Wednesday, 25 October 2017

25 October, 2017, Beachy Head Overcast becoming misty over Headland SW4 decreasing 2

A better morning than yesterday although becoming misty over the headland late morning when the wind dropped. A late start for us and we met up with RE at Birling and LP also covered some of the headland sites. We covered Birling lane, Belle Tout wood, and Shooters Bottom and by that time the mist was covering sites further east. Very similar cast of birds as yesterday with the Ring Ouzels still being the main feature. Small movement overhead mainly common finches.

Little Egret 1 on Birling beach
Merlin 1 Shooters Bottom (per RE)
Swallow 5 Holywell
Meadow Pipit 10 W
Ring Ouzel 7 (3 B/T per LP & 4 Shooters Bottom)
Blackbird 25 Shooters Bottom
Song Thrush 6 Shooters Bottom
Chiffchaff 1
Goldcrest 5
Raven 1
Chaffinch 15 W
Goldfinch 200 (100 W)
Linnet 60 W