Saturday, 13 July 2019

13th July, 2019 Beachy Head Sunny with cool N breeze.

Another early morning visit to Shooters Bottom where 1 Nightingale was present. We then covered Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge, Cliff Path, Belle Tout wood and Birling scrub. No other returning migrants could be found although small increase in Common Whitethroat numbers.

Common Buzzard 3 Headland
Kestrel 1 male
Herring Gull c300 feeding off Cow Gap
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 B/T wood
Nightingale 1 Shooters Bottom
Common Whitethroat 20
Chiffchaff 1
Song Thrush 2 Shooters Bottom
Rook c350 Birling fields
Goldfinch 15 Headland
Linnet 15 Headland
Corn Bunting 6

Meadow Brown 30
Gatekeeper c150
Chalk Hill Blue 4 plus 2 in the Hollow
Marbled White 25
Large Skipper 2
Small Skipper 10
White-lettered Hairstreak 2
Dark Green Fritillary 1
Red Admiral 1
Comma 3 in the Hollow
Silver Y moth 2

Round Headed Rampion 10 found along the Cliff Path.

RE and other members of the BHRG were setting the mist-nets in Whitbread Hollow and trapped 2 juv. Reed Warblers and a third bird was singing nearby.

Nightingale in Shooters Bottom

White-lettered Hairstreak

Dark Green Fritillary - my first for this year.

Small Skipper

Red Admiral

10 new Round Headed Rampions were found along the 
Cliff Path.