Little Egret 1
Common Scoter 1 E
Kestrel 1
Merlin 2
Peregrine 5-6
Stock Dove 8 S
Wood Pigeon 1,850 S
Tawny Owl 2
Great-spotted Woodpecker
Skylark 10 E
Stonechat 4
Goldcrest 4
Long-tailed Tit 6
Goldfinch 1,400 (1,000 E)
Lesser Redpoll 3
Wood Pigeons on the move
When Wood Pigeons are moving, Peregrines are much in evidence.
Good movement of Goldfinches seen
Tawny Owl watching us
We then visited Princes Park no sign of any interesting gulls although a Common Sandpiper with only one leg was present.
One-legged Common Sandpiper at Princes Park.
On our way home we called into Newhaven Harbour. Large numbers of Herring Gulls and the highlight
was a 1stW Caspian Gull on the west arm, to far to photograph but DC managed the following digi-shots.

1stW Caspian Gull on the west arm Newhaven

1stW Caspian (left) with Herring Gull for comparision.