bird was seen below the dam at Okhla Barrage on the 15th.

Looking down on a River Lapwing at the Okhla Barrage.

Yellow-wattled Lapwing - Vanellus malabaricus C
A superb species which was only seen in the semi-desert at Ranthambhor where 2 were seen on the 16th and 3 on the 17th.

Yellow Wattled Lapwings in the Semi-Desert area near Ranthambhor.

Little Ringed Plover - Charadrius dubius jerdoni C
A single individual was seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, and a single individual was seen just beyond the temple at Bharatpur on the 18th and 19th.

Kentish Plover - Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus C
A single individual was seen just beyond the temple at Bharatpur on the 20th.

Black-tailed Godwit - Limosa limosa limosa C
Around 5 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, up to 5 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and 1 was seen at Bharatpur on the 18th.

Spotted Redshank - Tringa erythropus C
At Ranthambhor 2 were seen on the 17th and at Bharatpur up to 2 were seen daily.

Redshank - Tringa totanus C
Singles were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th and Ranthambhor on the 16th and 6 were seen at Bharatpur on the 18th.

Marsh Sandpiper - Tringa stagnatilis C
Up to 10 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Greenshank - Tringa nebularia nebularia C
A single individual was seen at Ranthambhor on the 18th and up to 3 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Green Sandpiper - Tringa ochropus C
At Okhla Barrage 2 were seen on the 15th, at Ranthambhor up to 3 were seen daily and at Bharatpur up to 5 were seen daily.

Wood Sandpiper - Tringa glareola C
At Ranthambhor up to 8 were seen daily and at Bharatpur 1 was seen on the 21st.

Common Sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos C
A single individual was seen below the dam at Okhla Barrage on the 15th.

Long-billed Dowitcher - Limnodromus scolopaceus C
A winter-plumaged bird seen just beyond the temple at Bharatpur on the 19th, 20th and 21st. The bird had been present for around ten days prior to our arrival.

A distant Long Billed Dowitcher at Bharatpur.

Snipe sp. - Gallinago sp.
Up to around 4 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and odd birds at Bharatpur. However as none were seen in flight they were best left unidentified.

Little Stint - Calidris minuta C
Up to 4 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Temminck's Stint - Calidris temminckii C
Around 6 were present below the dam at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, and a single individual was seen at Bharatpur on both the 19th and 20th.

Ruff - Philomachus pugnax C
A single bird was seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th and 1 was seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 300 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Greater Painted Snipe - Rostratula benghalensis benghalensis C
A superb brightly plumaged female was seen feeding in the open at Ranthambhor on the 17th.

Black-winged Stilt - Himantopus himantopus C
Around 10 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, up to 10 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 30 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Black Winged Stilt at Ranthambhor.

Stone Curlew - Burhinus oedicnemus indicus C
A pair were seen near the craft shop outside the Ranthambhor Reserve on the 16th, and 4 were seen in the dry area south of the nursery at Bharatpur on the 19th.

Stone Curlew near Ranthambhor.

Great Thick-knee (Stone Plover) - Esacus recurvirostris C
At Ranthambhor a pair were seen at their daytime roost on the 17th and 1 was seen the next day.

Poor photograph of a Great Thick-knee (Stone Plover) at  Ranthambhor 

Record shots of a Great Thick-knee at Ranthambhor.

Indian Courser - Cursorius coromandelicus C
A highlight of the trip was finding around 25 in the semi-desert in the vicinity of the small hill near Rathambhor on the 16th including a party of 18 watched feeding on the small heliport there. The following day we visited the same area and located around 16 Coursers. Quite superb, and bird of the trip.

Indian Coursers in with the heat haze in the Semi-Desert area near Ranthambhor.

Brown-headed Gull - Larus brunnicephalus C
Around 5 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th.

Black-headed Gull - Larus ridibundus C
At Okhla Barrage 2 were seen on the 15th.

Whiskered Tern - Chlidonias hybridus C
Around 3 were present at Okhla Barrage on the 15th.

Gull-billed Tern - Gelochelidon nilotica nilotica C
Around 5 were present at Okhla Barrage on the 15th.

Indian River Tern - Sterna aurantia C
Only seen at Ranthambhor where good views were obtained of 5 on the 16th and 2 on the 18th.

Distant Indian River Terns taken in the heat haze at Ranthambhor.

Black-bellied Tern - Sterna acuticauda C
A superb individual was present at Okhla Barrage on the 15th which proved to be the only one of the trip. This species is listed as Vulnerable by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state that the world population is believed to be below 10,000 individuals and falling. Threats include destruction of breeding habitat, the collection of eggs for food, and natural flooding of nests.

Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse - Pterocles exustus hindustan C
A pair were seen in flight at the semi-desert at Rathnambhor on both the 16th and 17th.

Painted Sandgrouse - Pterocles indicus C
Around 6 were seen in the semi-desert in the vicinity of the small hill at Rathnambhor on both the 16th and 17th.

Painted Sandgrouse in the Semi-Desert area near Ranthambhor.

Yellow-footed Green Pigeon - Treron phoenicoptera C
A party were found perched at Rathnambhor in the early morning of the 16th and 1 was seen in flight at Rathnambhor on the 18th.

Yellow Footed Green Pigeon at Ranthambhor.

Collared Dove - Streptopelia decaocto decaocto C
Around 3 were seen on two dates at Rathnambhor and up to 100 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Spotted Dove - Streptopelia chinensis suratensis C
Only seen at Rathnambhor with 1 on the 16th and 1 on the 18th.

Laughing Dove - Streptopelia senegalensis cambayensis C
A single bird seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, up to 15 seen daily at Rathnambhor and up to 50 seen daily at Bharatpur.

Laughing Dove at Ranthambhor.

Ring-necked Parakeet - Psittacula krameri C
Good numbers were seen daily throughout the trip with a maximum of 200 seen at Rathnambhor on the 16th.

Ring Necked Parakeet at Ranthambhor.

Plum-headed (Blossom-headed) Parakeet - Psittacula cyanocephala C
Up to 25 were seen daily at Rathnambhor with some excellent views obtained of this smart Parakeet.

 Plum Headed Parakeet at Ranthambhor.
Greater Coucal - Centropus sinensis C
Up to 2 were seen on two dates at Rathnambhor and at Bharatpur 8 were seen on the 20th and 2 the next day.

Greater Coucal 8 were seen at Bharatpur.

Greater Coucal walking ahead of us along a track at Bharatpur.

Indian (Collared) Scops Owl - Otus bakkamoena C
At Rathnambhor a single individual was seen on both the 16th and 17th and at Bharatpur singles were seen on the 18th and 19th one of which was joined by a second individual on the 27th.


Indian Scops Owl taken against the light at Bharatpur.

Dusky Eagle Owl - Bubo coromandus coromandus C
A staked-out individual was seen at Rathnambhor on both the 16th and 17th. Superb.

Very poor record shot of the Dusky Eagle Owl at Ranthambhor.

Spotted Little Owl - Athene branma indica C
Up to 3 well staked-out individuals were seen daily at Rathnambhor and up to 4 birds were seen daily at Bharatpur where they were just chanced upon.

Spotted Little Owl at Ranthambhor.

Spotted Little Owl at Bharatpur.

Jungle Nightjar - Caprimulgus indicus indicus C
A single individual was watched calling from a dead tree just behind the hotel at Rathnambhor on the 17th, showing a conspicuous white throat whilst at rest.

Large-tailed Nightjar - Caprimulgus macrurus albonotatus C
A couple of staked-out individuals at the nursery and near the temple at Bharatpur were seen on the 19th.

Large Tailed Nightjars at Bharatpur.

Common Indian Nightjar - Caprimulgus asiaticus asiaticus C
A single individual was seen at its daytime roost at Bharatpur along the main track to the temple on the 19th.

Little Swift - Apus affinis affinis C
Seen daily with daily maximums of 300 at Rathnambhor on the 16th and 300 at Bharatpur on the 20th.

Pied Kingfisher - Ceryle rudis leucomelanura C
Up to 3 were seen daily at both Rathnambhor and Bharatpur.

Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis C
Up to 6 were seen daily at both Rathnambhor and Bharatpur.

White-throated (Smyrna) Kingfisher - Halcyon smyrnensis fusca C
Up to 15 were seen daily at both Rathnambhor and Bharatpur.

Smyrna Kingfishers at Ranthambhor.

Stork-billed Kingfisher - Pelargopsis capensis
JFC saw a single individual at Rathnambhor on the 16th.

Little Green Bee-Eater - Merops orientalis C
A single bird was seen in semi-desert habitat at Rathnambhor on the 17th and up to 20 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Little Green Bee-Eater at Bharatpur.

Indian Roller - Coracias benghalensis C
Up to 3 were seen on two dates at Rathnambhor ant up to 4 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Indian Roller in the Semi-Desert area near Ranthambhor.

Indian Roller at Bharatpur.

Hoopoe - Upupa epops C
At Dehli 2 were seen on the 15th followed by up to 2 on two dates at Rathnambhor and up to 2 on two dates at Bharatpur.

Indian Grey Hornbill - Tockus birostris C
Only seen at Bharatpur where 2 were seen on the 18th, 3 on the 19th and 2 on the 20th around the barrier and the nursery.

Coppersmith Barbet - Megalaima haemacephala indica C
Singles were seen at Rathnambhor on the 17th and 18th and 2 were seen at Bharatpur on the 18th.

Wryneck - Jynx torquilla C
A single bird was seen along the main track at Bharatpur on the 18th.

Wryneck along the Main Track at Bharatpur.

Black-rumped Flameback - Dinopium benghalense C
Up to 3 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 4 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Yellow-fronted Pied Woodpecker - Dendrocopus mahrattensis C
At Ranthambhor 2 were seen on the 16th and at Bharatpur 1 was seen on the 20th and 2 on the 21st.

Yellow Fronted Pied Woodpecker at Ranthambhor.

White-backed Woodpecker - Chrysocolaptes festivus festivus C
A party of 3 were seen in palm trees at the edge of a lake at Ranthambhor on the 17th.

Singing Bushlark - Mirafra cantillans cantillans C
A single individual was found in semi-desert near the helipad at Ranthambhor on the 17th. Its white outer tail feathers were seen.

Singing Bushlark in the Semi-Desert area near Ranthambhor.

Ashy-crowned Finchlark - Eremopterix grisea C
Up to 12 were seen daily at Ranthambhor.

Ashy Crowned Finchlark at Ranthambhor.

Rufous-tailed Lark - Ammomanes phoenicurus C
At Ranthambhor 3 were seen on the 16th and 2 on the 17th and at Bharatpur 3 were seen on the western perimeter track on the 20th.

Greater Short-toed Lark - Calandrella brachydactyla C
A flock of around 40 were seen in the semi-desert at Ranthambhor on the 16th including some very grey looking individuals.

Crested Lark - Galerida cristata C
A single individual was seen running around the airport at Dubai on the 22nd.

Brown-throated Sand Martin - Riparia paludicola chinensis C
Around 10 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, up to 5 daily at Ranthambhor and up to 10 daily at Bharatpur.

Dusky Crag-Martin - Hirundo concolor concolor C
At Ranthambhor around 30 were seen around the cliffs near the entrance gate on the 16th and around 10 around the cliffs behind the hotel on the 17th.

Swallow - Hirundo rustica C
At Okhla Barrage 2 were seen on the 15th and around 20 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Wire-tailed Swallow - Hirundo smithii filifera C
Up to 10 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Wire Tailed Swallow at Bharatpur.

Southern Grey Shrike - Lanius meridionalis lahtora C
Up to 2 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and singles were seen at Bharatpur on the 20th and 21st. All were checked for Steppe Grey Shrikes but none seen.

Bay-backed Shrike - Lanius vittatus C
Up to 2 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and at Bharatpur 2 were seen on the 20th and 1 on the 21st.

2 Bay-backed Shrikes at Ranthambhor.

Bay Backed Shrikes at Ranthambhor.

Bay Backed Shrike at Bharatpur.

Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach C
Around 3 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, 1 at Ranthambhor on the 16th, and up to 5 daily at Bharatpur.

Long Tailed Shrike at the Okhla Barrage.

Long Tailed Shrike at Ranthambhor.

Long Tailed Shrike at Ranthambhor.

Golden Oriole - Oriolus oriolus C
A single bird was seen along the main track at Bharatpur on the 18th.

Black Drongo - Dicrurus macrocercus C
Up to 10 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 6 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

White-bellied Drongo - Dicrurus caerulescens caerulescens C
Around 10 were seen daily at Ranthambhor.

Brahminy Myna - Sturnus pagodarum C
At Ranthambhore 5 were seen in the semi-desert on the 13th and at Bharatpur up to 10 were seen daily.

Brahminy Starlings at Bharatpur.

Asian Pied Starling - Sturnus contra C
At Okhla Barrage 3 were seen on the 15th and at Bharatpur up to 20 were seen daily.

 Asian Pied Starling at the Okhla Barrage.

Common Myna - Acridotheres tristis tristis C
Up to 20 were seen daily throughout.

Bank Myna - Acridotheres ginginanus C
At Okhla Barrage 2 were seen on the 15th and 2 were seen at Ranthambhor on the 16th with around 20 present at the railway station there on the 18th with 2 at Bharatpur on the 19th and around 50 on the drive between Bharatpur and Dehli on the 21st with many sat on lorries! A better Myna than most.

Bank Myna at Ranthambhor Railway Station.

Rufous Treepie - Dendrocitta vagabunda C
Up to 30 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 5 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Rufous Treepies at Ranthambhor.

Rufous Treepie at Bharatpur.

Indian House Crow - Corvus splendens C
Around 25 were seen around Dehli on the 15th, with around 10 at the hotel at Ranthambhor and up to 50 daily at Bharatpur.

Jungle Crow - Corvus macrorhynchos C
Up to 40 were seen on two dates at Ranthambhor and 4 were seen at Bharatpur on the 20th.

Jungle Crow at Ranthambhor.

Common Woodshrike - Tephrodornis pondicerianus C
Up to 4 were seen on two dates at Ranthambhor and up to 5 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Common Woodshrike at Ranthambhor.

Small Minivet - Pericrocotus cinnamomeus peregrinus C
Up to 6 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and 2 were seen on two dates at Bharatpur.

Small Minivet at Ranthambhor.

Common Iora - Aegithina tiphia C
Only seen at Ranthambhor where 1 was seen on the 16th and 2 were seen on the 17th.

Common Iora at Ranthambhor.

Marshall's Iora - Aegithinina nigrolutea C
A singing male was seen along the track running south from the nursery at Bharatpur on the 19th and 2 were seen behind Forest Lodge at Bharatpur on the 21st.

White-eared Bulbul - Pycnonotus leucotis C
Up to 6 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

White Eared Bulbul at Bharatpur.

Red-vented Bulbul - Pycnonotus cafer C
Up to 40 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 15 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Red Vented Bulbul at Bharatpur.

Rufous-bellied Babbler - Dumetia hyperythra hyperythra C
A pair were seen skulking low down in woodland just off the entrance road to Ranthambhor on the 17th.

Common Babbler - Turdoides caudatus caudatus C
A party of 4 were seen along the edge of a field in the semi-desert at Ranthambhor on the 17th and at Bharatpur 2 were seen just by the barrier on the 20th and 3 the next day along the track to Forest Lodge.

Common Babbler at Bharatpur.

Large Grey Babbler - Turdoides malclmi C
Up to 25 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 20 were seen on two dates at Bharatpur.

       Party of Large Grey Babblers at Ranthambhor.

Jungle Babbler - Turdoides striatus C
Up to 60 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and around 20 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

       Jungle Babblers at Ranthambhor.

Jungle Babbler at Bharatpur.

Red-breasted Flycatcher - Ficedula parva C
Up to 15 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 5 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Red Breasted Flycatcher at Ranthambhor.

Tickell's Blue Flycatcher - Cyornis tickelliae tickelliae C
A stunning male was found feeding by the rubbish at the back of the hotel at Ranthambhor on both the 17th and 18th and a second male was seen in the Reserve on the 18th.

Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher behind our Hotel near Ranthambhor.

Grey-headed Flycatcher - Culicicapa ceylonensis C
At Ranthambhor 4 were seen on the 17th and 1 on the 18th and at Bharatpur 1 was seen near the Forest Lodge on the 21st.

White-browed Fantail - Rhipidura aureola aureola C
At Ranthambhor up to 10 were seen daily and at Bharatpur 2 were seen on the 19th and 2 on the 20th.

White Browed Fantail at Ranthambhor.

Grey-breasted Prinia - Prinia hodgsoni hodgsonii C
Around 6 were seen in acacias in the vicinity of the entrance gate of Ranthambhor Reserve on the 17th.

Rufous-fronted Prinia - Prinia buchanani C
At least 6 were seen keeping low in scrub at the semi-desert area at the base of the small hill with ruins on the top outside Ranthambhor Reserve on the 16th and 2 were seen in the same area the following day.

Plain Prinia - Prinia inornata C
A party of 4 were seen in long grass near Okhla Barrage on the 15th and 2 were seen in grass behind Forest Lodge at Bharatpur on the 21st.

Plain Prinia at the Okhla Barrage.

Ashy Prinia - Prinia socialis C
Around 12 were seen in bushes along a causeway at Okhla Barrage on the 15th.

Common Tailorbird - Orthotomus sutorius C
Up to 2 were seen daily at both Ranthambhor and Bharatpur.

Common Tailorbird at Ranthambhor.

Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler - Locustella certhiola C
A superb individual complete with white tips to the tertials was seen hopping from the base of stem to stem at the edge of a stream just behind the temple at Bharatpur on the 5th.

Clamorous Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus stentoreus C
Up to 4 were seen daily at Bharatpur often allowing good views clambering high in bushes.

Clamorous Reed Warbler at Bharatpur.

Blyth's Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus dumetorum C
Up to 8 were seen daily at Bharatpur often allowing excellent views climbing high in bushes. Interestingly most showed pink legs rather than the expected grey legs.

Various Blyth’s Reed Warblers at Bharatpur.

Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca C
A single individual was seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, 1 at Ranthambhor on the 16th and 6 there on the 17th and up to 4 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita C
A single bird was seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, 3 were seen at Ranthambhor on the 17th and 2 on the 18th and up to 30 were seen daily at Bharatpur, with the largest numbers seen in the tamarisks along the western perimeter track.

Sulphur Bellied Warbler - Phylloscopus griseolus C
A superb individual was seen hopping around on the ground constantly calling in the rocky terrain behind the hotel at Ranthambhor on the 3rd.

Sulphur Bellied Warbler behind our Hotel near Ranthambhor.

Dusky Warbler - Phylloscopus fuscatus fuscatus C
DC heard and briefly saw a single individual in the Nursery at Bharatpur on the 5th.

Hume's Leaf Warbler - Phylloscopus inornatus humei C
A single bird showed well at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, a single bird was seen behind the hotel at Ranthambhor on the 17th and around 10 were seen along the western perimeter track at Bharatpur on both the 20th and 21st.

Brook's Leaf Warbler - Phylloscopus subviridis C
An obliging individual performed well in acacias behind the hotel at Ranthambhor on the 17th and another bird allowed prolonged views along the western perimeter track at Bharatpur on the 20th.

Brook’s Leaf Warbler behind the Hotel near Ranthambhor.
(interesting tail colours)

Greenish Warbler - Phylloscopus trochiloides C
A single individual was seen near the small dam at the back of the small lake at Ranthambhor on the 16th and up to 3 were seen (and heard) daily at Bharatpur.

Siberian Rubythroat - Luscinia calliope C
An immature male and a stunning adult male were seen in the ditch adjacent to the temple at Bharatpur on the 19th and a stunning male was seen along the western perimeter track the next day and the adult male again performed well near the temple showing down to a few feet. Superb.

Male Rubythroat

Adult male Siberian Rubythroat near the Temple at Bharatpur.

Bluethroat - Luscinia svecica C
Around 5 were seen at the causeway at Okhla Barrage on the 15th and up to around 20 were seen daily at Bharatpur with some proving to be remarkably obliging.

Male Bluethroat at Bharatpur.

Magpie Robin - Copsychus saularis saularis C
Up to 3 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 15 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Male Magpie Robin at Bharatpur.

Black Redstart - Phoenicurus ochruros C
At Ranthambhor up to 5 were seen daily and at Bharatpur 2 were seen on the 20th and 1 on the 21st.

Eastern race of the Black Redstart in the Semi-Desert Area near Ranthambhor,

Brown Rock Chat - Cercomela fusca C
At Ranthambhor 4 were seen on the 16th and 2 on the 17th around the cliffs and at Bharatpur 3 were seen around the Palace Hotel on the 20th and 1 on the 21st.

Stonechat - Saxicola torquata C
A single male was seen at Bharatpur on the 19th.

Pied Bushchat - Saxicola caprata bicolor C
Up to 10 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Male Pied Bushchat at Bharatpur.

Grey Bushchat - Saxicola ferrea C
We were surprised to see a superb adult male at the small lake at Ranthambhor on the 17th.

Isabelline Wheatear - Oenanthe isabellina C
In the semi-desert at Ranthambhor 2 were seen on the 16th.

Desert Wheatear - Oenanthe deserti C
In the semi-desert at Ranthambhor 2 were seen on the 16th.

Eastern Pied (Variable) Wheatear - Oenanthe picata C
A single immature was seen on the hill in the semi-desert at Ranthambhor on the 17th. 

Eastern Pied Wheatears in the Semi-Desert Area near Ranthambhor.

Indian Robin - Saxicoloides fulicata cambaiensis C
Up to 12 were seen daily at Ranthambhor being particularly numerous in the semi- desert area and up to 2 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Male & Female Indian Robins in the Semi-Desert area near Ranthambhor.

Male Indian Robin at Bharatpur.

Blue Rock Thrush - Monticola solitarius C
A pair were seen in the semi-desert at Ranthambhor on the 16th with 1 present around the ruins on the small hill.

Orange-headed Ground Thrush - Zoothera citrina C
As expected a stunning species with a superb individual seen on the 19th, 20th and 21st at the back of the Nursery at Bharatpur. Undoubtedly one of the highlights of the trip with much better views than expected.

Record shot of an Orange Headed Ground Thrush at Bharatpur.

Tickell's Thrush - Turdus unicolor C
A single individual was seen under the acacias around 200yards inside the entrance gate at Bharatpur on the 19th.

Black-throated Thrush - Turdus ruficollis C
A single individual was glimpsed on the road by the temple at Bharatpur on the 20th.

Great Tit - Parus major C
Up to 10 were seen daily at Ranthambhor.

Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch - Sitta castanea C
A pair were seen high in a dead tree along the track running south from the Nursery at Bharatpur on the 19th.

Olive-backed Pipit - Anthus hodgsoni C
A party of 5 were seen creeping around behind the Forest Lodge at Bharatpur on the 20th.

Tree Pipit - Anthus trivialis C
Up to 10 were seen daily at Ranthambhor.

Tawny Pipit - Anthus campestris C
Around 40 were seen in the semi-desert at Ranthambhor on the 16th and at Bharatpur 1 was seen on the 19th and 2 on the 20th.

Tawny Pipit in the Semi-Desert area near Ranthambhor.

Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla flava C
At Bharatpur up to 20 were seen daily.

Citrine Wagtail - Motacilla citreola C
Around 5 were seen at Okhla Barrage on the 15th, up to 30 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and 1 was seen at Bharatpur on the 20th and 2 on the 21st.

Citrine Wagtails at the Okhla Barrage.

Grey Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea C
Up to 4 were seen daily at Ranthambhor.

White/Black-backed Wagtail - Motailla alba/lugens C
At Okhla Barrage 3 were seen on the 15th and at Ranthambhor 10 were seen on the 16th including some striking adult males. We didn’t racially identify any individuals seen not anticipating the elevation of Black-backed Wagtail to full species status by Clements (2000).

Large Pied Wagtail - Motacilla maderaspatensis C
Up to 3 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and a single bird was seen at Bharatpur on the 21st.

Large Pied Wagtail at Ranthambhor.

Purple Sunbird - Nectarinia asiatica C
A single bird was seen at Dehli on the 15th, up to 4 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 6 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Male Purple Sunbird at Bharatpur.

Oriental White-Eye - Zosterops palpebrosa egregia C
A party of 6 were seen at Ranthambhor on the 16th.

House Sparrow - Passer domesticus C
Around 15 were seen at Dehli on the 15th, 2 at Ranthambhor on the 18th and up to 10 daily at Bharatpur.

Yellow-throated Sparrow - Petronia xanthocollis transfuga C
Up to 20 were seen daily at Ranthambhor and up to 15 were seen daily at Bharatpur.

Yellow Throated Sparrow at Ranthambhor.

Baya Weaver - Ploceus philippinus C
Around 8 were seen at Bharatpur on the 20th.

Black-throated Weaver - Ploceus benghalensis C
Around 60 were seen at Bharatpur on the 20th.

Indian Silverbill - Lonchura malabarica C
Around 10 were seen at Ranthambhor on both the 17th and 18th.

White-capped Bunting - Emberiza stewarti C
This superb species was only seen coming to drink behind the small dam at the small lake at Ranthambhor on the 16th where up to 10 birds were gathering including some fine adult males.

Sunset over Bharatpur.

Birds to Watch 2, Birdlife International. Collar, Crosby and Stattersfield. 1994.
Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan, Oxford, Ali and Ripley. 1987.