Wednesday, 17 July 2019

17th July, 2019 Beachy Head Sunny calm and warm S 0-1

A beautiful calm sunny morning. We covered Birling lane and scrub opposite, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge, radio mast bushes, Belle Tout wood. RE was ringing and watching in Whitbread Hollow.
Very few new migrants seen today, with yesterday's Cuckoo was still present in Shooters Bottom, 8 Sand Martins flew over the Headland, a Nightingale was heard calling in Whitbread Hollow, but the surprise of the day was a Tawny Owl which was flushed at very close range in Shooters Bottom.
Combined totals:

Kestrel 1
Cuckoo 1 Shooters Bottom
Tawny Owl 1 flushed in Shooters Bottom
Swift 1 E
Green Woodpecker 1 Hollow
Sand Martin 8 Headland
Swallow 11 Headland
Nightingale 1 calling Hollow
Stonechat 6 Headland
Song Thrush 1 Hollow
Sedge Warbler 1 Birling scrub
Common Whitethroat 14 Headland
Blackcap 6 (5 Hollow and 1 Headland)
Chiffchaff 2 Hollow
Raven 1 Headland
Starling 70 on radio mast
Goldfinches 60 with many juveniles on Headland
Linnet 15 on Headland
Corn Bunting 6

Meadow Brown 30
Gatekeeper c100
Chalk Hill Blue 1
Small Blue 2
Small Copper 1
Marbled White 12
Large Skipper 2
Small Skipper c20
Essex Skipper 2
Small White 6

Birling lane leading up to the pine copse

Female Small Blue