At Beachy Head we covered Birling lane, Belle Tout loop, Belle Tout wood, the set-a-side field leading up to Cornish Farm and the Old Trapping Area. Other than the set-a-side field very little present in the area and no sign of any Dartford Warblers. Only 1 Robin was seen today compared with 25 in the same area last week.
Fulmar 2
Skylark c150 in field
Stonechat 2
Goldcrest 1
Jackdaw c250 in field
Rook c200 in field
Carrion Crow c20 in field including a party of 12 birds.
Raven 1
Starling 100 in field compared with 700 seen last week.
Goldfinch 40 in field
Linnet 6 in field
Corn Bunting 25 in field
Good numbers of corvids and gulls feeding in the fields.
Up to 25 Corn Buntings present with a number singing.
Poppies still out in flower.