Wednesday, 7 October 2020

7th October, 2020 Beachy Head Sunny, dry but cold wind WNW 5-6

 We were joined by AQ and we spent much of the morning searching for the Lapland Bunting near Icky Ridge, also covered the Old Trapping Area and Belle Tout wood. AQ also covered the Cliff Path. We then returned and watched and photographed the Lapland Bunting. RE covered Whitbread Hollow and Francis Bottom, KH, RKH and RES were also covering sites on the Headland and RAB paid a short visit to try to see the Lapland Bunting. SL and JG covered the area from Michael Dene to the Hotel Garden. Good numbers of visiting birders were also on the Headland. Small numbers of Chiffchaffs were present and a good overhead passage of Finches, Meadow Pipits, Pied Wagtails etc.                                                                                                                                  

Sparrow Hawk 1, Common Buzzard 4, Kestrel 3, Peregrine 2, Wood Pigeon 50 in Hollow, Skylark 54 (10 N and 44 mainly W), Grey Wagtail 1 W, Swallow c440 W, House Martin c200,  Meadow Pipit c150+ (100 N possibly in off the sea), Pied Wagtail 30 (25N), Wheatear 4, Stonechat 32, Mistle Thrush 2 (1 Hollow, 1 Michael Dene), Blackcap 3, Chiffchaff 50, Goldcrest 1, Long-tailed Tit 4 (Hollow), Jay 1, Goldfinch c500W, Redpoll 110W, Siskin c150W, Linnet c600W, Chaffinch 20,  Greenfinch 2, Crossbill 9W (RAB) Lapland Bunting 1 (near Icky Ridge), Corn Bunting 50 (Birling). Raven 3.

Butterflies: Clouded Yellow 4, Comma 1, Wall 7.

At around 12.30, AQ had an immature type Eagle which he suspected it to be an immature White-tailed Eagle. which flew over Belle Tout area and then headed over the fields and was lost behind Hodcombe, probably from the introduction scheme on the Isle of Wight. 

Lapland Bunting near Icky Ridge
Early pictures taken slightly against the sun and later pictures 
taken with the sun.