A much quieter morning with a general clear-out of the common migrants. Reasonable numbers of Swallows and House Martins were moving E and our Sparrow Hawk total for the area was from 6-8 birds. Highlight was a Marsh Harrier moving E.
Combined totals:
Marsh Harrier 1 high E @ 11.05 (RAB, JFC, RJF, FL).
Sparrowhawk 6-8 (3 Hollow, 3-5 Headland)
Common Buzzard 4 Headland
Kestrel 3 Headland
Green Woodpecker 2 (1 Hollow, 1 Headland)
Swift 1
Sand Martin 3 E
Swallow c700 E
House Martin c1,000 E
Tree Pipit 1 E
Meadow Pipit 90
Yellow Wagtail 9 (2E)
Grey Wagtail 1 E
Common Redstart 1
Wheatear 3 Headland
Song Thrush 1 Headland
Lesser Whitethroat 2 (1 Shooters Bottom, 1 Old Trapping Area)
Common Whitethroat 5 Headland
Blackcap 20
Chiffchaff 16
Starling 100 radio mast
Goldfinch 70 Headland
Clouded Yellow 5 Headland
Starlings on the radio mast
Common Buzzard over the Headland.