Saturday, 28 January 2017

28th January, 2017 Beachy Head Overcast becoming sunny and mild S4 vearing SW 2-3

We sea-watched from 07.45-09.30. Another early morning passage of Red-throated Divers and also Gannets and Kittiwakes were moving E. We then covered Belle Tout wood and walked the Cornish Farm track, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area and Hotel Garden. Good numbers of Corn Buntings difficult to estimate the true numbers but at least 50+ also 3 Yellowhammers but unable to dig out a Pine Bunting. Needless to say the bushes were very quiet with just 4 Song Thrushes.

Red-throated Diver 56 (52E, 2W 2 on sea)
Gannet 153E
Brent Goose 24E
Kestrel 1
Kittiwake c120E
Auk Sp. 15
Stonechat 2
Song Thrush 4
Raven 1
Yellowhammer 3
Corn Bunting 50+ 

Grey Seal 1 off Birling

LP flushed a Woodcock from Shooters Bottom