Tuesday, 4 July 2017

4th July, 2017 Beachy Head Sunny and hot NW 1

At long last we visited Beachy on a sunny calm day. We only had time to visit Birling lane, Birling to Belle Tout loop which took us nearly 3 hours as we were able to concentrate looking at butterflies with good numbers on the wing.
LP also visited the headland and covered a number of other sites.

Little Egret 2
Green Woodpecker 3 (1 ad and 2 juvs) Birling
Great-spotted Woodpecker 2 (1 Birling & 1 B/T lighthouse area)
Sand Martin 2 W
Song Thrush 2
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Old Trapping Area
Common Whitethroat 16
Blackcap 2 Old Trapping Area
Yellowhammer 1 ad. male B/T

Meadow Brown c60
Gatekeeper c20
Small Heath 1
Small Copper 1
Small Skipper c100
Essex Skipper 2
Marbled White c100+
Dark-green Fritillary 20
Painted Lady 1
Small White 3
Large White 10
Red Admiral 1

Burnett Moth c200

Looking over Birling along the Seven Sisters to Seaford Head 

Juvenile male Great-spotted Woodpecker at Birling
Two were seen today our first on the Headland this year.


Essex Skipper

Small Skipper

Marbled Whites-good numbers seen today

 Dark-green Fritillaries

A very fresh Painted Lady

Burnett Moths

 Burnett Moth in flight

Not sure what's going on here

Another Bumblebee mimic hoverfly possibly Narcissus Bulb Fly 
(Merodon equestris). 
Once again many thanks to RKH for his identification assistance.