Wednesday 22 August 2018

22nd August, 2018 Beachy Head Overcast WSW 1-2

RE covered the Toilet block bushes, Birling lane, and Birling to Belle Tout loop including the wood. RAB also covered the Black Down footpath, Toilet block bushes, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge, Shooters Bottom, and Belle Tout wood and scrub. LP visited early afternoon to Belle Tout wood and Shooters Bottom.
Another reasonable fall of night migrants but again no sign of any diurnal migration with only 3 Swallows seen during the morning.
Combined totals:

Fulmar 2
Little Egret 1
Sparrowhawk 1-2
Common Buzzard 2
Kestrel 2
Peregrine 1
Golden plover 1 in the Top Fields
Green Woodpecker 1
Swallow Just 3
Common Redstart 2
Stonechat 8
Wheatear 4
Sedge Warbler 1
Reed Warbler 1
Common Whitethroat 21
Chiffchaff 1
Willow Warbler c100
Spotted Flycatcher 3
Pied Flycatcher 1
Raven 2
Corn Bunting 50 + Birling area

Also the Melodious Warbler first seen on the 20/8 was reported on the 21/8 and a Hippolais Sp. probably the Melodious was seen very poorly and briefly today, but views not good enough to I/d it.