Kenya (two trips) Part 1 13-10-1989 to 3-11-1989 & (second with Birdquest) 17-11-1991 to 6-12-1991.
Owing to the size and length of this trip report, unfortunately I have had to split this report into two sections.
John and Doreen Cooper
The species account follows “Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania” 1996 by Zimmerman, Turner and Pearson. We would like to thank Iain Robertson and Nigel Redman leaders on the Birdquest trip.
After Doreen and myself arranged our own trip to Kenya in 1989, where we stayed at a number of Safari Parks which were excellent, and then spent about a week on the coast at Malindi which was also very good. We therefore decided in 1991 to visit Kenya again, but in order to visit other areas we decided to go with Birdquest who were going to visit Northern Kenya which boarders onto Somali and therefore can be dangerous to visit this area without an armed guard which Birdquest had arranged and also Ian Robertson was leading this tour who we knew well. We decided not to visit the coastal area with Birdquest as we had covered the coastal area well on our earlier trip.

ITINERARY (1st trip)
13th October, 1989. Arrived Nairobi mid-morning and transferred to the Serena Hotel. Afternoon visit to the Nairobi National Park and stayed to dusk. Overnight at the Serena Hotel, Nairobi.
14th October, 1989 Morning visit to Central Park Nairobi. Mid-day shopping Nairobi Centre. Afternoon visit to the Nairobi National Park, overnight at the Serena Hotel, Nairobi.
15th October, 1989 Early morning visit to Central Park, Nairobi. Collected at 08.00 hrs for drive to Tsavo West Game Park stopping en route at Hunters Lodge for an hour. Arrived at Kilguni Lodge, Tsavo West, and spent several hours birding in the Lodge grounds. Went out on a game drive at 16.00 hrs. until dark. Overnight at Kilguni Lodge.
16th October, 1989 Early morning birding around the Lodge. Drive to Amboseli Nat.Park and booked into the Serena Lodge. Game drive from 16.00 hrs. until dark, and overnight at Serena Lodge.
17th October, 1989 Early morning game drive. Birding around lodge during the day. Afternoon game drive and overnight at Serena Lodge.
18th October, 1989 Departed at 07.00 hrs for 7 hour drive to Outspan Hotel in the Aberdares stopping briefly in Nairobi. Spent afternoon, until dark birding around the Hotel with a walk down to nearby river. Overnight in the Outspan Hotel.
19th October, 1989 Early morning birding in Hotel gardens. Departed at 08.00 hrs for Samburu and booked into the Samburu Lodge. Game drive at 16.00 hrs. until dark and overnight at Samburu Lodge, looking for Nightjars in the floodlights.
20th October, 1989 Early morning game drive. Birding in the lodge grounds during the day with another game drive in the afternoon until dark. Overnight Samburu Lodge.
21st October, 1989 Early morning birding around the Lodge. Drove to Outspan Hotel in the Aberdares and then transferred to Treetops. Birding from Treetops until dark and during the night, with the floodlights.
22nd October, 1989 Early morning birding at Treetops, drove over the Aberdares, stopping en-route for an hour at Thompsons Falls. Drove on to Lake Baringo and booked into the Lake Baringo Club. Birding in the grounds and along the shore until dark.
23rd October, 1989 Early morning birding along Lake Baringo shore, followed by a visit to the nearby cliff face before a late breakfast. Three hour boat trip on Lake Baringo with American bird author J.Clements. Afternoon birding in the Club grounds with walk along shore and nearby scrub land. Overnight at Lake Baringo Club.
24th October, 1989 Early morning birding along the shore and in the Club grounds. Drove to Lake Nakuru spending 3 hours birding before moving onto Lake Naivasha, booking into the Lake Naivasha Hotel. Afternoon and evening birding in the hotel grounds.
25th October, 1989 Early morning birding around hotel. Boat trip out onto Lake Naivasha. Afternoon, drove to Masai Mara Game Reserve. Overnight, at Keerorok Lodge with birding until dark in the grounds.
26th October, 1989 All morning game drive in the Masai Mara. Birding at Keekorok Lodge grounds with a further game drive in the late afternoon until dark. Overnight at Keekorok Lodge.
27th October, 1989 Game drive at 6.00 hrs in the Masai Mara. Departed at 10.00 hrs.for drive to Nairobi Airport stopping en route for a meal. Flight to Malindi, and booked into Silversands Hotel, for a week.
28th October, 1989 Early morning walk along beach by Hotel. Arranged car hire from hotel and drove out to Watamu via Gedi. Late afternoon visit to pools on Malindi golf course, and drove to Sabaki River Bridge. Evening look for Bat Hawk near hotel.
29th October, 1989 Morning visit to Kilifi Ferry birding en route and then along coast road at Balfour, parking on beach. Afternoon visit to Sokoe Forest, with late afternoon visit to North Beach, Malindi looking for Bat Hawk near the Airport.
30th October, 1989 All morning birding at Gedi Ruins Forest. Visited shoreling at Watamu and looked at Midas Creek and arranged boat trip for the 1st. Visited Malindi Harbour Beach with afternoon visit back to Gedi Forest. Another look for Bat Hawk at Malindi in evening.
31st October, 1989 Birded a number of coastal sites around Malindi and also again visited Sabaki River Bridge. Afternoon visit to Sabaki Swamp and river. Evening looking for Bat Hawk with success at the junction of the golf course road.
1st November, 1989 Dawn visit to Sokoke Forest. Mid-day birding at Malindi Harbour Beach, with tide just coming in. Afternoon boat trip out into Midas Creek from Watamu, with the tide nearly in.
2nd November, 1989 Dawn visit to Sokoe Forest. Visited Casturina Point and coast road with afternoon visit to Malindi Harbour Beach and Sabaki River Bridge.
3rd November, 1989 Dawn visit to Sokoe Forest. Early afternoon visit to Malindi Harbour Beach. Early evening flight to Nairobi and overnight flight to Heathrow.
17th November,1991 Flew into Nairobi Airport, and visited Lake Magadi via the Ngong Hills. Returned to Nairobi, and visited Nairobi National Park in the Afternoon, and stayed until dark.
18th November, 1991 Early morning visit to the Kinangop Plateau and then on to Kieni Forest. Brief stop at the Tana River Road Bridge and looked from the bridge. On to Pukeny and then Mountain Lodge. Overnight at Mountain Lodge, Mount Kenya.
Mount Kenya in the early morning mist.
19th November, 1991 All morning birding at Mountain Lodge and then drove to Naro Moru Lodge, birding in the Lodge grounds and then all afternoon going up Mt. Kenya. Overnight at the lodge.
20th November, 1991 Early morning birding at Moru Lodge, we drove to Marau Forest and walked the Siranun Track. Continued drive to Samburu Game Reserve, birding en route.
21st November, 1991 All day spent in Samburu Game Reserve.
22nd November,1991 Early morning drive through Samburu Game Reserve, and then long drive northwards to Marsabit stopping several times en route. Birding late afternoon around Marsabit Lodge and overnight here.
23rd November, 1991 Whole day birding in the Dida Galgalla Desert, overnight at lodge.
24th November, 1991 Morning birding out in the Dida Galgalla Desert, afternoon visited Marsabit National Park and visited Lake Paradise. Overnight lodge
25th November, 1991 Long drive from Marsabit to Maralal birding en route at a plateau close to Maralal. Overnight Maralal Safari Lodge.
26th November, 1991 Early morning birding at the Maralal Safari Lodge, then drove southwards via the Rift Valley to Lake Baringo, stopping en route at Kapedo. Birding here and then onto Lake Baringo Club.
27th November, 1991 All morning birding at Lake Baringo and cliff face and then drove to Lake Nakuru for evening birding.
28th November, 1991 Morning birding at Lake Nakuru and then drove to Kakamega, birding in the Kakamega Forest late afternoon.
29th November, 1991 All day birding in the Kakamega Forest.
30th November, 1991 Early morning visit to River Nzoia (Mumias), and then onto Madende Creek and River Nzoia.
1st December, 1991 All morning birding in the Kakamega Forest and short drive to Kisumu, with late afternoon birding around edge of Lake Victoria.
2nd December, 1991 Morning birding around Kisumu, then drove to Lake Naivasha, birding en route. Late afternoon birding at Lake Naivasha.
3rd December, 1991 Morning birding at Lake Naivasha and then drive to the Kichwa Tenbo Lodge in the Masai Mira, birding around lodge.
4th December, 1991 All day birding in the Masai Mara.
5th December, 1991 All day birding in the Masai Mara.
6th December, 1991 Early morning birding around Kichwa Tenbo Lodge, then long drive back to Nairobi stopping twice en route. Evening flight back to Heathrow arriving 7th December, 1991.
Systematic Bird list
Common Ostrich – Struthio camelus
Seen on 9 dates in the Game Parks with a daily maximum of 25 on the 13th and 30 on the 14th in Nairobi Nat. Park. It was also seen occasionally outside of the parks.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on six dates with a maximum of 20 on the 17th and 21st.

Male Common Ostrich in Nairobi National Park
Great Crested Grebe – Podiceps cristatus infuscatus
1991 Trip:
Just 2 seen on the 27th.
Black Necked Grebe – Podiceps nigricollis gurneyi
An impressive count, of up to 100, on Lake Nakuru on the 24th.
1991 Trip:
200 seen on Lake Nakuru on the 27th.
Little Grebe – Tachybaptus ruficollis capensis
One present in Nairobi Nat. Pk. On the 14th, with good numbers present on Lake Naivasha, on the 24th and 25th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 8 dates with a maximum of 300 on Lake Nakuru on the 27th.
Great White Pelican – Pelecanus onocrotalus
Up to 300 seen on our brief visit to Lake Nakuru on the 24th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 3 dates, with a maximum of 500 at Lake Nakuru on the 28th.

White Pelicans at Lake Nakuru.
Pink Backed Pelican – Pelecanus rufescens
Up to 200 present on Lake Nakuru on the 24th, with 10 on Lake Naivasha on the 25th. One at Treetops on the 21st, and small numbers present on Lake Baringo, on the 22nd,and 23rd.
1991 Trip:
Recorded in small numbers on six dates with a maximum of 30 on the 2nd.
Great Cormorant – Phalacrocorax carbo lucidus
One seen in Nairobi Nat. Pk., on the 14th. Very large numbers present on both Lake Nakuru and Naivasha on the 24th, and 25th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on five dates.
Long Tailed Cormorant – Phalacrocorax africanus africanus
Good numbers seen at Lake Naivasha on the 24th and 25th, with 15 seen at Sabaki Swamp on the 31st.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on six dates in small numbers.
African Darter – Anhinga rufa
Just 3 seen at Sabaki
Swamp on the 31st.

African Darter at Sabaki Swamp.
Black Crowned Night Heron – Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax
Surprisingly, only seen at Lake Baringo with 1 on the 23rd, and 4 on the 24th.
1991 Trip:
Just a single bird seen on the 27th.
Cattle Egret – Bubulcus ibis ibis
Widespread, and common, and recorded on most dates, with a maximum of 100 on the 18th and 24th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on ten dates.
Little Egret – Egretta garzetta garzetta
Seen on the Rift Valley Lakes, and at the coast with a daily maximum of 12 on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 7 dates with a maximum of 50 on the 28th at Lake Nakuru.
Western Reef Heron – Egretta gularis schistacea
One, possibly 2 seen at Midas Creek, on the 1st.
Black Heron – Egretta ardesiaca
1991 Trip:
Two seen at Lake Baringo on the 26th, and 27th and 2 seen on the 2nd at Lake Naviasha.
It is a local resident mainly along coastal creeks, lakes and flood pools of the Lower Tana River and Lake Jipe. but it currently breeds only near Garsen.
Two Black Herons at Lake Baringo.
Squacco Heron – Ardeola ralloides
Fairly widespread in suitable areas. Recorded on seven dates with a maximum of 35 at Lake Baringo on the 23rd.
1991 Trip:
Just 2 seen on the 27th.
Rufous Bellied Heron – Ardeola rufiventris
1991 Trip:
Four found in a swamp in the Masai Mara on the 5th, but chiefly only seen in flight. Local distribution, known only from a few widely scattered localities with small numbers resident in permanent swamps in the Tarangire Nat. Park.

Rufous Bellied Heron in flight in the Masai Mara.
Green Backed (Striated) Heron – Butorides striatus atricapillus
1991 Trip:
Just 2 singles seen, the first on the 21st at Samburu, and the second on the 30th.
Yellow Billed (Intermediate) Egret – Mesophoyx intermedia brachyrhyncha
50 present at Amboseli on the 17th. Good numbers also seen at Lake Baringo, Naivasha and Nakuru with a maximum of 100 on the 24th.
1991 Trip
Just seen on three dates with a maximum of 6 on the 2nd.
Great White Egret – Casmerodius albus melanorhynchos
Small numbers seen on the Rift Valley Lakes but commoner on the coast. Daily maximum of 12, seen at Malindi on the 1st.
1991 Trip:
Only recorded on 2 dates with 20 on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha

Great White Egret at Lake Naivasha.
Grey Heron – Ardea cinerea cinerea
Widespread and common, seen on all but 2 days.
1991 Trip:
Recorded in small numbers on ten dates.
Purple Heron – Ardea purpurea purpurea
Seen at Lake Baringo and Lake Naivasha with a daily maximum of 10 on the 25th.
Goliath Heron – Ardea goliath
Two seen in Amboseli Nat. Pk. on the 17th. Small numbers recorded at Lake Baringo on the three dates with a maximum of 20 on the 23rd.
1991 Trip:
Singles recorded on the 26th and 27th, with 4 on the 2nd.
Distribution widespread but local and usually uncommen resident of larger lakes, rivers and larger swamps.
Goliath Heron at Lake Baringo.
Black Headed Heron – Ardea melanocephala
Small numbers seen at most suitable areas with a breeding colony at Hunters Lodge near Nairobi on the 15th. It was recorded on 15 days but was not seen in the Masai Mara.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 8 dates with a maximum of 10 on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha.

Black Headed Heron at Lake Naivasha.
Hamerkop – Scopus umbretta umbretta
Seen only on five dates, with a maximum of 12 seen at Lake Baringo on the 22nd. A number seen from the road around Nairobi on the 18th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 13 dates with a maximum of 10 on the 18th .

Hammerkok at Lake Baringo.
White Stork – Ciconia ciconia ciconia
Six seen at Lake Nakuru on the 24th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on three dates with a maximum of 12 on the 4th in the Masai Mara.
White Storks at Lake Nakuru.
Black Stork – Ciconia
nigra 1991 Trip: Just a single bird
seen on the 17th in the Nairobi Nat. Pk.
Abdim’s Stork –
Ciconia abdimii 1991 Trip: 8 seen on the 20th with 2 on the 30th,
and 20 on the 4th these were in the Masai Mara.
A single distant Abdim’s Stork
Woolly Necked Stork – Ciconia episcopus microscelis
Just one seen, flying over Midas Creek on the 29th.
1991 Trip:
Just two singles seen on the 27th and 28th at Lake Nakuru.
Saddle Billed Stork – Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis
An immature seen in the marshes at Lake Baringo on the 23rd and an adult seen at Lake Naviasha on the 24th and 25th. Superb!
1991 Trip:
Just 2 seen on the 3rd at Lake Naivasha.

Adult Saddle Billed Stork at Lake Naivasha.
Marabou Stork – Leptoptilus crumeniferus
Widespread and very common inland but not recorded at the coast.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 13 dates with a maximum of 50 on the 28th.
Marabou Storks in Nairobi National Park
African Open Billed
Stork – Anastomus lamelligerus lamelligerus Up to 50 seen at
Sabaki Swamp on the 31st, and this area looked an idea breeding
1991 Trip: One seen on the 1st
with 8 seen on the 2nd.
African Open Billed Storks roosting at Sabaki Swamp.
Yellow Billed Stork – Mycteria ibis
Small numbers seem at Samburu, Lake Baringo, Nakuru, and Naivasha and also along the coast. Daily maximum of 15 on the 24th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 10 dates with a maximum of 10 on the 17th.

Adult Yellow Billed Storks on Malindi Harbour Beach.
Sacred Ibis – Threskiornis aethiopicus aethiopicus
Widespread, and seen at most locations, with a maximum of 130 on the Rift Valley Lakes on the 24th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 11 dates with a maximum of 60 on the 2nd.

Sacred Ibis in Nairobi National Park.
Hadada Ibis – Bostrychia hagedash brevirostris
Seen on six dates including several in the park in the centre of Nairobi, but not seen at the coast.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 9 dates with a maximum of 15 on the 17th and 18th.

Hadada Ibis at Nairobi.
Glossy Ibis – Plegadis faicinellus One seen at Lake Naviasha on the 25th, and six at Sabaki Marsh on the 31st.
1991 Trip:
Just recorded on four dates.
Eurasian Spoonbill – Platalea leucorodia
A single bird seen with some African Spoonbills at Lake Nakuru on the 24th. Considered by Zimmerman, to be a scarce migrant.
African Spoonbill – Platalea alba
Twelve, seen on the 24th at Lakes Nakuru and Naivasha, with one on the 28th at Sabake River, and three on the 31st at Sabaki Swamp.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 7 dates with a maximum of 80 on the 2nd.

African Spoonbills with one Eurasian Spoonbill at Lake Nakuru.
Greater Flamingo – Phoenicopterus (rubber) roseus
Four were seen at Lake Naivasha on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on three dates.
Lesser Flamingo – Phoeniconaias minor
In excess of a million birds seen at Lake Nakuru on the 24th. An amazing sight.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on four dates, as usual huge numbers seen on Lake Nakuru.
Lesser Flamingos at Lake Nakuru
Fulvous Whistling Duck
– Dendrocygna bicolour A party of 15 feeding
in water meadows at Lake Naivasha on the 24th.
White Faced Whistling
Duck – Dendrocygna viduata A party of 8 at Lake
Baringo on the 22nd and 23rd. 1991: Trip Recorded on 4 dates
with a maximum of 50 on the 27th, and 30 on the 2nd.
White Backed Duck –
Thalassornis leuconotus leuconotus 1991: Trip: Twenty seen on the 24th
on Lake Paradise, Mt. Marsabit.
Egyptian Goose –
Alopochen aegyptiacus Widespread, and
common. Not recorded on the coast but 8 present on the Sabaki River on the 31st.
Maximum of 100 seen on the Rift Valley Lakes on the 24th and 25th. 1991 Trip: Recorded on 15 dates.
Pair of Egyptian Geese.
Knob-Billed Duck – Sarkidiornis melanotos melanotos
1991 Trip:
Two found on the 21st at Samburu.
African Black Duck – Anas sparsa leucostigma
1991 Trip:
Just a single bird seen on the 20th.
Cape Teal (Wigeon) – Anas capensis
1991 Trip:
Six seen on the 28th, at Lake Nakuru.
Garganey – Anas querquedula
20 seen on Lake Baringo on the 23rd,and 4 at Lake Naivasha on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Small numbers recorded on 4 dates, with a maximum of 30 on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha.

Female type Garganey at Lake Naivasha.
Northern Pintail – Anas acuta acuta
1991 Trip:
Small numbers recorded on 3 dates with a maximum of 6 on the 2nd.
Yellow Billed Duck – Anas undulata
Seen at Lake Naivasha with 5 on the 24th and 100 on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Small numbers recorded on 6 dates with a maximum of 40 on Lake Naivasha on the 2nd.

Yellow-billed Ducks on Lake Naivasha.
Red Billed Teal – Anas erythrorhyncha
Seen at Lake Naviasha with 10 on the 24th and 12 on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Up to 20 on a day recorded on 5 days.

A distant Red Billed Teal on Lake Naviasha.
Hottentot Teal – Anas hottentota
Seen at Lake Naviasha with 1 on the 24th and 50 on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 5 dates with a maximum of 100 on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha.

Hottentot Teals on Lake Naivasha.
Northern Shoveler – Anas clypeata
1991 Trip:
Just 2 seen on the 24th on Lake Paradise, Marsabit National Park.
Southern Pochard – Netta erythrophthalma brunnea
Seen at Lake Naviasha with 1 on the 24th and 150 on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 7 dates in fair numbers with a maximum of 200 on the 24th on Lake Paradise.

Southern Pochard on Lake Naviasha.
Maccoa Duck – Oxyura maccoa
Just a single bird seen on the 27th.
Distribution: Rather uncommon and local resident on alkaline and freshwater lakes in the Kenyan Rift Valley and central highlands.
Secretary Bird – Sagittarius serpentarius
Two seen at Tsavo West on the 15th, Four seen in the Amboseli area on the 18th. Two on the 19th at Samburu with another one there on the 20th. Finally, one seen on the drive from Lake Baringo to Lake Nykuru on the 24th. Superb and one of the birds of the trip!
1991 Trip:
Odd birds recorded on six dates with a maximum of 3 on the 3rd in the Masai Mara.
Distribution: Nowhere common, on open plains farmland and grassland with scattered bushes and trees.
Widespread in S. Kenya and N. Tanzania mainly in areas of moderate rainfall, but scarce in W. Kenyaq and the arid north and east.
A pair of Secretary Birds at Tsavo West.

Secretary Bird at Samburu.
Osprey – Pandion haliaetus haliaetus
Only seen at the coast. The first on the 30th and again on the 1st, both in the Midas Creek area.
1991 Trip:
Just two singles seen, on the 22nd and the 24th.
African Cuckoo-Hawk – Aviceda cuculoides verreauxii
1991 Trip
Two, well seen, on the 19th in woodland close to Mt. Kenya.
Bat Hawk – Macheiramphus alcinus anderssoni
After several evenings of searching, one gave superb views during the evening of the 31st at the junction of Golf Course Road, Malindi.
Black Shouldered Kite – Elanus caeruleus caeruleus
Seen virtually daily, but not as common near the coast and we did not record it at Samburu. Up to 12 seen on the drive from Nairobi to Tsavo West on the 15th and a total of 49 birds were logged during the trip.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 7 dates with a maximum of 6 on the 17th in the Nairobi area.
African Swallow-Tailed Kite – Chelictinia riocourii
1991 Trip:
Three of the superb kites, were seen on the 21st in Samburu game park and 1 was seen on the 25th on the drive to Maralal. One of the highlights of the trip!
Distribution: Intra-African migrant, largely a non-breeding visitor from the northern tropics, but breeds locally at Lake Turkana.
African Swallow Tailed Kite at Samburu
Black Kite – Milvus
migrans Seen virtually daily
both inland and at the coast especially around villages and towns. Good numbers
were also seen in Nairobi. 1991 Trip: Seen almost daily with
a maximum of 30 on the 1st.

Black Kite – Yellow
Billed type.
Egyptian Vulture –
Neophron percnopterus percnopterus 1991: Trip Odd birds seen on four
dates with up to 3 on a day.
Hooded Vulture –
Necrosyrtes monachus pileatus Singles recorded on
the 17th, 19th, and 26th in the game parks,
but may have been overlooked. 1991: Trip Small numbers recorded
on 7 dates with a maximum of 12 on the 1st and 5th.
Hooded Vultures at Kisumu.
African White Backed
Vulture – Gyps africanus The commonest vulture and seen in all the game reserves, with up to 70 on a day being seen. Not recorded in the Abardares or at the Rift Valley Lakes. Surprisingly, one flew over the coast road near Malandi on the 31st. 1991 Trip: Good numbers recorded on 9 dates in the game parks with a maximum of 100 on the 4th in the Masai Mara.
Ruppell’s Griffon Vulture – Gyps rueppellii rueppellii Only identified on four dates in the game parks, but probably overlooked. 1991 Trip: Only odd birds recorded on 3 dates, with 2 on the 25th, with 1 on the 4th and 4 on the 5th in the Masai Mara
Ruppells Griffon Vulture in the Masai Mara
Lappet Faced Vulture –
Torgos tracheliotus tracheliotus Seen in Nairobi Nat.
Pk. with 2 on the 13th and 1 feeding on a carcass on the 14th. Four seen on the 17th at Amboseli
with 2 on the 26th and 1 on the 27th in the Masai Mara. 1991 Trip: One seen on the 22nd
in Samburu, 4 on the 25th on the drive from Marsabit, and 3 on the 4th
in the Masai Mara.
Lappet Face Vulture in Nairobi National Park.
Lappet Face and White Backed Vultures
White Headed Vulture – Trigonoceps occipitalis Three seen together in Amboseli on the 17th.
1991 Trip: Just 4 seen on the 5th including one on a nest in the Masai Mara.

White Headed Vulture on nest in the Masai Mara.
Black Chested Snake Eagle – Circaetus pectoralis
One seen at Samburu on the 20th,and 4 in the air together on the 26th in the Masai Mara.
1991 Trip: Three singles seen on the 17th in Nairobi Nat. Pk., and 4th and 5th in the Masai Mara. One was considered to be a Short-toed Eagle – Circaetus gallicus.

Black Chested Snake Eagle at Samburu.
Brown Snake Eagle – Circaetus cinereus
A single bird seen near Lake Baringo on the 23rd and 24th.
1991 Trip: Just a single bird identified on the 21st, at Samburu.
Southern Banded Snake Eagle – Circaetus fasciolatus
One tentatively identified on the journey from Nairobi to Tsavo West on the 15th, and a second bird identified on the journey to Amboseli on the 16th. According to Zimmerman et al, it’s an uncommon resident to coastal forests.
Banded Snake Eagle – Circaetus cinereus
1991 Trip: Two seen on the 30th near Madende Creek, and 2 on the 5th in the Masai Mara.

Banded Snake Eagle at Madende Creek.
Bateleur – Terathopius ecaudatus
Small numbers seen on eight dates in various National Parks with a daily maximum of 7 on the 16th at Tsavo West and Amboseli.
1991 Trip: Recorded on 8 dates in the game parks with a maximum of 6 on the 22nd at Samburu.

Adult Bateleur at Samburu
African Harrier Hawk – Polyboroides typus typus
Just four seen on the 29th near Midas Creek.
1991 Trip: Singles recorded on four dates, 19th, 21st, 24th and 30th.
Pallid Harrier – Circus macrourus
A fine male seen on the 14th in Nairobi Nat.Pk., and a second male seen on the 27th in the Masai Mara.
1991 Trip: A male seen on the 17th in Nairobi Nat. Pk. and 2 males seen on the 6th on the drive from the Masai Mara.
Montagu’s Harrier – Circus pygargus
A male seen on the 17th at Amboseli.
1991 Trip: A female seen on the 24th, with a male on the 25th, 2 on the 3rd and singles on the 5th and 6th.
Eurasian Marsh Harrier – Circus aeruginosus aeruginosus
1991 Trip: An adult male seen on the 23rd out in the Dida Galgala Desert.
Harrier Sp. Circus Macrourus/Pygargus
One ring-tailed seen on the 15th at Tsavo West, with 2 ring-tailes on the 19th at Samburu.
African Marsh Harrier – Circus ranivorus
One identified as this species was seen at Lake Baringo on the 23rd.
Gabar Goshawk – Micronisus gabar aequatorius
One seen on the 19th at Samburu, with another on the 23rd at Lake Baringo. Other sightings of “hawks” were made but not positively identified.
1991 Trip: Only seen on 2 dates in the Maralal area with 1 on the 25th and 3 on the 26th.

Adult Gabar Goshawk at Samburu.
Dark Chanting Goshawk – Melierax metabates metabates
Two seen at Lake Baringo on the 23rd, with one on the 24th. Three seen on the Masai Mara on the 27th.
1991 Trip:
Two seen at Lake Baringo on the 26th and 27th and 1 on the 3rd on the drive to the Masai Mara.
Eastern Pale Chanting Goshawk – Melierax poliopterus
One seen on the 15th and 16th at Tsavo West. Two on the 19th at Samburu with a further 5 here on the 20th. Two on the 25th on the drive to the Masai Mara. A single bird seen at Samburu on the 21st was considered to be a Dark Chanting Goshawk but according to Zimmerman et al., this would appear to be out of range.
1991 Trip:
One seen on the 20th, with 2 on the 21st at Samburu, 1 on the 22nd and 1 on the 23rd in the Dida-Galgala Desert.
African Goshawk – Accipiter tachiro
1991 Trip:
One seen on the 24th at Marsabit, and one on the 1st at Kakemega.
Shikra – Accipiter badius sphenurus
Three seen at the cliff face at Lake Baringo on the 23rd.
1991 Trip:
Three singles recorded on the 21st, 27th and 1st.

Adult male Shikra at Kisumu.
Little Sparrowhawk – Accipiper minullus tropicalis
One seen well on the 30th in Gedi Forest. Small hawks seen on several other dates probably related to this species.
1991 Trip:
Singles seen on the 24th at Marsabit, and on the 3rd at Lake Naivasha.
Rufous Breasted Sparrowhawk – Accipiter rufiventris rufiventris
1991 Trip:
One seen on the 17th in the Nairobi area.
Great Sparrowhawk – Accipiter melanoleucus melanoleucus
One flew through the Outspan Hotel grounds in the Aberdares on the 18th.
1991 Trip:
Singles seen on the 17th, 19th and the 1st
Lizard Buzzard – Kaupifalco monogrammicus monogrammicus
Seen on six dates along the Malindi – Gedi coast road, but no more than 2 on a day, and not seen inland.

Lizard Buzzard near Gedi
Common (Steppe) Buzzard – Buteo buteo vulpinus
Only one seen on the 16th Amboseli.
1991 Trip:
Just odd birds seen on 5 dates.
Mountain Buzzard – Buteo oreophilus
Two seen over the road as we drove through the Aberdares on the 18th, and another two gave excellent views at Thompson Falls in the Aberdares on the 22nd.
1991 Trip:
One seen at Mountain Lodge on the 19th, and near Noro Moru on the 20th. Three seen on the 24th, in Marsabit National Park.
Augur Buzzard – Buteo augur augur
Seen on eight dates in the National Parks, but not seen at the coast. Maximum of 8 seen on the 24th on the drive from Lake Baringo to Lake Naivasha.
1991 Trip:
Commonly recorded on 14 dates with a maximum of 6 on the 18th.
African Fish Eagle – Haliaeetus vocifer
Seen of 14 dates both inland and at the coast. Up to 12 seen on both days at Lake Naviasha.
1991 Trip:
Seen at Lake Baringo and Nakuru with 1 on the 26th and 3 on the 27th, and 1 on the 28th. Nine seen on the 2nd chiefly at Lake Naivasha with 6 on the 3rd and finally 1 on the 5th in the Masai Mara.
African Fish Eagle at Lake Naivasha.
Palm Nut Vulture – Gypohierax angolensis
An adult visiting a nest with one young was seen at Gedi on the 30th and 1 was also seen in flight at Gedi on the 2nd.
Greater Spotted Eagle – Aquil clanga
Surprisingly, we saw a single bird at Samburu on the 27th. According to “Birds of Kenya” there has only been twelve accepted records.
Lesser Spotted Eagle – Aquila pomarina pomarina
1991 Trip:
Recorded only in the Masai Mara with 3 on the 4th, 4 on the 5th and 1 on the 6th.
Tawny Eagle – Aquila rapax
Seen on ten dates in the various National Parks, with a maximum of 5 on the 13th in Nairobi Nat. Pk.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 7 dates in the game parks, with a maximum of 4 in the Masai Mara on the 4th and 5th.
Steppe Eagle – Aquila nipalensis orientals
1991 Trip:
Recorded on six dates, with a maximum of 10 seen on the 22nd in the Samburu area.
Wahlberg’s Eagle – Aquila wahlbergi
Seen on five dates in the National Parks, with a maximum of 3 on the 16th at Amboseli.
1991 Trip:
Strangely, only identified on 2 dates with 1 on the 20th and 2 on the 30th.
Verreaux’s Eagle – Aquila verreauxii
1991 Trip:
This stunning eagle, was recorded in pairs on three dates, 21st and 22nd at Samburu, and on the 27th. Good views were obtained, Superb!
African Hawk Eagle – Hieraaetus spilogaster
One seen on the 13th in Nairobi Nat. Pk., one on the 20th at Samburu. A total of 5 seen on the 26th in the Masai Mara with a further 2 here on the 27th.
1991 Trip:
Just two singles seen, the first on the 26th and the second on the 2nd.

African Hawk Eagle at Samburu.
Booted Eagle – Hieraaetus pennatus
1991 Trip:
One seen on the 17th near Nairobi, 2 on the 22nd in the Samburu area, 2 on the 24th showed well over Marsabit National Park and are not shown in range in “Birds of Kenya”, although as it’s a migrant one would be surprised if they were not seen here. The majority were pale phase birds.
Ayres Hawk Eagle – Hieraaetus ayresii
One, well seen on the 29th over the road as we were driving past Sokoe Forest. The same or a different bird seen in the same area on the 1st, with another bird seen over Midas Creek also on the 1st.
1991 Trip:
One seen on the 22nd, on the long drive from Samburu.
Long Crested Eagle – Lophaetus occipitalis
Recorded on six dates at both inland and coastal sites. It was often seen sitting close to the road. Two were seen on the 22nd, on the drive over the Aberdares to Lake Baringo.
1991 Trip:
Odd birds recorded on 9 dates, but never more than 2 on a day.
Martial Eagle – Polemaetus bellicosus
A pair gave excellent views on the 14th in Nairobi Nat. Pk. and a third bird was also seen. Superb!
1991 Trip:
Two seen on the 21st at Samburu with 1 on the 23rd in the Dida-Galgala Desert, and 1 on the 5th in the Masai Mara.

Pair of Martial Eagles in Nairobi National Park.
Pygmy Falcon – Polihierax semitorquatus castanonotus
Three seen at Amboseli on the 16th with 2 there on the 17th. A total of 6 seen on the 18th on the drive away from Amboseli, with 2 on the 20th at Samburu.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on five dates in the game parks with a maximum of 5 on the 21st at Samburu.
Pygmy Falcon at Samburu.
Lanner Falcon – Falco biarmicus
Two were seen on the cliff face at Lake Baringo on the 23rd. According to Zimmerman et al the race “abyssinicus” ranges through N.Kenya south to Lake Baringo.
1991 Trip:
One seen at the Taita Falcon nest cliff on the drive from Samburu on the 22nd.
Peregrine Falcon – Falco peregrinus
A pair with 2 flying young were seen in the centre of Nairobi on three dates. Two seen at Lake Baringo on the 23rd, and one was hassling the Bat Hawk at Malindi on the 31st.
1991 Trip:
Just a single bird seen on the 25th.
Barbary Falcon – Falco pelegrinoides pelegrinoides
1991 Trip:
Just one well seen on the 22nd, again at the Taita Falcon nest cliff on the drive from Samburu, considered rare by Zimmerman.
Taita Falcon – Falco fasciinucha
1991 Trip:
We visited a breeding site stakeout at a cliff face north of Samburu on the drives on the 22nd and 25th,and both times saw a pair of this very attractive falcon flying in front of the cliff face. Views were prolonged through a telescope but at some distance and good comparisions were made with both Lanner and Barbary Falcons nearby. Considered rare by Zimmerman. Superb and one of the highlights of the trip!
Eurasian Hobby – Falco subbuteo subbuteo
1991 Trip:
Four seen on the 19th, with 4 on the 1st.

A distant juvenile Hobby.
African Hobby – Falco cuvieri
One gave good views catching flying insects at the Masai Mara on the 25th.
Amur Falcon – Falco vespertinus
1991 Trip:
Two seen on the 26th, on the drive to Baringo, with 1 on the 4th in the Masai Mara.
Eleonora’s Falcon – Falco eleonorae
1991 Trip:
Two of these elegant falcons were seen well on the 1st in the late afternoon as we were walking out towards Lake Victoria.
Greater (White-Eyed) Kestrel – Falco rupicoloides arthuri
1991 Trip:
Four seen on the 23rd in the Dida-Galala Desert, with 1 on the 26th on the drive from Maralal.
Grey Kestrel – Falco ardosiaceus
1991 Trip:
One seen out in the Masai Mara on the 4th.
Lesser Kestrel – Falco naumanni
1991 Trip:
A party of 10 were seen on the 1st on the drive to Kisumu.
Common Kestrel – Falco tinnunculus
Only recorded on four dates in the Lake Baringo area.
1991 Trip:
Small numbers recorded on 9 dates with a maximum of 5 on the 19th.
Harlequin Quail – Coturnix delegorguei
1991 Trip:
Two seen extremely well on the ground on the plateau near Maralal on the 25th with a male also seen well on the 3rd.
Shelley’s Francolin – Francolinus shelleyi
1991 Trip:
Six seen on the Ngong Hills near Nairobi on the 17th.
Crested Fancolin – Francolinus sephaena
Recorded on five dates with the maximum of 7 on the 17th at Amboseli and 8 on the 20th at Samburu.
1991 Trip:
Twenty logged on the 21st and 12 on the 22nd at Samburu game park.

Crested Francolin at Amboseli.
Scaly Francolin – Francolinus squamatus
1991 Trip:
Four seen on the 4th and 2 on the 5th in the Masai Mara.
Hildebrandt’s Francolin – Francolinus hildebrandti
One seen very well on the 17th at Amboseli.
1991 Trip:
Two seen on the 26th at Maralal, with 2 on the 28th, at Lake Nakuru Lodge.

Hildebrandt’s Francolin at Lodge Nakuru.
Jackson’s Francolin – Francolinus jacksoni
1991 Trip:
Just 5 seen on the 19th on our way down on Mt. Kenya.

Jackson’s Francolins on Mt. Kenya.
Coqui Francolin – Francolinus coqui
1991 Trip:
Just seen on the 5th when 6 were seen in the Masai Mara.
Red Necked Spurfowl – Ffrancolinus afer cranchii
Only recorded in the Masai Mara, with 10 on the 26th and 1 on the 27th.

Red Necked Spurfowl in the Masai Mara.
Yellow Necked Spurfowl – Francolinus leucoscepus
Very common at Nairobi Nat. Pk., Tsavo West, Amboseli and Samburu but not recorded at other sites. Maximum of 25 seen on the 17th and 18th at Amboseli.
1991 Trip:
Recorded in small numbers on 6 dates in the game parks.

Yellow Necked Spurfowl at Amboseli.
Crested Guineafowl – Guttera pucherani
A party of five seen in the early morning of the 2nd along the Jilore Track in Sokoe Forest, and belonged to the race “pucherani”.
Vulturine Guineafowl – Acryllium vulturinum
1991 Trip:
Fifty of these superb guineafowls were found crossing a sandy track on the 21st at Samburu and 40 were seen on the 22nd. Another 50 were found on the 25th. Stunning

Vulturine Guineafowl in Samburu.
Helmeted Guineafowl – Numida meleagris
Very common in a number of the game parks with up to 300 seen around the water hole at Tsavo West during the early morning of the 16th.
1991 Trip:
Much smaller numbers were recorded on this trip. Seen on a total of 6 dates with a maximum of 25 on the 27th.

Helmeted Guineafowl at Tsavo West.
African Water Rail – Rallus caerulescens
One seen briefly but well, on the edge of a reed bed at Lake Naivasha on the 25th.
Black Crake – Amaurornis flavirostris
Recorded on eight dates at suitable sites, with a maximum of 7 on the 24th at Lake Baringo and Lake Naivasha.
1991 Trip
Recorded on eight dates, with a maximum of 5 on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha.

Black Crake at Lake Naivasha
Allen’s Gallinule – Porphyrio alleni
A total of 12 including several juveniles were found on the 31st at Sabaki Swamp and was a surprise find.
Purple Swamphen – Porphyrio porphyrio madagascariensis
Two adults and 2 young were found feeding in the open at Lake Baringo on the 22nd and 23rd. Single birds were also seen at Lake Naivasha on the 24th and 25th.
Common Moorhen – Gallinula chloropus meridionalis
Only seen on five dates with a maximum of 10 on the 25th at Lake Naivasha.
1991 Trip:
Just 6 seen on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha.
Red Knobbed Coot – Fulica cristata
Three seen at Lake Baringo on the 23rd, with up to 1,000 on both days at Lake Naivasha.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 7 dates, with a maximum of 400 on the 24th at Lake Paradise, Marsabit.
Grey (Southern) Crowned Crane – Balearica regulorum gibbericeps
Recorded on 11 dates at various sites, but not on the coast. Daily maximum of 12 on the 21st.
1991 Trip:
Just small numbers recorded on four dates with a maximum of 6 on the 5th in the Masai Mara.

Gray Crowned Cranes in the Masai Mara.
Heuglin’s Bustard – Neotis heuglinii
1991 Trip:
A male and female of these superb bustards were found out in the Dida-Galgalla Desert on the 23rd with another bird there on the 24th. Stunning and was my highlight of the trip.
Distribution: Shy, wary nomadic. Local and uncommon and confined to the east side of Lake Turkana, mainly around the lava fields and thorn-bushnorth and northwest of Mt. Marsabit.
Female Heuglin’s Bustard in the Dida-Galalla Desert.
Male Heuglin’s Bustard in the Dida-Galgalla Desert.
Kori Bustard – Ardeotis kori struthiunculus
Two seen very well at Amboseli on the 16th. One on the 20th at Samburu, and one on the 22nd on the drive to Lake Baringo. Excellent and one of the highlights of the trip!
1991 Trip:
Recorded on four dates with an astonishing total of 35 seen on the 25th at the plateau near Maralal. Superb!

Kori Bustards at Amboseli.
(Buff) Crested Bustard – Eupodotis ruficrista gindiana
Singles seen on the 17th at Amboseli, and 20th at Samburu.
1991 Trip:
One seen on the 21st, at Samburu, 2 on the 23rd in the Dida-Galgalla Desert, and one on the 25th, near Maralal.

Buff Crested Bustard at Samburu
White Bellied Bustard – Eupodotis senegalensis canicollis
Four seen at Tsavo West on the 15th, with 1 on the 16th at Amboseli. One on the 19th at Samburu, and one on the 22nd, on the drive to Lake Baringo. Finally, seen at the Masai Mara with 1 on the 26th and 5 on the 27th.
1991 Trip:
Three seen on the 19th near Naro Moru, with 2 on the 25th en route to Maralal.
Black Bellied Bustard – Eupodotis melanogaster melanogaster
One seen in Nairobi Nat. Pk. on the 13th, one at Tsavo West on the 15th and one on the 18th at Ambsoeli.
1991 Trip:
Just a single male seen in the Masai Mara on the 4th.

Female Black Bellied Bustard in Nairobi National Park.
Hartlaub’s Bustard – Eupodotis hartaubii
One seen very well in the Masai Mara on the 27th. Proved a difficult species to identify from Black Bellied.
1991 Trip:
One male seen in Nairobi Nat. Pk on the 17th, with 2 seen on the 19th near Mountain Lodge.

Male Hartlaub’s Bustard
African Jacana – Actophilornis africanus
Small numbers seen at many suitable locations with a maximum of 100 at Lake Baringo on the 23rd. Twenty also seen at Sabaki Swamp on the 31st.
1991 Trip:
Just seen on four dates with a maximum of 20 on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha.

African Jacana at Lake Naivasha.
Greater Painted Snipe – Rostratula benghalensis benghalensis
Two seen at Lake Baringo on the 23rd, with one on the 24th.

Greater Painted Snipe at Lake Baringo.
Crab Plover – Dromas ardeola
Twenty were seen at Midas Creek on the 30th, and a two hour boat trip out into the creek on the 1st produced stunning views of 60. One was also seen on the 2nd at Malindi Harbour Beach. A very fine bird!

Crab Plovers at Midas Creek.
Eurasian Oystercatcher – Haematopus ostralegus longipes
Just 2 seen on the 1st in Midas Creek.
Eurasian Avocet – Recurvirostra avosetta
1991 Trip
Twenty found at Lake Magadi on the 17th and 150 on the 27th at Lake Nakuru and 10 on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha.
Black Winged Stilt – Himantopus himantopus himantopus
Present at the Rift Valley Lakes, Sabaki Swamp, and Midas Creek. Forty were logged at Lake Nakuru and probably many hundreds were present here.
1991 Trip:
Up to 20 on a day, and seen on 11 days.
Water Thick-Knee – Burhinus vermiculatus vermiculatus
Our only sighting was of 3 at Lake Baringo on the 23rd.
1991 Trip:
Again, just one sighting of 5 birds on the 21st at Samburu.
Water Thick-Knee at Lake Baringo.
Two Banded (Double Banded) Courser – Rhinoptilus africanus gracilis
Two of these superb Coursers were found at Amboseli on the 17th.

A distant Two Banded Courser at Amboseli.
Violet Tipped Courser – Rhinoptilus chalcopterus
A very lucky break was one seen standing by the edge of the road on the drive from Lake Naivasha on the 25th.
Somali Courser – Cursorius somalensis littoralis
1991 Trip:
A party of 29 were found on the 21st, with 4 on the 22nd in Samburu. A good find.

Somali Courser at Samburu.
Temminck’s Courser – Cursorius temminckii
After much searching in the National Parks, six were located in the Masai Mara on the 26th. They gave excellent views and were one of the highlights of the trip.
1991 Trip:
Just one found on the 25th.

Temminck’s Courser in the Masai Mara.
Common Pratincole –
Glareola pratincola fuelleborni Two were seen on the
17th at Amboseli with up to 150 including many young looking
juveniles were in the marshes surrounding Lake Baringo on the 23rd,
which probably indicated local breeding here.
Juvenile Common Pratincoles at Lake Baringo.
Rock Pratincole – Glareola nuchalis nuchalis
1991 Trip:
Just 2 seen fairly distantly. On the River Nzoia on the 30th.
Long Toed Plover – Vanellus crassirostris crassirostris
Recorded at Ambsolei with 1 on the 16th, 12 on the 17th and 2 on the 18th. Also seen at Lake Baringo and Lake Naivasha with 6 on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Just 5 seen on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha.

A distant Long Toed Plover at Lake Naivasha.
Blacksmith Plover – Vanellus armatus
Four in Nairobi Nat. Pk. on the 14th. Good numbers seen at Amboseli with 25 on the 16th and 30 on the 17th. Eight seen on the 24th, and 12 on the 25th at Lake Navasha area.
1991 Trip:
Recorded in small numbers on 9 dates in most of the game parks, with a maximum of 8 on the 26th at Lake Baringo.

Blacksmith Plover at Lake Naivasha.
Spur Winged Plover – Vanellus spinosus
Seen on nine dates chiefly at inland sites, but odd birds also seen near to the coast. Maximum of 20 on the 23rd at Lake Baringo.
1991 Trip
Up to 5 seen in a day on six dates.

Pair of Spur Winged Plovers.
Black Winged Plover – Vanellus melanopterus minor
A party of 8 were found feeding in short grass near Lake Naivasha on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Five seen very well, feeding close to the road on the Kinangop Plateau on the 18th, with 4 on the journey on the 20th. 100 were seen on the 3rd on the journey to the Masai Mara, with 30 seen on the 5th and 40 on the 6th in the Masai Mara.
Black Winged Plover on the Kinangop Pleateau.
Crowned Plover –
Vanellus coronatus coronatus Widespread inland but
not seen at the coast. Logged on 12 dates with a maximum of 30 on the 17th
at Amboseli.
1991 Trip: Recorded on 1o dates
in most of the game parks and commonest in the Masai Mara with up to 20 being
seen in a day.
Crowned Plover at Amboseli
African Wattled Plover – Vanellus senegallus lateralis
Two seen very well in the Masai Mara on the 26th.
1991 Trip:
One seen on the 1st at Lake Victoria, with 5 on the 5th in the Masai Mara.

African Wattled Plovers in the Masai Mara.
Grey Plover – Pluvialis squatarola
Common at the coast with 100 present at Malindi Harbour Beach on the 2nd.
Ringed Plover – Charadrius hiaticula tundrae
Recorded on nine dates chiefly at the coast but also inland at the Rift Valley Lakes. Maximum of 30 on the 29th at Malindi North Beach.
1991 Trip:
6 seen at Lake Nakuru on the 27th and 2 seen on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha.
Little Ringed Plover – Charadrius dubius curonicus
1991 Trip
Singles seen on the 27th and 28th at Lake Nakuru.
Kittlitz’s Plover – Charadadrius pecuarius
Fifty seen at Amboseli on the 17th with 8 at Lake Baringo on the 23rd.
1991 Trip
Ten found on the 27th were our only sighting on the trip.

Adult Kittlitzs Plover at Ambolsei.
Three Banded Plover – Charadrius tricollaris tricollaris
Singles seen at Mizma Springs on the 15th and at Amboseli on the 16th. Nine seen, including some young birds, at Sabaki Swamp on the 31st.
1991 Trip:
Surprisingly, only a single bird was seen on the 20th.

Three Banded Plover at Amboseli.
White Fronted Plover – Charadrius marginatus tenellus
Only seen on the coast, with a maximum of 10 on the 1st at Malindi

White Fronted Plover at Malindi.
Chestnut Banded Plover – Charadrius pallidus venustus
1991 Trip:
Two of these delightful plovers were found on the 17th at Lake Magadi. A superb start to our second trip!

Chestnut Banded Plover at Lake Magadi.

Chestnut Banded Plover and Little Stint at Lake Magadi.
Mongolian Sandplover – Charadrius mongolus pamirensis
Only recorded on the coast, with a maximum of 120 on the 2nd at Malindi Harbour Beach.

Mongolian Sandplovers on Malindi Harbour Beach.
Greater Sandplover – Charadrius leschenaultii crassirostris
Only recorded on the coast, with a maximum of 100 on the 2nd at Malindi Harbour Beach.

Greater Sandplover on Malindi Beach.
Caspian Plover – Charadrius asiaticus
Seen at Amboseli with 30 on the 16th, 10 on the 17th and 1 on the 18th. Also six seen in the Masai Mara on the 26th with 3 on the 27th. All were in winter plumage but still superb.
1991 Trip:
Only seen in the Masai Mara with 15 on the 3rd, and 30 on the 5th and 6th. At least l bird was still quite well in summer plumage. As usual superb!

Caspian Plovers in winter plumage in the Masai
Little Stint –
Calidris minuta Two birds present at
the water hole at Tsavo West on the 15th & 16th. Very
common feeding on the shore line at Lake Nakuru on the 24th. In a
very small area of beach we saw 300 and many thousands were probably around the
whole lake. All were in winter plumage. Upto 30 were also seen at the coast. 1991 Trip: Recorded in good
numbers on 7 dates with a maximum of 100 at Lake Nakuru on the 27th.
Temminck’s Stint –
Calidris temminckii 1991 Trip: Two were found at Lake
Nakuru on the 27th.
Curlew Sandpiper –
Calidris ferruginea Three seen at Lake
Nakuru on the 24th. Up to 70 could be found feeding at low tide out
in Malindi Harbour and also recorded in fair numbers at Midas Creek. 1991 Trip: Twelve seen on the 27th
at Lake Nakuru, with 1 on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha.
Sanderling – Calidris alba Seen on four dates at the coast with a maximum of 4 on the 2nd. 1991 Trip: Just a single bird seen on the 27th, at Lake Nakuru.
Ruff – Philomachus pugnax Very common at Lake Nakuru on the 24th some feeding amongst the Lesser Flamingoe’s legs. 100 were seen in a small area and probably many thousands were present around the whole lake. 10 were also seen at Lake Naivasha on the 25th. 1991 Trip: Recorded in small numbers on 8 dates, with a maximum of 20 on the 2nd.
Common Snipe – Gallinago gallinago gallinago Just two seen at Lake Naivasha on the 25th. 1991 Trip: Odd birds recorded on three dates.
Black Tailed Godwit – Limosa limosa limosa 1991 Trip: 40 seen on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha
Whimbrel – Numenius phaeopus phaeopus Common at the coast, with small flocks being present. Maximum of 25 on the 29th at Malindi North Beach. Not seen inland.
Eurasian Curlew – Numenius arquata orientalis Our only sighting, was of a single bird at Malindi Harbour Beach on the 1st.
Spotted Redshank – Tringa erythropus 1991 Trip: Recorded on four dates with a maximum of 3 on the 28th.
Common Redshank – Tringa tetanus ussuriensis One seen at Malindi Beach on the 30th with two here the following day.
Marsh Sandpiper – Tringa stagnatilis A single bird seen on the 21st at Samburu. At least 10 were seen at Lake Nakuru on the 24th with 12 at Lake Naivasha on the 25th. Only recorded on two dates at the coast. 1991 Trip: One seen at Lake Magadi on the 17th, with 20 seen on the 27th, and 12 on the 28th at Lake Baringo. 15 on the 2nd and 2 on the 3rd at Lake Naivasha and 15 on the 6th, on the journey.
Marsh Sandpiper at Lake Naivasha
Common Greenshank – Tringa nebularia
Only odd birds seen inland in the national parks but always present on the coast with a maximum of 5 being seen on the 1st at Midas Creek.
1991 Trip:
Seen in small numbers on 10 dates with a maximum of 12 at Lake Naivasha on the 2nd.
Green Sandpiper – Tringa ochropus
Single birds recorded at water-holes at both Tsavo West and Amboseli on the 15th, 16th, and 17th, with 2 being seen at Lake Naivasha on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Seen on 7 dates with a maximum of 6 on the 18th and 21st.
Wood Sandpiper – Tringa glareola
Common and widespread at suitable water-holes in the national parks. Not seen along the coast but present at Sabaki Swamp. Daily maximum of 10 on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Small numbers recorded on 12 dates with a maximum of 10 on the 2nd at Lake Naivasha.
Common Sandpiper – Actitis hypoleucos
Widespread and common in suitable habitat.
1991 Trip:
Small numbers recorded on eight dates.
Terek Sandpiper – Xenus cinereus
Only seen at the coast and chiefly at Malindi Harbour Beach at low tide when up to 40 birds could be found feeding on the mud.

A distant Terek Sandpiper at Malindi.
Ruddy Turnstone – Arenaria interpres interpres
Only seen in small numbers along the coast with a maximum of 3 on the 2nd.
1991 Trip:
Just one seen on the 27th at Lake Nakuru.
Sooty Gull – Larus hemprichii
Up to 50 could be found at low tide loafing on Malindi Harbour Beach. Also seen at other coastal sites usually flying past out to sea.

Sooty Gulls at Malindi Harbour.
Heuglin’s Gull – Larus heuglini
A single individual, initially identified as a dark backed race Herring Gull, was seen on the Malindi Harbour Beach on the 1st.
Lesser Black Backed Gull – Larus fuscus fuscus
Up to 10 could be found at low tide resting on the beach at Malindi Harbour.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on four dates inland with a maximum of 100 on the 1st at Lake Victoria.
Grey Headed Gull – Larus cirrocephalus poiocephalus
Surprisingly, only recorded in small numbers with 40 at Lake Nakuru on the 24th, and 10 at Lake Naivasha on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Larger numbers seen on this trip with up to 300 on two dates at Lake Nakuru, and up to 50 at Lake Naivasha.
Black Headed Gull – Larus ridibundus
Three were seen at Lake Nakuru on the 24th and 1 at Lake Naivasha on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Just seen at Lake Baringo with 1 on the 26th and 2 on the 27th.
Gull Billed Tern – Sterna nilotica nilotica
Small numbers seen along the coast and at the Sabaki River and also at Sabaki Swamp some 10 kms. Inland. Maximum of 12 on the 1st mainly at Midas Creek. All birds seen were in full winter plumage.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on six dates, with a maximum of 50 on the 27th and 40 on the 28th at Lake Nakuru.
Very poor record shot of a Gull Billed Tern in winter plumage at Lake Nukuru.

Gull Billed Tern in winter plumage on Malindi Harbour Beach.
Caspian Tern – Sterna caspia
Singles seen at Malindi on the 30th, 31st and 2nd with 2 seen on the 1st.
Crested Tern – Sterna bergii
Small numbers were present in the tern flock on Malindi Beach with 10 on the 30th, and the 2nd, and 6 on the 3rd.

Crested Tern on Malindi Harbour Beach.
Lesser Crested Tern – Sterna bengalensis
A regular flock of 60 birds could be found resting at Malindi Harbour Beach at low tide, but they could not be located at high tide.

Lesser Crested & a possible Roseate Terns (bottom left bird) at Malindi.
Sandwich Tern – Sterna sandvicensis
A single bird watched at Lake Nakuru on the 24th and 4 seen with other terns at Malindi on the 30th.
Common/Roseate Tern – Sterna hirundo/dougallii
A Common Tern was seen at Lake Navasha on the 24th. A flock of 60 terns seen in the tern flock at Malindi on the 2nd and 3rd were considered to be winter plumaged Roseate’s although Common was not eliminated.
Saunders’s Tern – Sterna saundersi
Odd birds seen at Malindi and the boat trip on the 1st in Midas Creek produced excellent views of 15.
Disturbation: Widespread and at times an abundant migrant from marine breeding grounds in the Southern Red Sea. Visits coastal areas especially between Malindi and the Sabaki mouth in greatest numbers.

Saunders’s Tern at Midas Creek.
Whiskered Tern – Chlidonias hybridus delalandii
Three, including one still in full summer plumage, were seen on the 24th at Lake Naivasha.
1991 Trip:
Three seen on the 27th and 50 seen on the 2nd.
White Winged Black Tern – Chlidonias leucopterus
Up to 60 seen at Lake Baringo on the 23rd and 24th, the majority were in winter plumage, but only 5 were left on the 25th. One also seen at the coast on the 28th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on six dates, with very large numbers seen at Lake Victoria on the 2nd when 2,000 were estimated there.
White Winged Black Tern in winter plumage at Lake Nakuru.
African Skimmer – Rynchops flavirostris
Two seen on Lake Baringo on the 23rd.
1991 Trip:
Six seen on the 28th at Lake Nakuru.

African Skimmers at Lake Baringo.
Chestnut Bellied Sandgrouse – Pterocles exustus olivascens
Ten seen on the 16th, and 20 on the 17th at Amboseli and 3 seen on the 20th Samburu.
1991 Trip:
Only seen at Samburu, with 12 on both the 21st and 22nd.

Party of several Chestnut Bellied Sandgrouse.
Black Faced Sandgrouse – Pterocles decoratus
Twenty seen in Nairobi Nat. Pk. on the 13th, with 5 on the 16th, 50 on both the 17th and 18th at Amboseli and 100 seen at Samburu on the 20th.
1991 Trip:
Only seen at Samburu, with 15 on the 21st and 2 on the 22nd.
Male Black Faced Sandgrouse at Samburu.
Female Black Faced Sandgrouse at Samburu.
Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse – Pterocles lichtensteinii sukensis
1991 Trip:
Two, seen on the 25th, and the 26th in the Maralal area.
Yellow Throated Sandgrouse – Pterocles gutturalis saturatior.
Up to 250 were seen coming into drink at Amboseli on the 17th and 10 were also seen on the 20th at Samburu. Strange as “Birds of Kenya”, by Zimmerman et al shows this to be out of range for this species.
1991 Trip:
Just 4 identified on the 23rd, in the Dida-Galgalla Desert, which again would appear to be way out of range, although Birdquest have now deleted this record from their final Trip Report draft, but I have included it in this report, for what worth!

A party of six distant Yellow Throated Sandgrouse at Amboseli.
African Green Pigeon – Treron calva
1991 Trip:
Six seen on the 30th at the River Nzoia, 1 on the 3rd at the Kichwa Tenbo Lodge, and 2 on the 5th in the Masai Mara.
Tambourine Dove – Turtur tympanistria
Seen on four dates, with 1 on the 18th in the Aberdares, otherwise seen in Sokoe Forest with 2 on the 1st and singles on the 2nd and 3rd.
1991 Trip:
One seen on the 19th at Mountain Lodge, and 1 on the 30th at Madende Creek, 5 on the 1st at Kakamega Forest and 2 on the 4th in the Masai Mara.
Blue Spotted Wood Dove – Turtur afer
1991 Trip:
One seen on the 28th at Kakamega Forest and 6 on the 30th close to the River Nzoia.
Emerald Spotted Wood-Dove – Turtur chalcospilos
One on the 19th, and 5 on the 20th at Samburu. Small numbers recorded at the coast chiefly from Sokoe Forest with a maximum of 5 on the 31st.
1991 Trip:
One seen on the 20th, near Mt.Kenya, and 6 in the Masai Mara on the 5th.
Namaqua Dove – Oena capensis capensis
Good numbers recorded at Tsavo West, Amboseli, with smaller numbers at Lake Baringo. Not seen at other sites including along the coast.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 7 dates with a maximum of 40 on the 25th.

Adult male Namaqua Dove near Lake Baringo.
Eastern Bronze Naped Pigeon – Columba delegorguei sharpie
Four seen well in flight on the 22nd near Thompson Falls in the Aberdares.
1991 Trip:
Forty seen on the 19th, at Mt.Kenya.

Two distant Eastern Bronze Naped Pigeons at Mt. Kenya.
Olive Pigeon – Columba arquatrix
1991 Trip:
Forty seen on the 19th, at Mt. Kenya with 10 the following day. 70 on the 26th at Maralal.
Speckled Pigeon – Columba guinea guinea
Twenty seen at Samburu on the 21st and at Treetops on the 22nd with 10 on the 24th and 2 on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
Recorded on 10 dates in good numbers with a maximum of 200 on the 20th.
Lemon Dove – Aplopelia larvata larvata
1991 Trip:
Just one seen on the 18th.
Red-Eyed Dove – Streptopelia semitorquata
Small numbers present in most of the areas visited including the coast, but many small doves were seen but not positively identified.
1991 Trip:
Common and widespread.
African Morning Dove – Streptopelia decipiens
Common, and widespread.
1991 Trip:
Identified on 6 dates in fair numbers.
Ring Necked Dove – Streptopelia capicola
Common, and widespread, and seen daily.
1991 Trip:
Recorded virtually daily in good numbers.
Laughing Dove – Streptopelia senegalensis senegalensis
Common, and widespread.
1991 Trip:
Common and widespread.

Laughing Dove.
Red Fronted Parrot – Poicephalus gulielmi massaicus
1991 Trip:
Seen in the Mt. Kenya area with 2 on the 18th, 40 on the 19th and 12 on the 20th.
Brown (Meyers) Parrot – Poicephalus meyeri
1991 Trip:
Three seen on the 30th by the River Nzoia, and one on the 5th in the Masai Mara.
African Orange Bellied Parrot – Poicephalus rufiventris rufiventris
1991 Trip:
Singles seen at Samburu on the 21st and 22nd.
Lovebird hybrids
Fair numbers of lovebirds were seen around Lake Naivasha several appearing like “Fischers” and others like “Yellow Collared”, but also a number which were simply “hybrids”. Two Yellow Collared Lovebirds were identified at Malindi on the 29th with another 1 on the 1st. According to Zimmerman, feral Yellow Collared Lovebirds breed around Mombasa.
1991 Trip:
Hybrid brids seen on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Lovebirds at Lake Naivasha.
Great Blue Turaco – Corythaeola cristata
1991 Trip:
10 of these superb Turacos were seen on the 29th in the Kakamega Forest, with 2 on the 1st, again at Kakamega. One of the highlights of the trip.

A distant Great Blue Turaco in the Kakamega Forest.
Ross’s Turaco – Musophaga rossa
1991 Trip:
Only seen in the Masai Mara, and chiefly at the Kichwa Tenbo Lodge, with 1 on the 3rd, 2 on the 4th, 8 on the 5th and 1 on the 6th. Superb!

Ross’s Turaco in the Masai Mara.
Schalow’s Turaco – Tauarco schalowi
1991 Trip:
Five seen on the 1st,and 1 on the 6th in the Masai Mara.
Hartlaub’s Turaco – Tauraco hartlaubi
Six seen on the river walk near the Outspan Hotel in the Aberdares on the 18th.
1991 Trip:
Three seen on the 18th, 7 on the 19th,and 1 on the 20th all in the Mt. Kenya area.
White Crested Turaco – Tauraco leucolophus
1991 Trip:
Just 2 seen on the 30th, near Madende Creek.
Bare Faced Go Away Bird – Corythaixoides personata leopoldi
Ten seen well in the Masai Mara on the 26th with 2 there on the 27th.
1991 Trip:
Just 2 seen in the Masai Mara on the 5th.
Bare Faced Go Away Bird in the Masai Mara.
White Bellied Go Away Bird – Corythaixoides leucogaster
Recorded at most of the Eastern National Parks and in the Lake Baringo area with a maximum of 25 on the 20th at Samburu. Not recorded at Nairobi, Lake Naivasha or in the Masai Mara, or at the coast.
1991 Trip:
Recorded in fair numbers on six dates, with a maximum of 8 on the 22nd, and 25th.

White Bellied Go-Away-Bird.
Eastern Grey Plantain-Eater – Crinifer zonurus
1991 Trip:
Just 3 seen on the 30th, in the Madende Creek area.
Jacobin Cuckoo – Oxylophus jacobinus
One seen in flight at Lake Baringo on the 23rd.
1991 Trip:
Just one seen on the 17th near Nairobi.
Black Cuckoo – Cuculus clamosus
One seen very well in Nairobi Nat. Pk. on the 13th.
Red Chested Cuckoo – Cuculus solitarius solitarius
An immature seen at Lake Naivasha on the 24th, and an adult and 2 immatures at the same site on the 25th.
1991 Trip:
A single bird on the 20th.
Another poor record shot of a Red Chested Cuckoo at Lake Naivasha.
Eurasian Cuckoo – Cuculus canorus canorus
1991 Trip:
Just a single bird seen on the 21st at Samburu.
African Emerald Cuckoo – Chrysococcyx cupreus cupreus
1991 Trip:
One of these fine cuckoos was seen in the Kakamega Forest on the 1st.
Klaas’s Cuckoo – Chrysococcyx caprius
1991 Trip:
Singles seen on the 17th, and the 19th at Mountain Lodge. With one on the 4th in the Masai Mara.
Diederik Cuckoo – Chrysococcyx caprius
1991 Trip:
Seen at Samburu, with 2 on the 20th, 1 on the 21st and 22nd. One seen at River Nzoia on the 30th.
Yellowbill – Ceuthmochares aereus australis
One found in the bushes by the golf course at Malindi on the 28th.
1991 Trip:
Two seen on the 1st, in the Kakamega Forest.
White Browed Coucal – Centropus superciliosus
Seen almost daily in small numbers but not recorded in the Masai Mara.
1991 Trip:
Recorded in small numbers on 10 dates with a maximum of 4 on the 1st.

Pair of White Browed Coucals at the coast near Malindi.
Senegal Coucal – Centropus senegalensis senegalensis
1991 Trip:
Just 2 seen on the 30th,at Madende Creek area.
Blue Headed Coucal – Centropus monachus
1991 Trip:
Just a single bird seen, on the 30th, at the River Nzoia area.
African Scops Owl – Otus senegalensis
1991 Trip:
One came to tape playback on the 25th at the Maralal Safari Lodge and showed well.
White Faced Scops Owl – Otus leucotis
Two superb birds were seen very well in daylight at Lake Baringo on the 22nd, and 23rd.
1991 Trip:
Again seen at the cliff face at Lake Baringo with one on the 26th and 2 on the 27th.
White Faced Scops Owl at Lake Baringo.
Spotted Eagle Owl – Bubo africanus cinerascens
A single bird recorded on all three dates at Lake Baringo. Excellent day time views obtained and it belonged to the dark eye race.
1991 Trip:
One seen on the 27th at Lake Baringo, belonged to the dark eye race, and one on the journey back to Nairobi, on the 6th had yellow eyes.
The dark eyed race has now been split and is now know as Grayish Eagle Owl.
Grayish Eagle Owl at Lake Baringo.
Verreaux’s Eagle Owl – Bubo lacteus
Just a single bird seen in the Masai Mara on the 26th.
1991 Trip:
One seen on the 18th, at Mountain Lodge, 2 on the 21st at Samburu, and a superb party of 3 in the day light on the 3rd in the grounds of Lake Naivasha, giving excellent views.
Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl at Lake Naviasha.
Pearl Spotted Owlet – Glaucidium perlatum licua
Two single birds seen at Samburu on the 19th, and 20th.
1991 Trip:
Three seen on the 21st at Samburu, and one showed very close at Marsabit Lodge on the 22nd.