Friday, 16 October 2020

16th October, 2020 Beachy Head Overcast NE 2

 RE covered Birling lane, Belle Tout wood and Shooters Bottom, and RJF birded from 07.10-16.40 and covered most of the birding sites from Whitbread Hollow to Crowlink. Combined totals:

Kestrel 1, Merlin 1 (Bulling Down),  Peregrine 1,Short-eared Owl1(seen from the Old Trapping Area), Green Woodpecker 1, Pied Wagtail 2, Swallow 200, House Martin 50, Robin 15, Stonechat 24, Song Thrush 1, Redwing 1, Ring Ouzel 15 (1 Shooters Bottom, 12 Francis Bottom, 2 Whitbread Hollow), Blackbird 20, Dartford Warbler 2,  Blackcap 6, Chiffchaff 13, Goldcrest 30, Raven 2.                                

A reasonable NE movement recorded with Fieldfare 3, Brambling 1, Lesser Redpoll 80, Goldfinch 775, and Siskin 14.