Found it hard work this morning due to the very hot weather. We covered Birling lane, Birling scrub, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, and Belle Tout wood. RE was again ringing in Whitbread Hollow.
Small numbers of night migrants logged but just a few Swallows and 2 Swifts moving E. A large juvenile Yellow-legged Gull flew over the cliffs at Birling.
Combined totals:
Gannet 7 E
Common Buzzard 1 Birling
Kestrel family of 3 in the Hollow
Yellow-legged Gull 1 large juvenile flew over the cliffs at Birling (JFC:DRC)
Swift 2 E
Green Woodpecker 1 Hollow
Swallow 12 (9E)
Pied Wagtail 8 Headland
Nightingale 1 Shooters Bottom
Stonechat 5
Sedge Warbler 1 Birling
Reed Warbler 7 Hollow
Common Whitethroat 21 (16 Headland and 5 Hollow)
Garden Warbler 2 Hollow
Blackcap 3 Hollow
Willow Warbler 3 (2 Hollow and 1 Shooters Bottom)
Starling 25 Headland
Chaffinch 20 Headland
Corn Bunting 5 Headland
With the large numbers of butterflies at present on the Headland,
I will only show the more interesting ones.
Comma 1 Hollow
Peacock 1
Red Admiral 2
On our way home, we visited Newhaven Harbour. The tide was on its way out but very few gulls mainly Herring with several juveniles.