A close match from Liege, Belgium:
Short-toed Treecreeper (left Liege, Belgium) (right Beachy) from:
Being of the closest of the forms C.b. megarhyncha of Short-toed Treecreeper to the south coast of the UK it is reassuring the individual photographed at Liege, Belgium proves a very close match. It is interesting to compare the many striking similarities including most-importantly the long billed appearance of both individuals, the narrowing tips to the pale bars being pointed at the tips (more rectangular on Common), the consistently broad dark wingbar, the dark inner web of the longest visible tertial and the isolated white tips to the primaries lacking white hook-backs. In addition the contrastingly white throat is striking on both birds as are the similarities of the near-identical pattern, colouration of and streaking to the crown, the extent, shape and colouration of the supercilium, strength and width of the eye-stripe, patterning to the ear-coverts, colouration of and patterning to the mantle, shape of the pale tip to the alula and coloration and pattern of the tail with regard to both the darker shafts of the longest tail feathers and in darkening distally on both individuals.