LP with friend JP and they did a 14km walk from the Beachy Head Hotel over Michael Dene, to Crowlink and on to Friston, and encountered good numbers of chats etc. during their walk. Several other birders were also working the headland, and RE was again ringing in Whitbread Hollow.
Generally a quieter day for night migrants in the main sites on the headland, although RE after a quiet start had a large wave of migrants came through the Hollow at about 0730-0800, and in Shooters Bottom RK reported it quiet early morning but when we did it mid-morning it was very active. The highlight were the 2 Honey Buzzards seen by LP.
Honey Buzzard 2 ( 1 SE over Went Hill at 10.50 and 1 E over Michael Dene @ 12.45) photos (LP)
Common Buzzard 2 top fields
Sparrowhawk 3
Kestrel 1
Tawny Owl 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker 1 over Shooters Bottom
Yellow Wagtail c30
Grey Wagtail 2
Tree Pipit 8
Swift 10
Common Redstart 13
Black Redstart 1 juv
Whinchat 18
Stonechat 8
Wheatear 20
Grasshopper Warbler 1 Whitbread Hollow
Reed Warbler 56 (45 Hollow and 11 Headland)
Sedge Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 10
Common Whitethroat 90 (25 Hollow and 65 Headland)
Garden Warbler 14 (12 Hollow and 2 Headland)
Blackcap 130 (125 Hollow and 5 Headland)
Chiffchaff 15
Willow Warbler 80 (40 Hollow and 40 Headland)
Spotted Flycatcher 8
Reed Bunting 1
Butterflies: Fair numbers of common downland species were seen including 20 Small Heaths 2 Clouded Yellows and for me the highlight of the day when we saw a superb male Adonis Blue in the Old Trapping Area, it must be the first I have seen at Beachy for around 20 years. Unfortunately, I had my big lens on and was unable to photograph it.

(taken by LP)
Honey Buzzard over Michael Dene aka Sardine Valley
Garden Warbler surrounded by elderberries in Shooters Bottom
Whinchat in Shooters Bottom
Insects swarming around the bushes in the Old Trapping Area.