Wednesday 27 October 2021



Flying out of Santiago to Arica

We flew from Santiago to Arica and this view shows us passing
over the coastal town of Inquqno and how the
Atacama Desert almost flows into the Pacific Ocean.
Arriving at Arica and shows the Alacran Peninsula to the
right of Arica harbour.

Looking across the bay from Arica.

Approx. 1,000 Grey Gulls including both adults and juveniles, were on the rocks just to the south of the Alacran Peninsula at Arica.


Grey Gull - Larus modestus Around 1,000 Grey Gulls were standing along the coast on the rocks just to the south of the Alacran Peninsula at Arica. Its an endemic breeder, nesting out in the desert, well away from the coast.

Thirty 1sy year Band Tailed (Belcher's) Gulls - Gavoita peruana were resting on the beach in the Arica area. Common coastal gull of the North, and does not venture inland. Forages on rocky and sandy beaches as well as around ports.
40 Willets near to the Alacran Peninsula.

Willets Catoptrophorus semipalmatus Up to 40 Willets on the beach with Hudsonian Whimbrel  etc. on the Alcacran Peninsula.
Peruvian Pelicans were loafing around on the rocks at Arica.

A constant stream of Peruvian Boobies were flying over
the Alacran Peninsula at Arica and we must have seen in
excess of 1,000 Boobies.

Blackish Oystercatcher Haematopus ater Just 5 Blackish Oystercatchers were seen in the Arica area.
Seldom seen away from rocky coasts.

Hudsonian Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus which has recently been split from our European Whimbrel for the second time in recent years. Eighty Hudsonain Whimbrels were seen on the. Alacran Peninsula at Arica and clearly lacking the white rump of the European Whimbrel. The Hudsonian Whimbrel breeds in North America and winters in Chile but some immature birds also oversummer in Chile.
A short drive inland to the Azapa river valley surrounded
both sides by the Atacama Desert.

This shows the fertile Azapa Valley with the Atacama Desert
encroaching either side of the Valley.

As you travel further inland, the valley becomes narrower.

Leaving the Azapa Valley behind for a 60km drive up into
the Andes from sea-level to 9,000 feet to Putre.

Slender-billed Finch - Xenospingus concolor  Sexes similar, immature brownish. Range: Coastal W. Peru (north to Lima) and N. Chile chiefly below 300 m. We found 6 in the Azapa Valley and 10 in the Chaca Valley. The Slender Billed Finch has a small and declining population.

Peruvian Thicknee - Burhinus superciliaris Restricted to the northernmost valleys of Chile, the Lluta and Azapa. Nocturnal, forms daytime groups which roost in fields of taller vegetation. With the evening light beginning to fade we located a stunning flock in stubble of 33 Peruvian Thicknees in the Lluta Valley. We had to be quick with the photography in the fading light. our only ones seen on the trip. 
We passed this field the following day,but there were no sign of any in a brief look.

White-crested Elaenia - Elaenia albiceps  Subdivided into two taxa which are separable in the field and may possibly be two seperate species. Its a long distant migrant and is absent in winter.   ssp. modesta proved to be common in a number of sites we visited including the Azapa Valley. 

Oasis Hummingbird - Rhodopis vesper Widespread in the North. During our trip we just had 4 Oasis Hummingbirds in the Azapa Valley.       


Male Peruvian Sheartail - Thaumastura cora First recorded in Chile in 1971 and it is now one of the common hummingbirds in the Azapa and Lluta valleys. It inhabits gardens and agricultural areas in these oases valleys. 
Adult male Vermillon Flycatcher - Pyrocephalus rubinus This striking Flycatcher is found in the  northern desert oasis valleys often sits out in the open often on fence posts. Small numbers of the local race cocachacra of the Vermillion Flycatcher could be seen in both Lluta & Azapa Valleys. 

Croaking Ground Dove - Columbina cruziana Restricted  to the oasis valleys of the far north. Small numbers of Croaking Ground Doves could be found in the Azapa valley.

 Cinereous Conebill - Conirostrum cinereum   Occupies shrubby areas etc and it is common in the northern oasis valleys. On our trip we recorded up to 10 Cinereous Conebills could be seen in the Azapa Valley.