Thursday, 15 October 2015

15th October, 2015 Beachy Head Overcast and cool NE 1

At last a day without any wind, but unfortunately very few birds seen in the bushes and virtually no visible overhead migration. At least we were able to cover virtually all the main sites on the head in reasonable conditions. Still some left over Song Thrushes in the area and our first Brambling of the autumn was recorded.

Little Egret 1
Kestrel 2
Peregrine 2
Great-spotted Woodpecker 2
Swallow c150
House Martin c300
Robin 12
Ring Ouzel 2
Blackbird 13
Redwing 2
Song Thrush 18
Blackcap 2
Chiffchaff 9
Goldcrest 7
Brambling 1
Goldfinch 60


Male Ring Ouzel in Shooters Bottom

Great-spotted Woodpecker in Shooters Bottom