Sunday, 13 August 2017

13th August, 2017 Beachy Head Part cloud becoming sunny, cool at first becoming warm N2-3 vearing NE 1

We covered Birling lane and scrub, Belle Tout wood and scrub, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden and Icky Ridge, The Rides and Shooters Bottom. LP also visited the area around the Pub and RE, SM & MB were ringing in Whitbread Hollow. KG also visited the Hollow area.
Reasonable numbers of night migrants with the highlight being a Wood Warbler trapped in the Hollow and a Pied Flycatcher also there. Virtually no diurnal passage was recorded.

Combined totals:

Cormorant party of 7 W
Sparrowhawk 2
Yellow-legged Gull 1 Juv Birling with Herrings
Tawny Owl 1
Tree Pipit 3
Sand Martin 30
Swallow 30
Nightingale 1heard in the Hollow
Common Redstart 3
Wheatear 1
Whinchat 3
Grasshopper Warbler 2 Headland
Sedge Warbler 1
Reed Warbler 20-25 in the Hollow
Common Whitethroat 91 (51 Headland & 40 Hollow)
Garden Warbler 12
Blackcap 16
Wood Warbler 1 trapped and ringed Whitbread Hollow 
Willow Warbler 51(21 Headland & 30 Hollow)
Pied Flycatcher 1 Whitbread Hollow

No butterfly count made today but reasonable numbers on the wing including:
Clouded Yellow 1
Hummingbird Hawk-Moth 3

Record shots of the Whinchat at Birling

(taken by RE)
Wood Warbler trapped in Whitbread Hollow

Three Hummingbird Hawk Moths were seen today