We sea-watched from 05.45-15.15 and were joined for some of the time by RAB, RE, RKH and AR.
AR had covered a number of sites on the headland and LP worked the Hollow area but generally only small numbers of night migrants seen.
Black-throated Diver 1 s/p E at 08.25
Red-throated Diver 8 E
Gannet 93 E
Shag 1 E
Little Egret 1 on the beach
Grey Goose Sp. 1 E @ 12.00 (possible Pink-foot)
Brent Goose 10 E
Shelduck 8 E
Common Scoter 1,052 E
Velvet Scoter 6 E
Bar-tailed Godwit 119 E
Whimbrel 16 E
Arctic Skua 20 E
Bonxie 8 E
Mediterranean Gull 84 E
Black-headed Gull 3 E
Kittiwake c100 E
Sandwich Tern 276 E
Commic Tern 337 E (majority were very far out)
Black Tern 1 E
Auk Sp 2 E
Swallow 5 in off the sea
Yellow Wagtail 2 over
Wheatear 11
Common Whitethroat 6
Willow Warbler 9
Firecrest 1