Wednesday, 14 June 2017

13th June, 2017 Beachy Head & 14th June, 2017 Nr. Pulborough

13th June, 2017 Beachy Head, Fine sunny and hot

Visited the Head and covered Birling lane, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Hotel garden, Icky Ridge and the Cliff Path. We then called in to see Roger and Liz in Hodcombe and spent an enjoyable several hours on what I would call a Bee-eater watch without the Bee-eaters. Roger and Liz had just returned from a birding trip to Mongolia which sounded brilliant.

No new migrants could be found and although I did see several new butterfly species for the year, although still low numbers of butterflies were present.

Meadow Pipit along the cliff path

Small Heath around 12 were seen.

My first Large Skippers for the year

Male Common Blue

A worn Painted Lady

Bumble Bee Mimic Hoverfly Volucella bombylans
(Many thanks to RKH for I/d)

14th June, 2017 Nr. Pulborough Hot and Sunny.

Simon L. kindly let us know that he had seen around 10 Club-tailed Dragonflies yesterday  and we
therefore spent two hours searching for this scarce dragonfly, which we have never seen before. We found 2-3 Club-tails, and also saw around 100 Banded Demoiselles, 2 Large Red Damselflies, and 1 very pale looking Scarce Chaser, although I may be wrong with this I/d.

What appears to be a very pale looking male Scarce Chaser.

Male Banded Demoiselle

Female Banded Demoiselle

 Club-tail Dragonfly

 (taken by DRC)
Club-tail Dragonfly
