Laurence had covered much of the area and had seen 2 Common Redstarts but little else of interest and we covered Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden and Birling and connected with 2 Common Redstarts at Birling.
Red-throated Diver 4 E
Black-throated Diver 2 E s/p
Gannet 6 E
Manx Shearwater 1 E at 8.54am
Brent Geese 202 E
Eider 2 E
Common Scoter 805 E
Pintail 2E, 1W
Shoveler 5 E
Teal 7 E
Arctic Skua 7 E all dark
Kittiwake 280 E
Common Gull 10 E
Mediterranean Gull 5 E ad
Black-headed Gull 15 E
Little Gull 2 E
Sandwich Tern 385 E
Commic Tern 67E - some i/d as Arctic Terns
Sanderling 2 E
Auk sp. 1E, 1W
alba Wagtail 3 in off
Carrion Crow 2 in off
Swallow 1
Common Redstart 2
Brent Geese on the move
Common Scoter-over 800 moved past Birling today
Male Common Redstart at Birling