We covered Birling lane, Shooters Bottom, the Old Trapping Area and Hotel Garden, meeting up with RK, LP, RAB and SL. Spent some time searching for the Melodious Warbler and we must have missed it by just 5 minutes.
Small arrival of night migrants and diurnal migration was mainly hirundines some feeding over the top fields and others moving SE. Two White Storks appeared high over the Hollow and after several minutes disappeared going North, but annoyingly were not seen by ourselves or other birders looking for the Melodious Warbler on the headland.
Gannet c50 feeding offshore
Little Egret 3 off Birling
White Stork 2 high over Whitbread Hollow drifted off N at 10.20 (RDME, and SOS members), just 2 previous records for Beachy the last in 1986.
Canada Goose 7 over Birling heading towards the sea.
Sparrowhawk 2
Common Buzzard 5 over top fields
Kestrel 2
Hobby 1 over Shooters Bottom (LP)
Swift 1
Sand Martin 20 SE
Swallow c400 feeding over the top fields
House Martin c100 SE
Tree Pipit 1
Yellow Wagtail 25 (10 overhead)
Grey Wagtail 2W
Common Redstart 4
Whinchat 3
Wheatear 22
Melodious Warbler 1 briefly Hotel Garden photo (RAB) Our 2nd this year and our 37th since 1960.
Lesser Whitethroat 3
Common Whitethroat 35 Headland
Chiffchaff 17
Willow Warbler 10
Goldcrest 1
Spotted Flycatcher 2
Raven 1
RE trapped 5 Grasshopper Warblers on the 1st and 3 today (one of which was a re-trap).
Spotted Flycatcher in the Old Trapping Area
Party of Canada Geese heading towards the sea