We covered Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area and the bushes up to the Hotel Garden, radio mast bushes. RJF and FL covered Shooters Bottom, Cliff Path, Cow Gap, Whitbread Hollow, Francis Bottom, the Rides, and Bulling Dene, KH, RKH and RES covered Belle Tout wood area and Shooters Bottom. LP also covered several sites on the Headland.
Good numbers of Chiffchaffs and Stonechats present with smaller numbers of other night migrants including Grasshopper Warbler, both Reed and Sedge Warblers, 2 Ring Ouzels. Parties of Meadow Pipits were feeding on the Headland. Diurnal migration with small numbers of hirundines, 1 Swift, 3 Tree Pipits and 55 Siskins chiefly moving E. Combined Totals:
Sparrow Hawk 3. Common Buzzard 2, Kestrel1, Peregrine 1, Swift 1 (Cliff Path), Great-spotted Woodpecker 1 E (high over the cliffs), Swallow c100, House Martin c80, Tree Pipit 3, Meadow Pipit 180, Stonechat 46, Wheatear 1, Ring Ouzel 2 (Old Trapping Area) (LP), Grasshopper Warbler 1 (Frances Bottom), Reed Warbler 1 (Shooters Bottom), Sedge Warbler 1 (Francis Bottom), Blackcap c60, Chiffchaff c120, Goldcrest 4, Raven 3, Chaffinch 25, Greenfinch 3 juv. types (Shooters Bottom), Goldfinch 110, Siskin 55 chiefly E, Linnet 40.
Clouded Yellow 1 (Shooters Bottom).