Tuesday, 22 September 2020

22nd September, 2020 Beachy Head Sunny periods warm, SW 2

 SL arrived at the Old Trapping Area @ 08.00 and then covered the birding sites to Birling, returning for a raptor watch @ 11.30. A number of other observers were also present on the Headland. No repeat of the Chiffchaff numbers seen yesterday and just small numbers of common migrants recorded. Again little in the way of diurnal migration took place, although 4 Grey Plovers and a Knot flew over Shooters Bottom and out to sea at 11.00am.

Sparrowhawk 1, Common Buzzard 2, Kestrel 1, Grey Plovers 4 and Knot 1 flew S over Shooters Bottom and out to sea at 11.00, Swallow 50, House Martin 100+, Yellow Wagtail 1, Pied Wagtail 1E, Wheatear 1 Common Whitethroat 3, Blackcap 6+, Chiffchaff 11+, Goldcrest 1, Siskin 5, Corn Bunting c10.

Seven species of Butterflies were recorded including 4 Wall Butterflies and 1 Clouded Yellow.

The following photographs were taken by Simon Linington

Four Grey Plovers and one Knot over Shooters Bottom.

Corn Bunting at Birling

Female Common Blue

Wall Butterfly