A small arrival of migrants on the headland, but no diurnal migration seen.
Cormorant Party of 7 W
Common Buzzard 2
Kestrel 1
Peregrine 1
Red-legged Partridge 2 top of Birling lane.
Herring Gulls 400+ which included 100 W along the cliff tops.
Green Woodpecker 2 Headland
Great-spotted Woodpecker 2 (1+juv) on feeders Birling lane
Swallow 5
Meadow Pipit 10
Nightingale 1 Shooters Bottom (RAB)
Stonechat 10 Headland
Song Thrush 2 Headland
Sedge Warbler 2 Headland
Reed Warbler 4 Headland (1 still partly in song)
Lesser Whitethroat 2 Headland
Common Whitethroat 25 Headland
Blackcap 2 Headland
Willow Warbler 11 Headland
Goldfinch 50 Headland
Linnet 15 Headland
Good numbers of Butterflies were seen today, with the following more interesting ones:
Chalk Hill Blue 60
Small Blue 2
Marbled White 2
Silver Spotted Skipper 1
Weasel 1 Shooters Bottom
Just 2 Sedge Warblers were seen today
Common Whitethroat at Birling
A distant 1st cyr. Willow Warbler
in the Old Trapping Area
Silver Spotted Skipper at Belle Tout
Grasshopper (Back in the late 20th century, these used to be
very common and I remember one year there were many
hundreds on the Headland all jumping out of the grass as
you walked through it. The one today is the first one I have
seen recently).