Wednesday, 9 August 2017

9th August, 2017 Beachy Head Early morning rain becoming sunny and calm with later rain NW 0-1

After the early morning rain had cleared we covered virtually all the main sites on the Headland excluding the Birling loop. RE was ringing in Whitbread Hollow and AR visited the Cow Gap area.
Again the Headland was very quiet with just small numbers of migrants and no diurnal migration seen. Whitbread Hollow was busier with migrants.

Combined Totals:

Little Egret 1
Sparrowhawk 3 (2 Headland and 1 Hollow)
Common Buzzard 1
Green Woodpecker 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker 1
Swallow 5
Nightingale 1 ad trapped Hollow (new bird)
Common Redstart 1 Hollow
Grasshopper Warbler 1 Cow Gap
Lesser Whitethroat 6
Common Whitethroat 80 (23 Headland, 27 Cow Gap and 30 Hollow)
Garden Warbler 18 Hollow & Cow Gap
Blackcap 13
Chiffchaff 2
Willow Warbler 62 (10 Headland and 52 Hollow area)
Jay 1

No butterfly count made today with the more interesting sightings
Wall 1 Birling lane 
Brown Argus 1 Belle Tout
Dingy Skipper 1 Belle Tout

Autumn Ladies Tresses reasonable numbers are now showing at Birling (seems to be an early date)

Common Whitethroat at Birling

Autumn Ladies Tresses at Birling