Thursday, 27 August 2020

27th August, 2020 Beachy Head Overcast dry during morning wet during afternoon. light wind variable W to S

ME covered sites from Birling to Shooters Bottom including Cornish Farm track, LP also covered sites on the Headland and RE was ringing in Whitbread Hollow. Very large arrival of Blackcaps and good numbers of common migrants including Common Redstarts, and Grasshopper Warblers with 5 being ringed.
Combined totals: I have again been very careful to avoid any double counting as far as possible.

Common Buzzard 1 Hollow
Hobby 1 Headland (ME and LP)
Swift 2 Headland
Tree Pipit 4 Headland
Yellow Wagtail 30 Cornish farm track
Common Redstart 9+ (8+ Headland, 1 Hollow)
Whinchat 3+ Headland
Wheatear 10 Cornish farm track
Grasshopper Warbler 5 Hollow (all 1styr. birds, all greyish-brown types not yellowish types).
Sedge Warbler 1 Hollow
Reed Warbler 12 Hollow
Lesser Whitethroat 2 Headland
Common Whitethroat 40 (20 Hollow, 20 Headland)
Garden Warbler 6 Hollow
Blackcap Large numbers in the Hollow, estimated at 600 to 750+
Willow Warbler 40 (20 Hollow, 20 Headland)
Spotted Flycatcher 4-5 (2 Hollow, 2-3 Headland)
Raven 1 Hollow

Clouded Yellow 1 Hollow
Hummingbird Hawk Moth 2 (1 Hollow, 1 Headland)