We covered Birling lane, Shooters Bottom, Belle Tout wood, meeting up with RB, and then news of a Red-breasted Flycatcher broke in bushes around the toilet block on Bird Guides. Doreen and myself quickly drove up there but no sign of any birders. I walked all around the block playing my tape but not a single bird seen. I have now heard that it has been re-identified from photos as a Chiffchaff. Otherwise there was very little on the Headland and virtually nothing moving over-head.
Little Egret 1
Common Buzzard 1
Sparrowhawk 1
Kestrel 2
Peregrine 2
Collard Dove 1 Birling
Meadow Pipit 15
Swallow 40 W
Stonechat 10
Wheatear 2
Blackcap 1
Chiffchaff 10
Red Admiral 3
Green Woodpecker at Birling.
Whitish looking Chiffchaff at Birling, but not a Siberian.
Collard Dove at Birling.