Wednesday 21 September 2011

21st September, 2011. Weir Wood Reservoir & The Burgh

Visited Weir Wood today to look for the reported Least Sandpiper. Watched it for several hours always at a distance first of all in misty conditions but as the morning progressed it became quite sunny at times. Although either a Least or a Long Toed Stint, the jury is still out until photos are seen.

Also recorded: 1 Greenshank, 2 Green Sandpipers, 3 Dunlin, 2 Common Sandpipers and several Ringed & Little Ringed Plovers. Full details to follow.

During the afternoon we visited The Burgh and had excellent views of the juvenile Pallid Harrier again, we also saw 12 Common Buzzards & 1 male Hen Harrier.

Juvenile Pallid Harrier in the evening light at The Burgh.