A very cold frosty morning and we sea-watched from 08.00-0930. A reasonable movement of Red-throated Divers which included a loose party of 26 but otherwise pretty quiet with just the odd Auks.
Great-crested Grebe 1 on sea
Red-throated Diver 45 (41 E, 2 W and 2 on sea)
Gannet 3 E
Little Egret 1 on beach
Curlew 1 W
Razorbill 4 E
Auk sp. 12 E
Peregrine 2
Raven 1
I then walked the upper Cuckmere from the reed-bed north but no sign of any Water Pipits with just the usual duck and geese seen. On the way home we called into Newhaven Harbour and although a number of gulls were loafing on the beach, no sign of any unusual gulls.