Tuesday, 29 August 2017

29th August, 2017 Beachy Head Hot and humid calm

A very hot humid day from the start. We covered Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge, Belle Tout wood and scrub, Cornish farm track Met up with RKH, RK and RB. LP was birding from Hotel Garden to Shooters Bottom.

Considering we have had this hot sunny weather for several days, it is usual for the area to become quiet and although there were a scattering of new migrants, the area was mainly quiet with little diurnal migration seen.

Combined totals

Sparrowhawk 1
Common Buzzard 2
Merlin 1 near the Hotel Garden
Kestrel 1 adult male
Swift 4
Swallow 200 E
Tree Pipit 2
Yellow Wagtail 3 overhead with others heard calling
Grey Wagtail 1
Alba Wagtail 4 overhead
Robin 10
Common Redstart 5
Whinchat 10
Wheatear 6
Sedge Warbler 1
Reed Warbler 3
Lesser Whitethroat 4
Common Whitethroat 40
Blackcap 12
Chiffchaff 4
Willow Warbler 22
Goldcrest 1
Spotted Flycatcher 2
Yellow Hammer 1 male Cornish Farm track

Harbour Porpoise 4
Good numbers of Butterflies on the wing with a female Adonis Blue and at least 1 Chalk Hill Blue.

 Whinchat at least 10 were seen today.

Reed Warbler in Shooters Bottom


 2 Spotted Flycatchers in the Old Trapping Area

Male Kestrel at Belle Tout