Monday 15 October 2018

15th October, 2018 Beachy Head Early mist overcast with sunny periods, humid E-SE 1-2

Misty at first becoming very humid. We covered Birling lane, met up with RKH, RES, KH, and RB and between us covered Toilet block bushes, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge, Old Trapping Area, Shooters Bottom and Belle Tout wood. Small numbers of Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps, with 3 Ring Ouzels and a Firecrest. A small diurnal passage mainly of finches and Meadow Pipits.

Sparrowhawk 1 male
Kestrel 1
Green Woodpecker 1
House Martin 6
Meadow Pipits 45 E
Pied Wagtail 4
Robin 10
Ring Ouzel 3 in the Old Trapping Area (RB)
Blackcap 8
Chiffchaff 20
Firecrest 1 Old Trapping Area
Brambling 1 E
Goldfinch 15 E
Linnet 55 E

Red Admiral 5

Late news for the yesterday: RHC recorded his second Yellow-browed Warbler this year.

Poor picture of today's Firecrest in the Old Trapping Area