Friday, 29 April 2016

29th April, 2016 Beachy Overcast cold W 4-5

Just sea-watched from 07.00-07.30 in cold conditions and very little moving. Then covered most of the Headland sites including Icky Ridge and the Cliff Path meeting up with Roger and Bob in the Old Trapping Area. Just small numbers of migrants with the highlight being our first Spotted Flycatcher for the year. Of interest, a number of the Willow Warblers seen appeared to be of a northern race looking quite striking with a cold appearance and white underparts with very little yellow in their plumage.

Gannet 21 E
Common Scoter 4 E
Swallow 3
Pied Wagtail 2 feeding around cattle at Birling
Wheatear 3
Common Whitethroat 6
Blackcap 1
Chiffchaff 5
Willow Warbler 17
Spotted Flycatcher 1 Belle Tout wood (our first for this year)

Willow Warbler in the Old Trapping Area

Male Common Whitethroat singing along the cliff path

Spotted Flycatcher in Belle Tout wood

male Blackcap in Belle Tout wood