Wednesday, 29 November 2017

29th November, 2017 Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne

Richard Bown found a winter plumage Black Guillemot in the outer harbour late yesterday afternoon
and with only around twenty records for Sussex and just a couple so far this century, we decided to visit the harbour with John King in the hope that the Black Guillemot would stay. We met up with Richard, and also Roger and Liz Charlwood and was soon enjoying some good views on a cold but sunny morning. It was in Juvenile/ 1stW plumage with a barred back, and browner on the head and dark streaking on the wing patches.

Showing the brownish head and barred back of a Juv/1stW bird.

Showing the streaking on the white wing patches
of a Juvenile/1stW bird

Look, I have got red legs.

Juvenile/1stW Black Guillemot in Sovereign Harbour.