Similar range of migrants as seen during the last few days, but still diurnal migration very quiet'
Combined totals:
Sparrowhawk 1 Headland
Common Buzzard 3 Headland
Kestrel 2 Headland
Peregrine 3 Headland
Turnstone heard calling
Swallow c20
Tree Pipit 2 flew over Went Hill
Yellow Wagtail 4 with cattle
Pied Wagtail 14
White Wagtail 1 male in cattle field near B/T wood. (SL and JG)
Common Redstart 2 B/T area
Whinchat 4 Headland
Wheatear 7 Headland
Grasshopper Warbler 1 Birling
Reed Warbler 1 near B/T wood
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Headland
Common Whitethroat 7 Headland
Chiffchaff 1 Headland
Willow Warbler 7+ Headland
Spotted Flycatcher 2 Headland
Pied Flycatcher 2 (1 Went Hill, 1 SE of B/T wood)
Raven 2
13 species of Burrerflies recorded today including 10 Adonis Blues, 1 Brown Argus, 2 Clouded Yellows and several Silver Spotted Skippers.
Following two pictures taken by SL
Male Adonis Blue Butterfly
Silver Spotted Skipper