Gannet 15 E
Heron 2 soaring high up over Cornish Farm
Kestrel 1
Lesser Black Backed Gull 1 adult
Swift 10
Swallow 12
Bee-Eater 8 W @ 12.18 over Birling (KG).
Song Thrush 5
Common Whitethroat 12
Blackcap 2
Chiffchaff 5
Wall 1
Brown Argus 1
Common Blue 6
Small Heath 2
Dingy Skipper 1 Cliff Path
Painted Lady 1
Speckled Wood 8
Red Admiral 1
Adult Lesser-black Backed Gull
Dingy Skipper along the Cliff Path
2nd June, 2017 Partly overcast becoming warm. E1-2
We covered Birling lane, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge, Cliff Path, Shooters Bottom. and Belle Tout wood. RE covered the Whitbread Hollow area.
Very little recorded although RE had a Lesser Whitethroat in the Hollow. The highlight was a Red-veined Darter which showed well along the Cliff Path before being lost as it flew into Cow Gap.
LP had 3 Red Kites on the headland at 14.00.
LP had 3 Red Kites on the headland at 14.00.
Bee Orchids now coming into flower
Male Red-veined Darter along the Cliff Path
I wonder if RJF brought this back from Mongolia.