Thursday, 16 February 2017

16th February, 2017 Beachy Head Overcast mild. SW 0-1

On a calm mild morning, we sea-watched from 07.00-09.00. Yesterday's large passage of Auks, was not repeated today although still reasonable numbers of Red-throated Divers on the move.

Red-throated Diver 153 E
Great-crested Grebe 10 on the sea
Gannet 10 E
Brent Goose 20 E
Shelduck 1 E
Common Scoter 28 E
Mediterranean Gull 2 adults in s/p.E (my first for this year)
Auk Sp. 70 E (only Guillemots I/d)

Stonechat 1 male along the road

On our way home, we called into Newhaven Harbour. Reasonable numbers of Gulls present but no unusual gulls seen with 2 English L.B.B.Gulls present.