Monday, 23 May 2016

23rd May, 2016 Beachy Head Sunny and very clear with a cool N wind force 4

Covered most of the main headland sites including the Cliff Path and Birling lane but not the Birling loop. Generally very quiet with just a few new arrivals with the highlight being a Turtle Dove and Ring-necked Parakeet.
Had a look to see if there were any signs of the Lady and Lizard Orchids but without success, although delighted to find a Small Blue butterfly in this area. Not a butterfly I see every year at Beachy.

Common Buzzard 1
Peregrine 1
Turtle Dove 1 W over the Cliffs from the Hotel Garden @ 9.00 am
Ring-necked Parakeet 1 high E and calling @ 08.30 over Shooters 
Bottom. (Just our 3rd this century)
Swift 1
House Martin 1
Swallow 20
Common Whitethroat 25
Blackcap 2
Spotted Flycatcher 3 (singles in the OTA, Icky Ridge & B/T wood)
Long-tailed Tit 2
Corn Bunting 4

Speckled Wood 1
Wall 5
Small Blue 1 
Small Heath 3
Dingy Skipper 2
Red Admiral 1
View over Beachy Head taken from the Old Trapping Area
Very clear today, through our binoculars you could see Portsmouth

Swallow resting at Birling


Spotted Flycatcher posing for its photograph. Three seen today on the Head

Long-tailed Tit along the Cliff Path

 Small Blue

Red Admiral

Cinnabar Moth