Tuesday, 14 February 2017

14th February, 2017 Beachy Head Overcast cool murky out to sea ESE3 to SE 4

We sea-watched from 07.15-09.15 with a large passage of Red-throated Divers which is our second largest day total since regular watching commenced in 1960. Also another close Black-throated Diver. We then walked the Birling loop and met up with Richard B. and back to Birling through the Cornish Farm field.

Red-throated Diver 403 E (On one scan through my scope from East to West I counted 100 moving past in 5 minutes).
Black-throated Diver 1 E @ 08.25 (close in with 6 Red-throated Divers)
Great-crested Grebe 32 (7 E and 25 on the sea including a party of 13)
Fulmar 15 E
Gannet 105 E
Curlew 1 E
Common Gull 26 adults in field at Birling
Auk Sp. 125 E
Guillemot 7 E
Razorbill 144 E
Green Woodpecker 1
Skylark 150
Meadow Pipit 4
Song Thrush 1
Goldfinch 80
Linnet 60
Yellowhammer 2
Corn Bunting just 3 in Cornish Farm field.

On our drive home near Southease we passed a dead Short-eared Owl by the side of the road, but we were unable to stop due to heavy traffic.