Sunday, 11 October 2015

11th October, 2015 Beachy Head Fine cloud cover clear ENE 1 increasing to 4-5.

On our journey to Beachy a Short-eared Owl flew over the road near Southease.
A fairly typical mid October birding day on the headland. We covered most of the main sites including the Cliff Path but not the Birling loop. We did check Belle Tout wood. Unfortunately the ENE breeze picked up considerably during the morning which hampered later birding. Small numbers of Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests with highlights including Firecrest, and 2 Ring Ouzels. Visible migration was again limited to the early morning period which included over 50 Siskins and 6 Redwings which are our first for this Autumn.

Common Buzzard 1
Kestrel 1
Peregrine 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker 1
Skylark 29 (14 NW and 15 E)
Swallow c300 E
House Martin c100 E
Meadow Pipit 40 E
Pied Wagtail 24 E
Robin 15
Black Redstart 1
Ring Ouzel 2
Blackbird 8
Redwing 6 E
Song Thrush 2
Blackcap 2
Chiffchaff 17
Goldcrest 15 (3 flew high N)
Firecrest 1
Raven 1
Starling 30 W
Goldfinch 250 (160 E)
Siskin 52 E
Lesser Redpoll 2 E
Linnet 180 E
Reed Bunting 1 E

Chiffchaffs at Birling

Firecrest in the Old Trapping Area

Female/1stW. Black Redstart on Beachy Head hotel.

Male Ring Ouzel near the Old Trapping Area